All NHS Improvement articles – Page 124

  • News

    NHS providers facing £2.8bn deficit for 2015-16


    Provider sector’s current trajectory would result in a full-year deficit of £2.8bn for 2015-16, but “additional opportunities” for savings still being implemented Regulators target a deficit of £1.8bn, to prevent the Department of Health from breaching its revenue spending limit for NHS has been told that any overspend this ...

  • Ian Cumming

    Trusts may lose training cash if they don’t impose contract, warns HEE


    HEE chief executive Ian Cumming says he is not prepared to see a competitive market between trusts with different junior doctor contracts Adoption of new contract will be key criteria for HEE decisions on training posts with NHS trusts Follows speculation some trusts could choose not to adopt the ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: Junior doctors’ contract should be 'consistently' implemented


    Jim Mackey says NHS Improvement will “do all we can” to ensure consistent implementation He says Sir David Dalton deserves the full support of trust chief executives and chairs Mr Mackey calls social media attacks on chief executives “unacceptable and unprofessional” The chief executive of NHS Improvement has ...

  • Targets

    One in three trusts reject financial targets for next year


    Regulators issued a financial “control totals” to every trust in England for 2016-17, which they must agree to, to secure their share of the £1.8bn sustainability and transformation fund NHS Providers says two-thirds of trusts have accepted their offer, but many have done so with conditions and caveats Finance ...

  • Savings must be found without any additional transitional finance to help establish new services

    Whistleblowing finance director warns trusts may be pushed to ‘cook the books’


    Finance director tells MPs regulators are pressurising providers to “potentially mislead the public and government departments” over their finances Trusts urged to meet their targets in 2015-16 to help DH balance revenue budget, and achieve financial balance next year Other finance director tells HSJ “they know where he or ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: NHS Improvement executive director team revealed


    NHS Improvement executive team names revealed The new organisation, replacing Monitor and the TDA, will today set out how it plans to work Announces new ‘improvement faculty’ and networks for clinical leaders No competition and cooperation director in top team NHS Improvement has appointed its executive director team, ...

  • Hand shake

    Exclusive: DH hired headhunters to find new regulator chief


    The Department of Health spent thousands on a headhunting firm to recruit the head of NHS Improvement, only a few months before trusts were warned against using the firms for their own executive posts, HSJ can reveal.

  • USA flag

    Carter calls for US style ‘meaningful use’ clause to drive tech adoption


    Efficiency review supports US style standards to drive uptake of new technology Report recommends lead role for NHS Improvement Boards should be held directly accountable for digital standards, says report NHS system leaders should put a US style “meaningful use” clause into provider contracts to require hospitals ...

  • Workforce

    New staffing metric 'may lead to unsafe nursing levels'


    ‘Care hours’ metric to be ‘principal’ measure for nursing deployment Experts say using metric could lead to unsafe staffing Concerns include the mixing of nurse and healthcare assistant numbers Lord Carter says trusts should also use separate data on nurses and HCAs A new headline staffing metric proposed ...

  • Pathology

    Tell trusts whether to outsource this year, says Carter


    Lord Carter recommends trusts determine whether their in-house departments are viable this year Urges NHS Improvement to develop benchmarks for admin costs, pharmacy and pathology Methodology used for review has been criticised Trusts should find out this year whether they will be forced to outsource their administration, pathology ...

  • David Cameron

    Fifteen trusts asked to pay executives more than prime minister


    Fifteen trusts applied for permission to pay an executive more than the prime minister Providers must get Treasury approval for salaries above £142,500 NHS Improvement leaders say finding the right managers is biggest problem facing providers Fifteen trusts have applied for permission to pay at least one board ...

  • Regulation jpg
    HSJ Knowledge

    Get to the bottom of the CQC strategy consultation


    Improving its use of data, a single shared view of quality and assessment of the use of resources are among the key focus areas in the Care Quality Commission’s final consultaion on its 2016-21 strategy. Samantha Cox writes

  • boardroom table and chairs

    Monitor considering putting 25 trusts into turnaround with management consultancies


    Monitor considering putting up to 25 trusts into turnaround Process would be the largest programme of intervention in the acute sector since the “Keogh reviews” process in 2013 HSJ understands a list of the target trusts has not yet been drawn up Monitor has sounded out management consultancies ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: Success regime not working fast enough


    Jim Mackey criticises pace of success regime programmes NHS Improvement board notes “short window” for statutory consultations around service change Chief executive stresses these are “once and for all” changes The chief executive of NHS Improvement has criticised the speed with which the success regime programme has made ...

  • Agency nurses

    New data suggests agency price cap is working


    Monitor data suggests 40 per cent drop in number of agency shifts breaching new price caps Largest fall was in nursing, where breaches dropped by 47 per cent Lower levels of pay and new rules to roll out over next few months The number of NHS shifts by ...

  • Agency nurse

    More than a quarter of trusts asked to breach agency cap


    More than a quarter of trusts ask Monitor permission to breach “ceiling” on agency spend in September Nearly a quarter are successful New price cap due to take effect next week More than a quarter of trusts asked Monitor to increase their agency spending cap last year, HSJ ...

  • David Behan

    Exclusive: Regulators plot new 'single view of quality'


    CQC chief executive says local NHS should change its quality monitoring and governance The CQC “will use NHS Improvement’s assessment of efficiency” Regulator has “come away from the use of the phrase co-regulation” The Care Quality Commission has promised to develop a “single shared view of quality” across ...

  • Crispin Dowler

    Moves to rescue the DH's bottom line look increasingly desperate


    As the NHS approaches the end of one of the toughest years in its history, the Deparment of Health is going to desperate measures not to bust its budget, writes Crispin Dowler

  • NHS estates

    Carter report: Hospitals face new limits on underused land


    Carter recommends hospitals be ordered to operate with no more than 35 per cent non-clinical floor space and 2.5 per cent unoccupied or underused space DH should set up “invest to save energy fund” to cut down on power bills All trusts must be at average or above levels ...

  • Nurses

    Carter to back new measure of nurse productivity


    Carter to call for new “principal” measure of nursing deployment to be introduced from April “Care hours per patient day” derived from nursing and healthcare assistant hours per inpatient Review expected to call for “national people strategy” to tackle absenteeism, bullying and turnover Will also back clampdown on use ...