All NHS Nottingham City CCG articles – Page 3

  • Nottingham
    HSJ Local

    Single leader to be appointed across four CCGs in ACS area


    A single leader will be appointed to drive health service commissioning across the greater Nottingham health economy, HSJ has learned.

  • HSJ Local

    Former chief to chair major teaching hospital trust


    A former chief executive has been appointed as chairman of Nottingham University Hospitals Trust.

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Trust faces 'toughest financial challenge ever'


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has warned staff it is facing its “toughest year yet” in 2017-18 after its performance deteriorated over winter.

  • Nottingham

    Community social enterprise first to be rated outstanding


    Nottingham CityCare Partnership rated outstanding CQC says it has rated four community interests companies, with Nottingham CityCare the first to get the top rating The partnership was singled out for the responsiveness of urgent care services and support offered by end of life services The Care Quality Commission ...

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Major acute trust to lose services under CCG plans


    Commissioners reveal plans to put up to seven Nottingham trust services out to tender Plans have been scaled back from December proposal to decommission 13 services CCGs believe changes will deliver better value care and patient outcomes Five services at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will be put out ...

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    More leadership turnover at major hospital trust


    The chair of Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, Louise Scull, has said she will step down later this year. The news comes just weeks after chief executive Peter Homa announced his retirement.

  • Peter Homa

    Peter Homa: I would have stayed to lead merged trust


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust chief says heroic leaders are “redundant” Peter Homa said the share of GDP funding for the NHS needed to rise He urged new leaders to be transparent and to ask for help when needed Peter Homa would have stayed on as chief executive of ...

  • Pushing trolley bed
    HSJ Local

    Trust to take back 1,500 staff after halting £200m private contract


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will take back 1,500 staff from Carillion by 1 April Contract termination follows months of complaints over standards Five year contract worth £200m was awarded in 2014 Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will terminate a five year, £200m estates and facilities contract with Carillion by ...

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: 13 services could be decommissioned at major hospital trust


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has been warned 13 services could be decommissioned CCGs want to redesign the model for another 17 services Commissioners say the changes are to be completed by July One of the largest acute trusts in the country faces 13 services being decommissioned and 17 ...

  • King's Mill hospital
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: Huge cost of failed trust merger


    Merger between Nottingham University Hospitals Trust and Sherwood Forest Hospitals FT cost £10m Trusts paid more than £6m for consultancy advice and £1m for clinical support Both trusts have been reimbursed for the costs after a control total adjustment was made for Sherwood Forest Hospitals Work to prepare ...

  • healthcare workers

    Hundreds of 'core' posts could be cut under STP proposal


    Nottinghamshire STP indicative workforce changes include 12 per cent cut in band five and similar roles Workforce appendix suggests 24 per cent increase in community and primary care workforce Plan aims to cut 200 hospital beds over the next two years Hundreds of band five nursing, social worker ...

  • Mop and bucket
    HSJ Local

    Trust seeks to terminate £200m contract


    Nottingham trust says it is seeking “managed end” to the contract with Carillion Decision follows complaints that nurses were cleaning after Carillion staff to maintain standards Five year contract meant 1,500 staff transferred to Carillion in 2014 Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will look to terminate a five year, ...

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Trusts cancel merger plan, blaming 'operational challenges'


    Plan for both trusts to merge has been cancelled They will continue to operate as stand alone organisations Operational challenges cited as a key reason Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will no longer pursue a merger with Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation Trust, the trusts have announced.

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Delay to major Midlands trust merger revealed


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust merger with Sherwood Forest Foundation Trust delayed until 2017 Trusts had hoped to merge before “busy winter period” but “work required to create the merged organisation is taking longer than expected” Sherwood Forest, which has been in special measures since 2013 and is forecasting a ...

  • Peter Homa
    HSJ Local

    £2.5bn PFI costs are not part of merger, chief executive insists


    Peter Homa says Sherwood Forest’s PFI costs “will be dealt with nationally” Nottingham University Hospitals and Sherwood Forest share chief executive and plan to merge Mr Homa to address Sherwood Forest’s “discontinuity” of leadership Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has refused to take on a £2.5bn private finance deal ...

  • Peter Homa
    HSJ Local

    Top hospital chief takes same role at neighbouring trust


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust chief executive Peter Homa will take on the same role at nearby Sherwood Forest Hospital Foundation Trust next week.

  • Nottingham
    HSJ Local

    New Midlands GP federation formed


    STRUCTURE: A general practice alliance has been formed covering nearly 80 per cent of practices in Nottingham.

  • Nottingham
    HSJ Local

    National bodies dress down local leaders over A&E and DTOCs


    NHS England and the TDA write of “disappointment” at Nottinghamshire’s performance on emergency standard and delayed discharges Local acute trusts says: “We are determined to do better and work is underway” PERFORMANCE: NHS England has chastised Nottinghamshire health leaders for the county’s deteriorating accident and emergency performance and ...

  • King's Mill hospital
    HSJ Local

    Unsustainable Midlands trust picks merger partner


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust name preferred organisation to merge with Sherwood Forest Hospitals NUH proposal was chosen because if offered the best long term benefits to patients The trust will provide immediate assistance ahead of a formal merger STRUCTURE: Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has been named as the ...

  • Waiting room

    Analysis: Size, spread and form of large scale GP groups


    HSJ has collated the most comprehensive picture so far of England’s GP networks, federations and super practices.