All NHS Improvement articles – Page 106

  • Financial spreadsheets

    Regulators undecided on how to assess trusts' efficiency


    Joint consultation does not commit to combing CQC ratings of quality and efficiency, despite previous expectations Use of resources assessment metrics included in the document are for “illustrative purposes” Liquidity, agency spending, cancelled operations and staff turnover “likely” to be included in trust assessment NHS regulators have yet ...

  • Barts Health NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust plans £60m extra savings by April


    Barts Health Trust plans to use £33m of non-recurrent savings to meet its financial target in 2016-17, including balance sheet adjustments and cuts to planned consultancy work.

  • A&E

    Hospitals to be rated on new A&E 'scorecard'


    New metric part of measures to “broaden oversight of A&E” and drive “greater focus” on sickest patients Four hour standard will remain “headline” target but new metric will include clinical and patient experience data Current reporting of A&E data is “very inconsistent”, says NHS Improvement Hospitals will be ...

  • Treasure chest

    Bonus pot for trusts that hit financial targets confirmed


    Bonus payments will come partly from funds allocated to providers that are not able to meet their financial targets Payments would total more than £300m if official forecasts are correct Concerns that the scheme could exacerbate problems for struggling trusts NHS trusts that are able to meet or ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Regulators will not merge before 2020, says Hunt


    Health service regulators will not be merged or restructured before the end of the current parliament in 2020, Jeremy Hunt has told HSJ.

  • hospital operation

    Exclusive: Hospitals told to stop 'most' operations over Christmas


    NHS Improvement letter tells trusts to “cease most inpatient elective activity” Move could involve rescheduling planned care “beyond any current plans” Trusts asked to cut bed occupancy from 95 per cent to 85 per cent for the next month Hospitals should focus on emergency activity over Christmas period ...

  • Professor Alison Leary

    Landmark study finds link between staffing levels and patient outcomes


    New research funded by NHS England suggests registered nurse numbers linked to improved patient outcomes Study questions use of Carter review’s care hours per patient day metric as a safe staffing tool Paper concludes staffing link to outcomes is real and can be calculated An innovative new study ...

  • UK map

    Mapped: All 44 STPs published – full coverage


    Download every STP and see HSJ’s coverage of the plans on our map

  • Richmond House

    Exclusive: Trusts could be refused bailouts to pay suppliers


    Dozens of providers have become reliant on “working capital” loans to ensure staff and invoices are paid Email seen by HSJ outlines further controls on these payments NHS trusts will not be guaranteed bailout support even when suppliers have put an account “on stop” The Department of Health ...

  • King's Mill hospital
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: Huge cost of failed trust merger


    Merger between Nottingham University Hospitals Trust and Sherwood Forest Hospitals FT cost £10m Trusts paid more than £6m for consultancy advice and £1m for clinical support Both trusts have been reimbursed for the costs after a control total adjustment was made for Sherwood Forest Hospitals Work to prepare ...

  • Calendar

    CQC sets out plan for annual trust inspections


    The Care Quality Commission is planning to “cross the threshold” of NHS trusts for inspections at least once a year, the regulator’s chair said this week.

  • Jim_Mackey

    Commissioners and providers 'miles apart' in contract talks


    Dozens of commissioners and providers have been “absolutely miles apart” in their contract negotiations, the chief executive of NHS Improvement said today.

  • Calculator

    NHS Improvement tells trusts not to hide financial risks


    Concerns were revealed in a question and answer document issued by NHS Improvement yesterday Trust leaders said regional officials had pressured them “to not reveal” its deteriorating position NHSI has urged leaders to report problems to its senior leadership team Trust leaders have expressed concern over being pressured ...

  • Sharon Renouf

    PFI contracts: stick or twist?


    ‘Buying out’ a PFI contract would be a nuclear option – the better solution would be to simply manage it better

  • News

    Analysis: Trusts 'on track' with finances forecast major deterioration


    Several trusts revised their year-end forecast internally by up to £20m New protocol meant numbers published by NHS Improvement suggested providers were on course to meet their target Trusts forecasting significant deterioration include Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership, King’s College Hospital and University Hospitals North Midlands NHSI says ...

  • meeting

    Mackey warns of action against 'unacceptable' interim manager pay


    Jim Mackey tells trust leaders he is prepared to take more action against unacceptably high pay rates for interim managers Letter sets out new guidance for appointing interim managers Trusts urged to help “build the NHS’s future leaders” NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey has told trust leaders ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Flickers in a pitch black tunnel


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • clinical_leader_woman_manager_hospital

    Trusts with dangerous staffing levels face NHS Improvement intervention


    NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey says NHSI will demand evidence on workforce changes Regulator will develop a “safeguard” to prevent nursing associates substituting for qualified nurses Ruth May confirms nursing associates will also be counted separately to nurses in care hours metric Health economies and NHS providers’ ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: I'll cut locum doctors pay 'if I have to'


    NHS Improvement chief executive says regulator will take tougher approach to medical locum spend It may further reduce the pay cap in future if necessary Regulator will use locum cost data to identify unsustainable services NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey has told HSJ the regulator will now ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: Trusts will not be 'intimidated or bullied', says Mackey


    Jim Mackey says he wants to give “the keys back to providers” to run their organisations NHS Improvement will hold people to account “professionally” with no bullying or aggression On clinical leadership, Mr Mackey said he “couldn’t care less” what people’s background was if they have the right skills ...