All NHS long-term plan articles – Page 2
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Leaders fearing ‘punitive’ reviews
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.
HSJ Partners
Harnessing open workforce technology to enhance NHS staff wellbeing
Dr Ahmed Shahrabani, co-founder of Locum’s Nest, explores how open workforce technology transforms NHS staff wellbeing while having a positive impact for NHS trusts
The overlooked role of analysts in the NHS long-term plan
Andi Orlowski talks about the recent NHS workforce plan overlooking the importance of analysts in implementing data and AI innovations, despite their crucial role in training staff, evaluating algorithms, and ensuring equitable outcomes and the need for recognition and investment in this professional workforce
Tackling the four fold regional difference in life saving stroke care
Thrombectomy stroke treatment is a life-saving procedure, but England’s low treatment rates are causing patients to miss out. Urgent action is needed to prioritise 24/7 access and improve outcomes
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Silence on pivotal inquiries fuels safety fears
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.
Revealed: the stubborn regional variation in early cancer detection
The gap between the areas with the best and worst records on the early detection of cancer has remained almost unchanged over the past five years, new data indicates.
Revealed: the trusts with the highest locum usage
The heavy reliance of mental health trusts on locum doctors has been laid bare by new research suggesting four of the five trusts with the highest locum usage were providers from this sector.
Exclusive: Leaked data reveals ‘distressing’ scale of ‘unacceptable’ A&E waits
One in five cases in which patients attend A&E needing mental healthcare are spending more than 12 hours in the department – at least double the rate of patients with physical health problems.
‘Over a year behind’ on key maternity target, NHSE admits
Pregnant women and new mothers are facing wide variation in access to mental health support, new figures suggest, as NHS England admits national performance on a key long-term plan goal to expand services is ‘over a year behind trajectory’.
Daily Insight
The mythbuster: Focus, not collaboration, is the key to good strategy
Mirroring the concentration of a homeopathic medicine, NHS strategy lacks a good analysis-driven identification of problems and has a long list of ‘focus’ areas that wants to please everyone, writes Steve Black
Action is needed now to reverse shocking decline in stroke care
To tackle declining performance in stroke care, investment in well-evidenced interventions, and a sustainable stroke workforce is the need of the hour, writes Juliet Bouverie
‘Institutionalised’ staff ‘perpetuating long hospital stays’
Nearly half of NHS patients with a learning disability or autism are still being kept inappropriately in hospitals, several years into a key programme to reduce inpatient care, a national review reveals.
The Hewitt review could fundamentally change the way the NHS operates
To understand the nature and importance of Patricia Hewitt’s review of the role of integrated care systems announced last week it is necessary to understand its highly unusual genesis.
Four in five trusts yet to reach digitisation target
Only one in five trusts has reached the level of digitisation required by 2025 – more than three years after the target was set, tech chiefs have revealed.
NHSE drops tech target
NHS England has revealed it is no longer planning to meet a long-term plan maternity digitisation target, because of a change of approach.
PM Truss will demand cuts in ‘NHS bureaucracy’
We are mercifully nearly at the end. In a few days, we will know who will replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister. And unless the polls are completely wrong, that person will be Liz Truss. But during what has felt a long campaign with more heat than light what might ...
Large hospital trusts still missing key crisis support in A&E
Some of the country’s leading acute hospitals are not meeting a key NHS standard for mental health support in emergency departments, HSJ research suggests, with some regions faring better than others.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Vulnerable mothers falling through the cracks
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.
Exclusive: Private providers targeted in NHSE crackdown on poor quality care
NHS England has revealed plans to crack down on poor care being provided by mental health service providers.
Exclusive: New capital fund to boost beds and A&E capacity
England’s mental health inpatient system is “running very hot” and operating well above recommended occupancy levels, HSJ has been told, as new funding to address the problem is revealed.