All NHS Improvement articles – Page 108

  • city of london

    London NHS organisations call for 'whole system' regulation


    STP requests national bodies regulate accountable care organisations as a “single system” rather than on an individual organisation basis North East London plan outlines capital investment needs of £500m-£600m and asks for central support to cover “above normal” PFI costs Footprint to set up GP practices with diagnostic capability, ...

  • Older people's services

    MPs: Services 'likely to suffer' after UnitingCare contract collapse


    Services “likely to suffer” in wake of £750m contract breakdown, say MPs “Incompetent, grossly irresponsible” NHS bodies showed business acumen which would “embarrass a child in a sweet shop” NHS England told to address commercial skills gap in NHS after “catalogue of failures” Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning ...

  • Jane Cummings

    National nurse leaders defend plans for new support role


    Senior nurses in England sign letter defending plans for nursing associate role Letter confirms nursing associates will take on tasks currently performed by nurses New research says substituting nurses for non-nurses increases mortality risk The most senior nurses in England have defended plans for the new nursing associate ...

  • Ruth May

    Exclusive: Chief nurse 'will intervene to back nursing directors on staffing levels'


    NHS Improvement says safe staffing guidance will be evidence based Ruth May says she will intervene to support directors of nursing in decisions Work follows the suspension of safe nurse staffing work by NICE in 2015 NHS Improvement’s chief nurse will intervene to back nursing directors where they ...

  • Workforce

    NHS Improvement still considering how to count nursing associates


    NHS Improvement yet to decide whether nurse associates will be counted as registered nurses in Carter care hours metric New drive on pressure ulcers will see top performances paired with worst NHS Improvement has not yet decided how to count nursing associates as part of a proposed high-profile ...

  • Marianne Griffiths
    HSJ Local

    Leaders of outstanding trust to take over special measures neighbour


    Western Sussex FT leaders to take charge of Brighton and Sussex trust Arrangement is “not a merger” says Brighton chief executive Trusts “will continue to operate as two separate organisations” NHS Improvement sets up “improvement oversight group” The chief executive and chair of Western Sussex Hospitals Foundation Trust ...

  • News

    CCGs warned over withholding payments from mental health providers


    New guidance published to help mental health sector move away from block contracts Contracts should be either a capitated or episodic and have a proportion of payment linked to outcomes and targets Warning that CCGs withholding outcome based payments from struggling organisations risk creating an “adversarial relationship” Local ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing

    Analysis: The NHS's financial plan is dead in the water


    HSJ’s latest analysis of trusts’ financial performance shows any chance of hitting the target agreed with the Treasury is disappearing quickly, writes Lawrence Dunhill

  • deficit_finance

    Exclusive: Trusts' deficit forecast more than £250m worse than feared


    Trust forecast figures suggest a deficit of £850m, compared to the planned £580m Mid-year trust forecasts are seen by NHS leaders as a key indicator of whether financial recovery plans have been successful Experts warn that performance could deteriorate further in second half of the year The NHS ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Big reveals and a welcome warning


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Compton chine isle of wight

    Exclusive: STP told its capital demand 'highly unlikely' to be met


    STP members told capital funds to transform services unlikely to be granted NHS England NHS Improvement regional directors tell leaders in Hampshire to be “significantly more conservative” The leaders of one sustainability and transformation plan have been told by NHS England and NHS Improvement it is “highly unlikely” ...

  • Sir Mike Richards

    Exclusive: Quality and financial regulation could be joined, says Mike Richards


    Professor Sir Mike Richards says in future there might not be separate regulation of quality and finance Chief inspector of hospitals says rating trusts for use of resources is the “most challenging” issue for the CQC in the year ahead NHS Improvement director Kathy McLean says struggling trusts will ...

  • mental health parity

    Revealed: The CCGs cutting mental health budgets


    New data shows more than a fifth of commissioners are not raising mental health funding as much as directed by NHS leaders 46 of the 209 CCGs have failed to achieve the “parity of esteem” mental health budget increase Eight CCGs have cut planned mental health spending over the ...

  • Bank balance

    STP needs £755m of capital funding to succeed, says leaked document


    HSJ has obtained a version of Cheshire and Mersey STP submission to NHS England The document highlights strategic risks involved in the plans around a lack of contingency funding and management capacity £755m of capital funding required to deliver the plans More than £750m of capital funding is ...

  • board room
    HSJ Local

    Regulator imposes new chair at Southern Health


    Alan Yates appointed as interim chair at Southern Health following Tim Smart’s resignation NHS Improvement “required” the troubled trust to appoint Mr Yates to the position Mr Yates will lead a review of the trust’s services The new interim chair appointed by regulators at Southern Health Foundation Trust ...

  • Man with clipbaord making notes

    Exclusive: CQC warned NHS Improvement over new trust rating system


    CQC’s consultation response to NHS Improvement single oversight framework said the regulators’ rating systems do not “align” NHSI’s financial metrics would not be “suitable” for CQC to use despite plans to work together to on financial measurements CQC also criticised the “narrow view” taken on how well led a ...

  • David Williams
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: Can a long distance relationship work?


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View. By integration reporter David Williams.

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Tough times in Southport


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern’s Risk Register: What we say about nursing matters


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Glen Burley
    HSJ Local

    Trusts make first moves towards hospital chain


    South Warwickshire directors and chair to be appointed to Wye Valley Trust Hospital chain under development, to be led by South Warwickshire. Trusts will retain separate boards initially No plans to consolidate clinical services Three board members from South Warwickshire Foundation Trust are being appointed to run Wye ...