All NHS Improvement articles – Page 97

  • Clifford Mann

    Exclusive: Former royal college president to lead national A&E review


    Two well respected A&E consultants to lead GIRFT review of emergency care Cliff Mann says review will be “fair to staff” on the front line National report to reduce waste and improve efficiency due next year Two leading names in emergency medicine are to head a major project ...

  • Celia Ingham Clark

    Revealed: New national patient safety director


    Senior NHS England clinician Celia Ingham Clark has been appointed as interim national patient safety director for England in a joint appointment across NHS England and NHS Improvement, HSJ has learned.

  • Ambulance

    'Model ambulance' to be created to achieve Carter savings


    A “model ambulance” is to be created to tackle variation across England’s 10 ambulance trusts.

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

    Exclusive: Regulator expands national mental health team


    NHS Improvement appoints five new members to mental health and learning disability team They will be part of the regulator’s nursing and medical directorates The appointments are part of plans for the regulator to help trusts integrate mental and physical health care NHS Improvement has recruited five new ...

  • law

    Regulator faces religious discrimination claim over gay adoption row


    Trust non-executive director was suspended following comments on same-sex adoption Richard Page claims he has been barred from other NHS roles for his religious beliefs NHS Improvement faces tribunal in August A trust non-executive director is bringing a religious discrimination complaint against NHS Improvement, claiming he has been ...

  • Peter Dixon

    STF encourages 'dishonesty and bullying', says respected former trust chair


    Distribution of £1.8bn fund described as “economic lunacy and grossly unfair” by Sir Peter Dixon He warns that rules around STF encourage “dishonesty” and “bullying” Sir Peter also criticises regulators for failing to provide strong leadership The regime governing how additional funding is allocated to NHS trusts has ...

  • Team meeting

    NHSI to create league table for management consultants


    NHS Improvement is to produce a league table on the most effective management consultants.

  • Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Trust's financial position £60m worse than expected after audit judgement


    Auditors said land sale by the Royal Free London Foundation Trust should not register in the accounts for 2016-17 Decision does not change underlying position but means the trust misses out on incentive payments worth £14m Provider sector position for 2016-17 will also worsen by £47m A large ...

  • jim mackey 2

    Mackey: NHS trust sector expects £500m deficit this year


    Regulators previously said the trust sector would need to breakeven in 2017-18 Jim Mackey says plans set by local providers aggregated to a deficit of £496m NHS Improvement chief executive says small number of trusts account for most of the projected deficit NHS trusts are predicting a deficit ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Tide turns on PbR


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • Keith conradi 3x2

    Exclusive: HSIB chief will challenge regulators on patient safety


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch chief investigator says he will challenge regulators Keith Conradi says NHS has been “defensive” and incident investigations seen as a “bolt on” HSIB “will go where the evidence leads” The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will focus its efforts on challenging system regulators and policymakers ...

  • Mid_Stafford_hospital_sign
    HSJ Local

    Trusts need millions in extra funding for Mid Staffs dissolution


    UHNM and Royal Wolverhampton trusts both seeking millions in additional funding linked to dissolution of Mid Staffordshire FT UHNM forecasting a year-end deficit of £119m in 2017-18 Mid Staffs trust special administration process ended in March after £300m extra funding Trust leaders in the Midlands are seeking millions ...

  • Bodmin Hospital is one of many hospitals run by the trust.
    HSJ Local

    Regulator called in to settle trust’s multimillion pound rent dispute


    Cornwall Partnership Foundation Trust and NHS Property Services unable to agree lease terms after 14 months Trust refusing to pay unpaid rent worth £5.7m Arbitrators from NHS Improvement called in to resolve dispute NHS Improvement has been brought in to resolve a dispute between NHS Property Services and ...

  • kate and rhiannon davies colour
    HSJ Local

    Inquiry chair revealed amid families' criticism of regulator


    Senior midwife Donna Ockenden appointed to lead review into deaths of 15 babies and three mothers Parents criticise NHS Improvement for setting “narrow” terms of reference and excluding families Jeremy Hunt set up review after concerns over deaths and lack of investigations A senior midwife has been appointed ...

  • Bruce Keogh
    HSJ Local

    Keogh unveils safety steps after patient dies from drinking alcohol gel


    NHS England’s medical director is considering new safety measures for acute trusts after a patient died from drinking alcohol rub.

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    NHS prepares to move most junior doctors to controversial contract


    NHS trusts are gearing up to transfer the majority of junior doctors to their new contract in August.

  • contract
    HSJ Local

    Long-running contract row settled by trust and CCGs


    Mid Cheshire Foundation Trust and CCGs were unable to agree a deal on 2016-17 or 2017-18 contracts Expert determination, organised by regulators, ruled in April over the dispute The agreement has not been released but the trust described the result as “satisfactory” The dispute over a multimillion pound ...

  • Simon stevens at committee 18 october

    Ashworth: Labour backs Simon Stevens but new body will review STPs


    Labour shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth has pledged support for NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens, but said the role of reviewing sustainability and transformation plans would be handed to a reformed NHS Improvement.

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    VAT risk for major Manchester contract


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • Police
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust may face police probe


    Kettering General Hospital may face a police investigation over whistleblower allegations it deliberately manipulated RTT data Trust “absolutely refutes” allegations but admits 138 patients experienced harm due to overly long waits for operations Northamptonshire Police says it is “working in partnership” with the CQC and NHS Protect to review ...