All NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST articles – Page 10
HSJ Local
North Bristol plans cancer centres
SERVICE DESIGN- Plans have been submitted for two new cancer care and support centres at North Bristol NHS Trust
HSJ Local
North Bristol trust to appoint chief executive
STRUCTURE: North Bristol NHS Trust is set to recruit a new chief executive. The outcome of the Bristol Acute Services Review found that “any organisational change involving integration between United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust and North Bristol NHS Trust would be premature at this time.”
Competition authorities take their positions
The CCP and OFT could have a major influence on NHS mergers
HSJ Local
CCP to consider acute services 'merger' in Bristol
COMMERCIAL: A planned reconfiguration of acute services in Bristol could be disrupted after the Co-operation and Competition Panel decided the changes constituted a merger and announced it would assess the plans.
HSJ Local
Bristol CCGs plan new urology service
COMMERCIAL: The contract for community urology services in Bristol is to be extended on a three month rolling basis while commissioniners finalise plans for a cluster wide service.
HSJ Local
North Bristol appoints new finance director
WORKFORCE: North Bristol Trust has appointed Bill Boa as interim finance director.
Orthopaedics scrapes inside waiting target for first time
Long waits are down again, but the total number waiting is a bit higher than usual. This will become worrying, if it carries on.
HSJ Local
North Bristol renews plans to go it alone
A proposal to merge two South West trusts, creating an organisation with a turnover of almost £1bn, appears less likely to proceed after one of the organisations confirmed it was still working on an alternative plan to go it alone.
HSJ Local
North Bristol agrees to look for alternatives to pay consortium
WORKFORCE: Management at North Bristol Trust have promised staff they would explore ideas for reducing the pay bill without gong through the South West Pay, Terms and Conditions forum.
HSJ Local
Weston abandons ambition to form integrated care organisation
STRUCTURE: Plans for an integrated care organisation incorporating England’s smallest acute have been abandoned, it has been confirmed.
HSJ Local
North Somerset failing incomplete pathways target
PERFORMANCE: NHS North Somerset is failing the target for 92 per cent of patients to have been treated within 18 weeks.
HSJ Local
Bristol children's services contract set to be extended
COMMERCIAL: NHS Bristol and NHS South Gloucestershire have agreed to ask North Bristol Trust to extend their contract for provding children’s services fro two years.
Hospital baby dies in bug outbreak
A premature baby has died in hospital following an outbreak of the pseudomonas bacteria, it has emerged.
HSJ Local
North Bristol to 'concentrate' on merger
STRUCTURE: North Bristol Trust has decided not to resubmit its foundation trust application to the Department of Health’s technical committee, strategic health authority board papers reveal.
HSJ Local
North Bristol FD to take up job in Wales
WORKFORCE: North Bristol Trust deputy chief executive and finance director Steve Webster is leaving the trust to become finance director at the Cwm Taf Health Board in South Wales.
HSJ Local
Monitor warns of risks to Yeovil's plans
PERFORMANCE: Monitor has judged Yeovil District Hospital Foundation Trust is a “high risk” due to recent personnel changes and lack of financial headroom.
IT problems in Bristol threaten delivery of QIPP plans
Problems with new patient administration systems are threatening the delivery of QIPP plans.
HSJ Local
North Bristol Trust cancer patients complain of cancelled procedures
PERFORMANCE: North Bristol Trust was in the worst performing 20 per cent of trusts for changing admission dates for cancer patients, according to the results of the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey for 2011-12.
HSJ Local
Analysed: A&E performance in Bristol
This HSJ Local Briefing looks at how to reverse a decline in performance at Bristol’s A&E departments.
HSJ Local
Bristol acutes to merge
STRUCTURE: University Hospitals Bristol Foundation Trust and North Bristol Trust have agreed to work towards a merger, potentially creating an organisation with an annual turnover of almost £1 billion.