All NHS IT programme articles – Page 6

  • News

    New PCT provider chair in IT plea


    The new chairman of the NHS Confederation's primary care trust provider forum, Matthew Winn, has announced his arrival with a plea for better IT systems in the sector.

  • News

    NHS Confed calls for IT programme overhaul


    The national programme for IT should be called in by government, NHS Confederation policy director Nigel Edwards has said.

  • News

    DH urges work on NHS informatics


    NHS commissioners have been told to step up work on informatics as part of a renewed drive to boost information use in service redesign.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving Care with Technology, supported by System C


    Winner: West Midlands Ambulance Service trustA technologically impressive system that allows accident and emergency to get up to speed with patients' data as it is captured by the ambulance crew

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS work experience: a staff perspective


    In the last of our series on NHS work experience, a nursing and physiotherapy assistant at Southampton General Hospital gives a staff perspective

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Knowledge and Skills


    The NHS must support managers and clinicians to develop skills and knowledge to use information more effectively. Andy Cowper reports

  • News

    Q&A: Andrew Lansley on the single-room promise


    HSJ asks Andrew Lansley about his pledge to give every patient access to a single room in five years.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Catching mental illness early


    New primary care teams are helping to catch people early in the spectrum of mental illness. Stuart Shepherd explains

  • News

    Data quality requires careful analysis


    Your article on the King's Fund's report into variations in primary care trust spending raises several issues. Although the data we used does allow an insight into spending, we warned that a degree of caution should be exercised with the figures. Data quality is an issue and so too is ...

  • News

    NHS managers lack faith in all three parties


    An exclusive poll for HSJ reveals the extent of dissatisfaction in the health service with the three main parties' policies.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Frank Burns on the health informatics review


    I've been writing this column now for two years or so and I fear this might be my last piece - not because I want to give up this marvellous platform to peddle my personal passion for clinical IT, but because I'm beginning to wonder if my difficulties in understanding ...

  • News

    £75m pledged to tackle childhood obesity


    The government is to launch a £75m national programme aimed at tackling childhood obesity and has asked local authorities and primary care trusts to align their local initiatives to the new brand - Change4Life.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS work experience: a crucial stepping stone


    In the second in our series of work experience diaries, we follow Lyndon, who spent a week at Southampton General Hospital two years ago

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NICE awards promote shared learning


    With the next stage review promoting quality over cost, now is the time to develop better ways of sharing best practice. As the closing date for the annual NICE awards nears, HSJ talks to last year's winners

  • News

    Surrey is first to agree its integrated care proposals


    The first primary care trust to unveil its plans for an integrated care pilot has warned that commissioners will have to overcome existing 'anomalies' to make the initiative work.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS work experience: getting on board


    Work experience is a valuable way of encouraging people to consider a career in the NHS. In the first of a series of work experience diaries, we meet Cara, aged 17, a work experience student at Southampton General Hospital's radiography department

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: All roads lead to IT


    BT is dedicated to a future where information technology works for healthcare on all fronts, says Lyn Whitfield

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Diamond sixty


    Who are the most influential people in the last 60 years of the National Health Service? HSJ invited a panel of prestigious judges to pick 60 people who have been central in shaping today’s NHS. This list includes politicians, managers, professionals, campaigners, civil servants, historians and designers

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Progress, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder


    The very latest view of progress with the national IT strategy is contained in the recently published document Supporting Transformation - the first of what promises to be an annual statement of programme benefits.Naturally enough this report accentuates the positive and a quick superficial read will give the intended impression ...

  • HSJ Knowledge



    The nation’s headline writers did not hold back when HM Revenue and Customs was forced to admit that it had lost the confidential details of every child benefit claimant in the country.Words like “shocking” and “fiasco” featured above the first stories about how the information had vanished after a “junior ...