All NHS Improvement articles – Page 119

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt rejected expert advice on independence of safety branch


    Expert advisers urged health secretary to make new investigation branch independent They also called for all relevant information to be shared with patients and families Government actions risk undermining “effectiveness and public confidence”, says charity boss The health secretary rejected the advice of safety experts who urged him ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: War and peace


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Hospital staff
    HSJ Local

    Agencies given ultimatum amid clash over pay cap


    Staffing agencies that do not comply with salary caps introduced last month could be ejected from the marketplace, NHS Improvement has indicated.

  • Hospital ward

    Analysis: 20 trusts behind half of A&E performance decline


    Twenty trusts responsible for most of the rise in A&E four hour target breaches Eight of the trusts also drove last year’s decline Smaller trusts disproportionately driving the decline Eight trusts hit the 95 per cent target for 2015-16 overall Twenty hospitals trusts are responsible for more than ...

  • NHS_Norfolk_Norwich
    HSJ Local

    Watchdog sends troubleshooter to Norfolk trust


    Financial turnaround director sent into Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals Director will help develop short term recovery plan and help implement the plan Move is part of new NHS Improvement financial improvement programme Trust forecasting a £14.4m deficit for 2015-16 as of March APPOINTMENT: NHS Improvement has ...

  • Prof David Fish

    Regulators warned over 'mixed messages' to success regime


    UCLPartners boss sets out concerns to Jim Mackey after experience with Essex success regime Sir David Fish cites unrealistic targets and insufficient central support for areas driving major reconfiguration Warns regulators that “old style” approaches would hamper collaboration However, he says he is “very impressed” with recent changes made ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    NHS Improvement: Trusts lost £65m of activity during strikes


    Provider sector lost £65m of activity during strike days Emergency department performance improved on full walkout days NHS Improvement says it cannot be certain there were no clinical incidents for several weeks Strike action by junior doctors cost the NHS provider sector £65m in lost in activity, NHS ...

  • Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals

    Trusts named for consultancy turnaround programme


    NHS Improvement has revealed the 16 trusts in the first wave of its £25m turnaround programme.

  • UK map

    Revealed: The best and worst financial performers in your region


    Data collected by HSJ has revealed the acute trusts with the deepest financial problems, including three providers with a deficit of around 20 per cent of their turnover.

  • News

    Official figures reveal £2.45bn NHS provider deficit


    Figures published by NHS Improvement show the provider sector ended 2015-16 with a deficit of £2.45bn.

  • Crispin dowler expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: 2015-16 is the year that won't end


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings, and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Regulator to probe 'whistleblower' ambulance trust


    REGULATION: NHS Improvement has launched an investigation into South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust, following allegations made by a whistleblower.

  • Anita charlesworth 3x2

    The firebreak is not enough and the plan is unravelling at frightening speed


    All parts of the NHS must work together if the cataclysmic financial storm is to be survived

  • News

    NHS providers end year with £2.7bn deficit, HSJ research reveals


    NHS providers have fallen almost £1bn short of their revised financial target for 2015-16, according to locally reported figures This is despite the positive impact of dozens of “capital to revenue transfers” Risk that Department of Health will breach its spending limit for the year, experts warn Charlesworth: DH ...

  • Calculator

    Stevens warns trusts must make more savings this year


    Some trusts were “mistaken” in believing they could choose their own level of deficit for 2016-17, Stevens says He warns that some trusts have still not agreed control totals and are forecasting “pretty big” deficits Warns that some trusts with large deficits in 2015-16 will need to “make more ...

  • Richard Murray

    Why the DH may still have to reach into its pocket


    Many trusts and CCGs may turn to the Department of Health for additional financial support in 2016-17

  • Royal Preston hospital

    'Safe harbour' promise for NHS leaders planning controversial changes


    Simon Stevens promises “safe harbour” for NHS leaders making controversial changes as part of STPs He says “support and shelter” needed to prevent “lots of leadership churn” as plans are implemented Cites Lancashire’s A&E downgrade as “a responsible set of actions under difficult circumstances” NHS leaders planning to ...

  • Jim mackey

    'Not true' that CCGs must always use competitive tenders, says regulator


    NHS Improvement issues procurement guidance to CCGs Briefing note confirms new EU rules will force new contracts to be advertised Regulator emphasises alternatives to competitive tendering NHS Improvement has told commissioners that competitive tenders are not always needed to choose a provider, following the introduction of a strict ...

  • Peterborough City Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Cambridgeshire trusts could merge by 2017


    Peterborough and Hinchingbrooke to consider merging by April 2017 Outline business case says merging would deliver £9m savings a year The recommendation will be discussed by both trust boards next week Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals Foundation Trust and Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust will consider a merger of the ...

  • Colchester Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Troubled trust to appoint new chief executive and chair


    HSJ understands CEO and chair from neighbouring Ipswich Hospital are to replace incumbents at Colchester The duo will retain their Ipswich roles, it is understood Move follows regulators announcing trusts were to form a new “long term partnership” If confirmed, Ipswich CEO would become fifth chief at Colchester in ...