All NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST articles – Page 11
HSJ Local
Bristol urology reconfiguration moving ahead
STRUCTURE: Urology services in Bristol are on course to be centralised at North Bristol Trust by the end of the year.
HSJ Local
North Bristol outsources work to bring waiting list under control
COMMERCIAL: North Bristol Trust is outsourcing £1.6m of surgical work in order to meet performance on the 18-week referral to treatment target.
HSJ Local
North Bristol Trust management criticised over new IT system
North Bristol Trust’s management failed to recognise the scale of change involved in switching to a new patient record system, leading to months of chaos in theatres and outpatients, an independent review has found.
HSJ Local
NHS South Gloucestershire pilots reablement with partners
STUCTURE: NHS South Gloucestershire is working with South Gloucestershire Council and local older people’s charity Brunelcare to pilot a new reablement service.
HSJ Local
North Bristol fails stroke target
PERFORMANCE: Just 74.2 per cent of stroke patients at North Bristol Trust spent 90 per cent of their time on a stroke unit in April against a target of 80 per cent.
HSJ Local
Bristol pathology plans approved
STRUCTURE: Plans to consolidate pathology services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire have won the backing of the national clinical director for pathology.
HSJ Local
North Bristol Trust appoints new chief executive
WORKFORCE: North Bristol Trust director of nursing Marie-Noelle Orzel is to take over as interim chief executive on 2 July.
HSJ Local
Bristol acutes consider merger
STRUCTURE: University Hospitals Bristol Foundation Trust and North Bristol Trust have set up a project board to consider whether the two organisations should merge to create an organisation with a turnover close to £1bn.
HSJ Local
Bristol board approves new cancer centre
STRUCTURE: The board of University Hospitals Bristol Foundation Trust have approved plans for a £16m expansion of the Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre.
HSJ Local
University Hospitals Bristol maternity services at risk
WORKFORCE: University Hospitals Bristol Foundation Trust has warned there is a high risk low staffing levels in maternity could increase the risk of harm to mothers and babies.
Trauma network adds five major centres
Five major trauma centres in the South are joining a national network to provide life-saving care to patients.
HSJ Local
£550m of non-acute services to be put out to tender
Non-acute services potentially worth up to £555m over three years are being put out to tender by primary care trusts in Bristol and Gloucestershire.
HSJ Local
Analysed: procurement of non-acute services in Bristol and Gloucestershire
HSJ Local Briefing is our new in-depth analysis of the key issues facing the NHS’s major health economies. This week: procurement of non-acute services in Bristol and Gloucestershire.
HSJ Local
North Bristol Trust plans private patient unit
North Bristol Trust is seeking a commercial partner to build and run a stand-alone private patient unit next to its new private finance initiative hospital.
Regional salary gaps evident as George Osborne confirms local pay
HSJ has obtained new evidence of salary disparities within and between regions as the government prepares to introduce local pay rates.
Wedding bells turn to alarm bells for South West commissioning support service
The self-proclaimed “grandest wedding venue” in the South West was the venue for the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire primary care trust cluster’s board meeting.
HSJ Local
£3.3m funding boost for North Bristol
FINANCE: North Bristol Trust will receive £3.3m over the next year as part of the Department’s of Health capital giveaway.
HSJ Local
Ian Cumming no longer to join North Bristol
WORKFORCE: Ian Cumming has decided not to take up the post of chief executive at North Bristol Trust in order to continue with his roll as national director for quality during the transition full time.
HSJ Local
North Bristol failing four hour target due to 'lack of beds'
PERFORMANCE: A lack of medical beds has seen North Bristol Trust miss the four hour accident and emergency target every month since September 2011 and is compromising performance against the 18 week referral to treatment target.
HSJ Local
New software causes 'significant problems' at North Bristol
PERFORMANCE: The introduction of a new electronic record and patient administration system has caused “significant” problems with outpatient appointments at North Bristol Trust.