All NORTH BRISTOL NHS TRUST articles – Page 6
HSJ Local
'Shared leadership' plan for South West trusts
Bristol’s two acute trusts are developing “shared leadership arrangements”, NHS Improvement has announced.
Big rise in urgent operations cancelled more than once
The number of urgent operations cancelled more than once has grown by more than half in the last year.
Expert Briefing
Deep South: A South West super-CCG?
Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell
More trusts considered for 'financial special measures'
Regulators have drawn up a list of more NHS providers to be considered for “financial special measures”.
HSJ Local
Exclusive: Struggling CCGs weigh up merger
Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire CCGs to appoint single accountable officer Correspondence between CCGs and NHS England reveals turnaround director will support the struggling groups NHS England director says “under-delivery” entrenched across the patch on a scale not seen elsewhere in the country Three clinical commissioning groups ...
Revealed: Trusts counting on back-loaded savings
NHS trusts will have to significantly improve “run-rates” to meet 2016-17 financial targets Plans assume significant efficiency savings can be delivered in the latter half of the year In many cases, those savings have not yet been identified, or there is a high level of risk that they will ...
Wide variation found in emergency specialist surgery mortality rates
Thirty day mortality rates for emergency bowel surgery vary between 20.7pc and 3.2pc at best and worst performing hospitals Quarter of hospitals do not admit high risk patients to critical care post-surgery in recommended timeframe Six per cent annual drop in most urgent patients reaching theatre within two hours ...
Expert Briefing
Deep South: Resetting the South West
Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell
Special measures trust chief: The problem is demand not inefficiency
The chief executive of one of the five trusts put in financial special measure said his organisation’s overspending was mainly due to demand rather than inefficiency.
£400m of uncertainty in financial forecast as trusts reject control totals
Seventeen trusts that have not agreed control totals with NHS Improvement are predicting a combined deficit of more than £400m for 2016-17.
Mapped: The trusts and CCGs in new special measures regime
NHS Improvement and NHS England have launched a new financial special measures regime for trusts and clinical commissioning groups which are not meeting their performance commitments.
Analysis: The 10 trusts with most improved patient experience
HSJ analysis shows the trusts where patient experience improved in the most areas of the national inpatient experience survey year on year Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust came top of in list of most improved trusts Top two most improved trusts both in special measures HSJ analysis has identified ...
Expert Briefing
Deep South: Why Yeovil's finances may be causing jitters
Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell
Analysis: The trusts whose finances fell furthest despite 'urgent action'
In January, NHS Improvement called for “collective urgent action” to reduce the provider sector deficit. But significant number of acute trusts reported an outturn position in April that was worse than forecast in January. Bulk of improvements were made through one-off technical measures. Ten trusts with largest deteriorations in ...
Rise in urgent operations being cancelled
Three trusts responsible for more than half of patients who had an urgent operation cancelled at least twice Countess of Chester Hospital Foundation Trust saw highest number, up from zero the previous year See the trust by trust data Two trusts cancelled urgent operations at least twice for ...
HSJ Local
Single bidder kept in race for children’s services contract
Consortium of NHS and social enterprise bidders is single bidder for children’s community services contract in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset University Hospitals Bristols Foundation Trust and Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust are part of bid Commissioners say that consortium was the only bidder that met the ...
Expert Briefing
Deep South: A turnaround success story
Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell
Expert Briefing
Deep South: Goodbye, hello to Angela Pedder
Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell
HSJ Local
Exclusive: Bristol acute trust eyes community services bid
COMMERCIAL: One of Bristol’s acute trusts is in discussion with a mental health trust and two social enterprises about teaming up to bid for a children’s community services contract in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.
Thirty worst A&E trusts called to London summit
NHS Improvement chief raised concerns over “organisations who consistently deliver very low levels of performance” January was “a very difficult month” for A&E departments, Jim Mackey said Trusts “left in no doubt whatsoever that there needs to be a sustained improvement” The 30 worst performers on the accident ...