All NHS Improvement articles – Page 125

  • Lord Carter

    Exclusive: Carter calls for cap on hospital management costs


    Lord Carter proposes cap on hospital corporate and management spending Draft of his unreleased report recommends expenditure does not exceed 7 per cent of income Trusts above this must submit plans for reduction against national benchmarks Lord Carter is set to recommend that all hospital trusts’ management and ...

  • Doctor

    'Off-framework' ban extended to agency doctors


    Ban on “off-framework” staff providers extended to all agency procurement, including doctors Some agencies have refused to support the rules, regulators say Trusts in the South West currently unable to operate within the capped rates The ban on NHS trusts using “off-framework” staffing agencies will be extended to ...

  • Busy hospital

    NICE leak reaction: Trusts should use guidance says college president


    Royal College of Emergency Medicine president says scale of A&E understaffing could be 50 per cent Dr Cliff Mann says trusts should use leaked NICE guideline to conduct gap analysis on nurse staffing levels CQC expects providers to use “any tool they deem appropriate” to ensure safe care ...

  • coins toppling

    NHS ordered to use fines to boost DH bottom line


    All fines for breaches of performance targets must now be used to improve provider or commissioner bottom lines, national bodies have decreed Commissioners will not be able to use money from fines to address causes of poor performance Move is intended to help Department of Health avoid blowing its ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: NHS Improvement executive team structure revealed


    NHS Improvement agrees executive team structure for after Monitor-TDA meger Eleven executives will report directly to Jim Mackey Posts are open to applicants from the regulators’ senior teams and affected NHS England staff NHS Improvement expected announce appointments by mid-February NHS Improvement has agreed the structure of the ...

  • Shaun_Lintern

    Expert view: Leaked safe staffing guideline demands action from the NHS


    HSJ’s patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern argues that NICE’s leaked accident and emergency recommendations mean providers must take action.

  • Agency nurse

    Agency bill predicted to hit £4bn this year


    NHS provider trusts will spend £4bn on bank and agency staff in 2015-16, national NHS leaders told MPs yesterday.

  • A&E
    HSJ Local

    A&E shake-up needs £490m 'external funding support'


    Huddersfield to lose emergency services despite being twice the size of Halifax Plan will ensure full use of PFI buildings at Calderdale Royal Hospital in Halifax CCGs say plan will maintain high quality services using the resources available STRUCTURE: Commissioners may consult on plans to reconfigure acute services ...

  • Agency nurse3

    NICE releases safe staffing evidence reviews to HSJ


    NICE non-executive directors conclude publishing evidence reviews is in the public interest Sir Andrew Dillon had argued publishing the reviews could disrupt the management of the NHS Guidelines for A&E nurse staffing have not been published The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has today released to ...

  • Sir Mike Richards

    Quality and finances 'cannot trump one another', say regulators


    NHS Improvement and CQC say providers will be judged on delivering “the right quality outcomes within the resources available” Regulators promise to work together to send “single clear, consistent message” New staffing guidance and “care hours per patient day” metric due NHS Improvement and the Care Quality Commission ...

  • Pooland

    End Game: A saucer of milk for the minister


    End Game brings to you the serious nature of herbal products and a dash of pop 

  • Ipad

    NHS England advertises for Kelsey replacement


    NHS England begins search for first chief information and technology officer Job advert says role will be a “visible and influential leadership position” Candidate will oversee “strategic procurement and successful implementation” of IT priorities NHS England has launched the recruitment process for its first chief information and technology ...

  • David Hare

    Climate keeps improving for partnership with independent providers


    The spending review’s frontloaded settlement for the NHS is highly welcome and was expertly negotiated, writes David Hare

  • 2016 jpg

    The 21 questions the NHS must answer this year


    2016 is one of the NHS’s rare ‘years of opportunity’. The questions below will determine whether it is a success or failure

  • Basildon Hospital

    Search for Essex success regime leader relaunched


    System leaders launch second attempt to recruit permanent chair for Essex success regime NHS England regional team insists project has “not been delayed” as a result of the protracted appointment process Success regime has been downsized to focus on just central and south Essex System leaders have launched ...

  • Empty board room table

    Let's reward diverse boards


    Award schemes should stop rewarding organisations with unrepresentative boards, says Debbie Sorkin

  • 3002153 busy hospital

    Trusts told to shift elective capacity to A&E


    Hospitals trusts told to increase beds for A&E surge by 20 per cent Commissioners told to delay fines for cancelled electives until next financial year Senior management told “safety profile of the organisation” must be given ”’top of the office’ attention” Commissioners have been asked not to financially ...

  • 3002939 surgery equipment surgeon theatre

    Planning guidance: Access to billions in transformation funding tied to quality of 'system leadership'


    Local NHS areas must jointly agree five year “sustainability and transformation plans” over the next six months Quality of these joint plans will determine how quickly areas are able to access transformation funds from April 2017 Local leaders have until 29 January to decide the ‘geographic scope’ of their ...

  • Chris Hopson

    Remodel the NHS house while there's still some sunshine


    Chris Hopson on the planning guidance and the NHS’s challenge in 2016-17

  • Jim Mackey

    Tariff proposals will not include marginal rate for specialised services


    Providers would be required to buy high cost devices through a central price list “Sustainability fund” could be linked to performance on Carter review, agency spend and avoidable mortality Up to £500m of local capital-to-revenue transfers expected, on top of those at a national level Some areas indicating a ...