All NHS Improvement articles – Page 99

  • nhs improvement

    Analysis: Fall in number of trusts top-rated by NHS Improvement


    Number of trusts receiving top NHS Improvement rated dropped by 14 per cent since October 2016 17 trusts have seen their rating drop, 18 have seen it improve The trusts that have either entered or exited the worst rating of four closely align with the CQC’s special measures regime ...

  • Data, paperless NHS,, information and technology, healthcare data

    Ransomware which hit NHS is based on NSA 'backdoor'


    A ransomware attack that has infected dozens of NHS trusts uses a “backdoor” to Windows which was created by the US National Security Agency, it has emerged.

  • Jeremy Corbyn

    Labour plans new NHS regulator, leaked manifesto reveals


    A Labour government would create a new “safety and excellence regulator” to oversee a revised process for regional reconfiguration of the NHS, a draft of the party’s election manifesto says.

  • Weston General Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust spends 12 per cent of income on agency staff


    England’s smallest acute trust is spending 12 per cent of its total income on plugging staffing gaps, with expenditure rising at same time as the cap on agency spending falls.

  • accident and emergency ward

    Revealed: New A&E scorecard to launch 'as early as June'


    System leaders want new measure to factor in issues such as acuity and patient experience as well as waiting times HSJ understands many of the details are still to be finalised Four hour waiting target will remain the priority A new accident and emergency scorecard to rate hospitals’ ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Crashing the devo party


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • St George’s Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Struggling trust needs £200m to replace unfit estate


    Trust submits a £200m estates plan to NHS Improvement to prop up crumbling 1970s estate Staff were left without IT facilities last summer after electrical switch malfunctioned Six buildings to be demolished because they are not fit for purpose A struggling teaching trust has submitted a £200m estates ...

  • graph_arrow_down
    HSJ Local

    Largest CCG given updated legal directions as finances sink


    Fresh legal directions given to troubled NEW Devon CCG Deadline for submission of 2017-18 operating plan is Friday CCG’s cumulative deficit now stands at £120.5m The largest clinical commissioning group in the country has been given fresh legal directions over its financial management, amid a worsening of ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: The first big move of 2017-18


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • Tim Briggs

    NHSI director to review 140 trusts' progress on cutting variation


    Professor Tim Briggs leading review to check progress in orthopaedic surgery 140 trusts to be revisited and data will be rerun Next Getting It Right First Time review into general surgery expected in the summer The leading surgeon heading a national programme to reduce unwarranted variation in NHS ...

  • Surgery

    Exclusive: Regulators predict 5 million waiting list if NHS 'does nothing'


    “Do nothing” scenario predicts elective waiting list would grow to 5 million and backlog to 800,000 Programme to improve surgeons’ productivity is expected to lessen the deterioration National waiting target for elective care has been deprioritised by national bodies The backlog of patients waiting more than 18 weeks ...

  • Bootham park psychiatric hospital york

    Regulators developing protocol for 'safe service closures'


    NHS England “should have stepped in” before mental health hospital closed with six days’ notice New national protocol agreed for sudden closures of services Quality surveillance groups to be made aware of “single items” of concern A national protocol for sudden service closure is being produced after NHS ...

  • Royal Free Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Major trust sells £50m of land to charity arm


    Royal Free Charity bought current operational site at Chase Farm Hospital for £50m This helped Royal Free London FT end 2016-17 with a £15m surplus, after it was previously forecasting a £39m deficit Charity intends to develop housing for key workers on the site Trust says the deal was ...

  • Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    Revealed: Trusts chosen to pilot new efficiency rating


    Two trusts chosen to pilot the joint CQC/NHS Improvement use of resources rating National implementation of the rating delayed due to general election, with no new timetable confirmed Metrics for assessing a trust’s use of resources appear to have been tweaked since December consultation launch Two trusts have ...

  • Colchester Hospital

    Four in five trusts spent over a year in special measures


    Fewer than one in five trusts removed from quality special measures within 12 months Initial expectation was trusts would come out within 12 months Ten trusts have spent two years or more in the regime Mike Richards says: ”What is most important is that the right changes are made ...

  • Helen Buckingham

    Seeing and hearing: reflections on how the NHS has changed


    Helen Buckingham looks back on the highs, lows and lessons from 25 years working in the health service

  • money notes

    Revealed: The STPs in line for biggest funding growth


    Benchmarking data used by NHS regulators has shown which health regions are set to receive the largest budget increases over the next four years.

  • Humber bridge
    HSJ Local

    NHSI: Trust was not using national ligature tool when woman died


    Woman hanged herself from a bath tap in mental health inpatient unit run by Humber FT Inquest returned a verdict of accidental death but coroner flagged up concerns with trust’s ligature policy to NHS Improvement NHSI says the trust was not using a prescribed national tool and had not ...

  • Joe Anderson
    HSJ Local

    NHSI blocked contract despite repeated assurances, says city mayor


    Leaders in Liverpool were twice given assurances that inspection concerns about a community provider would not stop it taking over a major contract, before regulators changed their mind, HSJ has been told by the city’s mayor.

  • Stethescope doctor clinician equipment

    IR35 tax rules will not be applied to locums retrospectively


    HMRC and NHS Improvement say there will be no retrospective action following IR35 tax changes Locums say they are being taxed without receiving employment rights NHS Improvement asks trusts to complete operational pressure situation reports Locum doctors and temporary NHS staff hit by new tax rules will not ...