All NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST articles – Page 5
HSJ Local
CCGs backtrack on £10.5m contract after legal challenge
Three clinical commissioning groups pulled out of a £10.5m fertility contract just weeks before the service was meant to start, after a legal challenge to the decision.
Analysis by trust: Large majority provide less consultant access at weekends
The majority of trusts continue to provide patients with less access to consultants at the weekend compared to a weekday, new data reveals.
Expert Briefing
Performance Watch: Chucking the basket cases on the scrapheap
Welcome to HSJ’s new Performance Watch expert briefing. Our new fortnightly newsletter will delve into the most pressing performance matters troubling system leaders and provide unrivalled insight into what they plan to do about them.
Revealed: How much NHS trusts made from land sales
Sales of land or physical assets by NHS trusts generated cash receipts of £220m in 2016-17.
HSJ Local
Smallest hospital trust moves closer to downgrade and merger
England’s smallest acute trust has moved a step closer to downgrading its emergency services, with the publication of proposals for “a new community focused role… at the heart of the new model of care”.
Revealed: 21 trusts consistently underperforming on A&E
There are 21 trusts whose performance against the four hour emergency target has been consistently below 85 per cent since April, HSJ analysis reveals.
Expert Briefing
The Commissioner: Outstanding trust but STP is bottom of the class
What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West.
Former trust chief to chair STP 'undergoing refresh'
Sir Ron Kerr has been appointed as independent chair of troubled South West sustainability and transformation partnership.
HSJ Local
Trust exits financial special measures but still needs to make £25m savings
North Bristol Trust has been taken out of financial special measure but faces another year of challenging savings to meet its control total.
HSJ Knowledge
HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017: Workforce Efficiency
Hertfordshire Care Providers Association, Hertfordshire County Council and East and North Hertfordshire CCG: Complex Care Premium
Analysis: Patients waiting over four hours in A&E up tenfold over decade
The number of patients waiting more than four hours for admission after a decision to admit to accident and emergency has grown nearly tenfold in a decade, new figures show.
Trusts save £40m in eight months via procurement savings
NHS document shows trusts saved £40m in procurement during first eight months of 2016-17 financial year Savings achieved through NHS Supply Chain as part of its £150m efficiency target Procurement model set to change in October 2018 NHS trusts have delivered at least £40m of procurement efficiencies as ...
Trusts urged to 'prove critics wrong' with deficit reduction
NHS Improvement says the aggregate forecast for the provider sector had improved at the end of February, compared to the outlook two months earlier “Material number” of land sales will help boost aggregate position, along with technical accounting measures Trusts urged to “be a bankable investment” by delivering their ...
Exclusive: Special measures trusts forced to pay higher interest on bailouts
Trusts in financial special measures are paying interest rates up to four times higher than some other providers Barts Health Trust faces annual interest charges of £6m Experts liken the higher rates to “kicking someone when they’re down” The DH says rates are designed to “reflect the additional risk ...
NHS bed occupancy hits record high
Latest NHS bed occupancy rates are highest ever recorded for a third quarter since data collections began in 2010 HSJ analysis reveals hospital trusts with highest occupancy Six acute trusts had general and acute bed occupancy rates over 99 per cent The latest NHS bed occupancy figures are ...
NHS finances: The best and worst performing trusts in quarter three
HSJ analysis shows which trusts are performing best, and worst, against their financial plans in 2016-17.
Analysis: 10 trusts responsible for quarter of 'winter pressures' alerts
Ten trusts responsible for a quarter of “winter pressures” alerts since start of December South of England is the worst hit region London reported only five out of 830 alerts Just 10 hospital trusts have been responsible for more than a quarter of the “winter pressures” alerts issued ...
HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards shortlist revealed
The organisations in the running to win one of the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017 at have been revealed.
Revealed: New oversight ratings for every NHS trust
Each trust placed in one of four categories based on the level of support they require from NHS Improvement Trusts will be formally categorised next month as part of the regulator’s new “single oversight framework” Thirty-five out of 238 trusts will have “maximum autonomy” See every rating in the ...
Expert Briefing
Deep South: What's good for the goose...
Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell