All NHS Improvement articles – Page 120

  • Office

    NHS Improvement reveals plans for major staff shake-up


    NHS Improvement has begun consultation on new staff structure with 1,113 full-time equivalents, down from 1,244 last year Large number of vacancies means it expects to make only a few redundancies Regulator aims to move to single oversight model for trusts and FTs in 3-6 months, staff told It ...

  • Alastair McLellan

    The Carter review is not motoring, it is stuck in the garage


    HSJ makes no apology for returning to the question of how the NHS is expected to deliver the punishing efficiency targets it has been handed for this parliament. There is no greater challenge and failure to deliver poses no greater threat for the health service.

  • Karin smyth high res

    The public needs to know where the buck stops


    One year as an MP and I’m still none the wiser about lines of accountability in the NHS

  • Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

    Problems at Southern Health 'not a one off'


    NHS England’s national clinical director for learning disability says problems identified at Southern Health not confined to one provider Dominic Slowie says failure to properly investigate and learn from the deaths of people with learning disabilities reflect “societal attitude” NHS England has launched the world’s first national review of ...

  • Katrina Percy

    Exclusive: Southern Health could be split up, sources say


    Southern Health Foundation Trust could be broken up or another inquiry ordered Health secretary was due to consider the options for the trust’s future Future of Southern Health’s leadership unclear The trust at the centre of a care quality row could be broken up, HSJ understands. This is ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Two steps forward


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Ben clover expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    London Eye: Fewer trusts, fewer beds?


    Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover Sign up here to get London Eye by email

  • Theatre pressures

    Elective waiting list reaches nine year high


    NHS England admits elective waiting list could be as high 3.7m people Service appears to have breached 92 per cent waiting time target for 2015-16 March saw highest number of patients waiting more than a year since December 2012 The number of patients waiting for an elective procedure ...

  • Crispin dowler expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Breaking down the £22bn


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings, and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Neil Modha
    HSJ Local

    Most challenged STP footprint gets extra support


    Neil Modha was named leader of the sustainability and transformation plan for the area, which HSJ has identified as the most financially challenged in England. CCG has now confirmed he will also step down as STP leader when he leaves the group NHS Improvement heavily involved in the STP’s ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Clearing the FT pipeline


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • board table

    Trust chiefs speak out against 'bullying' regulators


    Chief executives find job rewarding but warn of lack of support from national bodies and regulators “Oppressive” scrutiny hampers innovation, King’s Fund report finds NHS England summit described as “ritual humiliation and bullying session” by one former trust boss Health Act 2012 criticised for ‘disastrous’ impact on the system ...

  • Alastair McLellan

    Urgent action is needed to save the NHS’s efficiency drive


    The Carter efficiency drive has been going nowhere fast, but needs to be a mainstream priority

  • Crispin dowler expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Squeezing the capital budget


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings, and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Shaun Lintern
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Common sense judgments, please


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Hexham general hospital

    'Remarkable' trust given CQC’s top rating


    Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust becomes fourth provider to be rated outstanding Trust rated outstanding in unprecedented 20 core services Until November it was run by Jim Mackey, now chief executive of NHS Improvement Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust has become the fourth in the country to be rated outstanding ...

  • Wansbeck general hospital

    Northumbria chief: NHS leaders should 'grasp the nettle' on reconfiguration


    Chief executive of outstanding rated trust says NHS leaders should “grasp the nettle” when it comes to reconfiguration David Evans: “Continuity” of Northumbria’s leadership key to CQC rating Says Jim Mackey “hugely” contributed to the success of the trust The chief executive of Northumbria Healthcare Foundation trust has ...

  • Ben_Clover

    Analysis: NHS Improvement can make RTT picture clearer, not prettier


    News of NHS Improvement’s waiting times validation project comes at an interesting point for those affected by referral to treatment data.

  • Numbers

    NHS Improvement to check waiting lists of 60 trusts


    Waiting times data to be checked at 60 trusts in £2m project Performance on referral to treatment declining nationally Large hospital trusts not reporting their waiting times data NHS Improvement has launched a £2m project to see how many patients on trust waiting lists for elective procedures are ...

  • News

    Revealed: The capital projects deferred in 'undignified scramble'


    £270m of deferred spending identified, much of which relates to projects such as building maintenance, IT infrastructure and the purchase of new equipment. Twenty biggest transfers listed. Download full details of the capital-to-revenue transfers identified Sources told HSJ they are seriously concerned that key capital projects could be jeopardised ...