All NHS West Essex CCG articles – Page 2

  • Lance mc carthy2
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust appoints successor to Phil Morley


    Former Hinchingbrooke chief executive succeeds controversial chief at special measures trust Lance McCarthy led Hinchingbrooke out of special measures before its merger with Peterborough Princess Alex was rated inadequate and placed in special measures last year Troubled Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust has appointed a successor to its controversial ...

  • Heart monitor
    HSJ Local

    Trust in special measures after safety and leadership failings


    Princess Alexandra Hospital rated inadequate and placed in special measures CQC highlights serious concerns around patient safety, leadership and failure to hit key targets Inspectors says leadership could not “clearly articulate vision for trust” The Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust, which has long struggled against key performance targets, has ...

  • Computer data

    Primary care fund could be reduced by £300m, say commissioners


    CCG board papers say estates and technology transformation fund will be reduced to around £400m NHS England says CCG’s figures are inaccurate Bids for premises funding required to go through STP process Source warns the fund could be reduced to “balance the books” Commissioners have raised concerns that ...

  • Basildon Hospital

    Revealed: Funding for each success regime area


    Funding for success regimes largely spent on consultants, legal advice and establishing small core programme teams Sources tell HSJ funding is welcome but “modest” compared to challenges the areas face NHS England has allocated just over £20m to the three areas in the national success regime programme to ...

  • southend hospital

    Hospital shuts beds after CQC raises staffing ratio concerns


    Hospital forced into temporary bed closures after CQC raises concerns about staff shortages Trust also pledged “immediate action” on stroke services to ensure they are safe The trust is offering “golden handshake incentives” for newly qualified nurses in bid to secure more staff PERFORMANCE: Southend University Hospital Foundation ...

  • Southend Pier

    No plan to shut hospitals in Essex success regime


    No plans to close a hospital but downgrading of specialised and A&E units not ruled out System leaders set out six areas the Essex Success Regime will focus on Trusts to look at closer working and developing a more flexible workforce No hospitals will be closed across mid ...

  • Snowy UK street

    ‘Good Christmas’ for NHS hospitals but some trusts still struggle


    141 reports of “serious operational problems” over Christmas, compared to 336 in previous year A&E diverts also down compared to 2014-15 period Yeovil District Hospital, County Durham and Darlington, and Dartford and Gravesham Trust among strugglers Reports of “serious operational problems” at acute hospitals more than halved over ...

  • Basildon Hospital

    Search for Essex success regime leader relaunched


    System leaders launch second attempt to recruit permanent chair for Essex success regime NHS England regional team insists project has “not been delayed” as a result of the protracted appointment process Success regime has been downsized to focus on just central and south Essex System leaders have launched ...

  • Medical tray with syringe, pills and water

    Exclusive: GP groups cover most of England but ‘lack ambition and priorities’


    Large scale GP provider groups operating in 82 per cent of England’s CCG areas There are 268 federations up and running, HSJ research suggests It is estimated that these organisations cover 41 million patients Four fifths of clinical commissioning groups have at least one large scale GP provider ...

  • Community nurse with patient
    HSJ Local

    Essex merger candidate faces £126m income drop


    South Essex Partnership University FT could see income fall below £200m within four years, review says Forecast drop would be the result of losing existing contracts up for renewal in coming years The trust is in merger talks but says it will not make a decision until late 2016 ...

  • Prof David Fish

    David Fish to head up Essex success regime


    UCLPartners managing director Sir David Fish has been appointed to chair leaders’ group for Essex success regime. Group has to oversee the production of a “detailed implementation plan” by February Success regime was launched to turn around areas with serious care quality, performance and financial challenges UCLPartners ...

  • Jeremy Hunt HSJ lecture 2015

    HSJ annual lecture: Hunt defends plan for 'Ofsted style ratings' of CCGs


    A commissioning chief and GP leader have criticised Jeremy Hunt’s plan to introduce Ofsted style ratings for clinical commissioning group performance in a range of clinical areas.

  • child_accident_emergency_surgery_intubation_paediatrics.jpg
    HSJ Local

    CQC warns Mid Essex to improve urgent and emergency services


    Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust

  • Image of Anthony Marsh
    HSJ Local

    Staff petition for chief executive to remain in post


    WORKFORCE: More than 300 staff at East of England Ambulance Service have signed a petition to the health secretary calling for its departing chief executive to remain in his position.

  • Old fashioned drinks dinner party celebration

    End Game: Bar humbug at HSJ’s Confed drinks


    Tough times call for tough measures

  • David Tredinnick end game moon whitehall

    End Game: BMA's political golf is below par


    The NHS isn’t a political ball to throw around

  • Emergency department
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: District general hospital gives up standalone FT bid


    A district general hospital has become the latest organisation to abandon plans to become a standalone foundation trust.

  • Peterborough
    HSJ Local

    Single board to share risk across Cambridgeshire health economy


    STRUCTURE: Providers and commissioners across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have created a joint board for strategic planning which they hope will ultimately share financial risk across the health economy.

  • HSJ Local

    Cambridge Hospitals fined in face of 'unrelenting demand pressure'


    PERFORMANCE: Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust has highlighted that it has been fined by commissioners over the trust missing the accident and emergency waiting target, while it is facing “unrelenting demand pressure”.

  • HSJ Local

    West Essex CCG given five conditions for authorisation


    STRUCTURE West Essex clinical commissioning group (CCG) has been granted conditional authorisation with 13 conditions, the NHS Commissioning Board has announced.