All NHS Improvement articles – Page 105

  • Calculator

    Exclusive: Trusts' capital spending plans unaffordable by £1bn


    NHS Improvement says trusts’ capital spending expectations are £1bn more than the resources available Trusts asked to defer non-urgent spending to 2017-18 Concerns over some organisations, whose chief executive and chair have been asked to review their forecasts NHS trusts have been told their capital spending plans for ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Shifting risk to commissioners, and no more sandwiches


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Bank balance

    Trusts offered lower interest on bailouts to hit finance targets


    Lower interest rates on loans offered as incentive for trusts to deliver control total for the year, as DH seeks to stay within parliamentary spending limit Dozens of providers with financial deficits are reliant on “revolving” loans to ensure staff and invoices can be paid Loans carry an interest ...

  • Ruth May

    Pressure on NHS 'toughest I have ever seen', says NHSI director


    Trusts need support to recruit and retain staff, says NHS Improvement nursing director Nursing directors say they plan more overseas recruitment this year Some trusts may have harder to achieve staffing plans compared with others One of England’s most senior nurses has said the pressures facing the health ...

  • News

    Quarter of trusts in dispute with NHS Improvement over finance targets


    Around 60 out of 238 trusts have refused to agree their financial “control total” for next year Control totals require provider sector to deliver average efficiency savings of 4 per cent Majority of providers have agreed their contracts with commissioners, with fewer than 10 thought to require a formal ...

  • HSJ Value In Healthcare Awards

    HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards shortlist revealed


    The organisations in the running to win one of the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017 at have been revealed.

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Exclusive: Doctors' views used to expose failing services


    NHS Improvement looking at trusts in lowest quintile of GMC’s doctors in training survey Regulator also believes concerns expressed by HEE can identify “trusts teetering on the brink of lasting A&E performance failure” See the most recent survey results NHS Improvement will use the satisfaction rates of junior ...

  • Sir Leonard Fenwick
    HSJ Local

    MP demands trust explains Sir Leonard Fenwick extended leave


    A Newcastle MP has called on his local acute foundation trust to be more transparent and give a “reasonable explanation” as to why its chief executive, Sir Leonard Fenwick, is on extended leave.

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    Updated: Prestigious teaching trust exits special measures


    CQC recommends Cambridge University Hospitals exits special measures after being rated good in latest inspection CQC praises the trust for improving staffing levels and governance Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust has left special measures after it was rated good in its last inspection.

  • Bryan kessie

    E-rostering: Helping hospitals ease winter pressures and boost staff morale


    How effective staff management through e-rostering can help hospitals to meet challenges, improving staff morale and patient’s experience

  • Whistle

    More than 30 trusts do not have a whistleblower guardian


    33 trusts yet to appoint a freedom to speak up guardian National guardian Henrietta Hughes says she will alert national bodies if progress is not made She says: “NHS still has distance to go to create a universally open and honest culture” More than 30 hospital trusts are ...

  • Mike Durkin image

    NHS like a 'rabbit in headlights', says national safety director


    Mike Durkin says “grown up” conversations between managers and clinicians are not always happening as hospitals come under intense pressure He says staff are still afraid to raise safety concerns Comments come as many accident and emergency departments have been overwhelmed since Christmas One of the NHS’s most ...

  • Gesticulating hands in meeting

    'Last resort' contract talks spiked in 2016-17


    The number of “last resort” arbitrations in contract disputes between commissioners and providers for 2016-17 contracts was almost double that of the previous year, HSJ can reveal.

  • News

    Exclusive: Outperforming trusts could get 'preferential access' to capital


    NHS Improvement discussing potential scheme with the Department of Health Comes after regulators confirmed trusts able to meet or better their control total will receive “bonus” payment Trusts have previously been warned over the scarcity of capital funding in coming years Regulators are seeking to give “preferential access” ...

  • Handshake
    HSJ Local

    Chief executive of struggling trust takes NHS Improvement role


    Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT chief executive Karen Jackson seconded to NHS Improvement Ms Jackson will advise and support the regulator’s emergency care improvement programme for six months The chief executive of a struggling hospital trust is being seconded to NHS Improvement to advise on improving emergency care.

  • Dave west expert briefing

    HSJ's Best of 2016: Expert Briefings


    Over Christmas and New Year, we are bringing you a round-up of some of HSJ’s highlights from 2016. Today we look at our Expert Briefing newsletters

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    HSJ's Best of 2016: Top stories


    Heartfelt appeals on whistleblowing and the EU referendum, a massive leak from BMA negotiations and the latest HSJ100 rankings all feature in our most popular articles of the year

  • Cardiac surgery

    Making a drama out of a crisis: the cancellation of elective operations


    Methods must be developed to be better prepared for the crisis caused by winter pressures in NHS hospital systems

  • Lord Carter

    NHS efficiency league tables delayed


    Lord Carter has restated intention to publish rankings to highlight trusts with high levels of waste and inefficiency Officials expected the rankings to be published earlier this year Metrics are reliant on the strength of “reference costs” data, for which widespread non-compliance has been found Expert says there is ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    New guidance on ward staffing levels revealed


    NHS Improvement has published the first of seven new safe staffing guidance documents The work follows the suspension of NICE’s work in 2015 following the Francis Inquiry Guidance warns trusts against relying only on professional judgement to set staffing levels Decisions about how many nurses work on hospital ...