All North East articles – Page 19

  • HSJ Local

    Joint NHS England and NHS Improvement director steps down


    Joint director at NHS Improvement and NHS England Tim Rideout stood down at the end of May Mr Rideout was NHS England’s director of commissioning operations and delivery and improvement director for NHS Improvement in Cumbria and the north east He was the first director to hold a joint ...

  • tyne_river

    First commissioning support unit moves towards independence


    A shadow board has been set up to pave the way for a commissioning support unit to turn into a community interest company owned by its customers, HSJ can reveal.

  • mason steven
    HSJ Local

    Joint CCG and council chief resigns with immediate effect


    Council chief who was also accountable officer of CCG resigns Northumberland County Council chief executive Steven Mason was appointed accountable officer at Northumberland CCG in January Council announces Mr Mason has stood down with immediate effect A council chief who also led a clinical commissioning group as part ...

  • Generic pie chart

    Revealed: Vanguards must give funding to STPs


    NHS England sets conditions on final year of vanguard funding Vanguard sites required to give 10 per cent of their funding to STPs Areas told to embed new care model frameworks by December NHS England has set out four conditions on vanguard funding including the requirement to dedicate ...

  • Bolton Town Hall

    GP quality – North: Greater Manchester and surrounds lags rest of region


    Manchester region has eight out of the top 11 CCGs with the highest number of GP surgeries rated requires improvement or inadequate by CQC Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby in north Yorkshire tops the list with 27 per cent of surgeries receiving the lowest two CQC ratings North Tynside CCG ...

  • Office writing on form
    HSJ Local

    Outstanding FT sets up subsidiary firm to save at least £3m


    A mental health trust rated outstanding is setting up a subsidiary company that it hopes will make £3m of recurring back-office savings a year by 2018-19.

  • angel of the north
    HSJ Local

    Struggling CCG first to be taken out of special measures


    A struggling clinical commissioning group has become the first in the country to be taken out of financial special measures.

  • Treasury

    Vanguard plans in doubt as NHS yet to agree VAT exemption


    NHS leaders yet to agree VAT exemption with HMRC and Treasury Senior sources pessimistic about a deal being reached VAT charges would inflate the cost of a new company being set up to run accountable care organisations South Somerset vanguard plans may need redesigning National health leaders’ struggle ...

  • Leadership
    HSJ Local

    'Outstanding' trust to lead new NHS improvement programme


    NHS Improvement has chosen high performing trust as its strategic partner in developing a mental health improvement programme Northumberland, Tyne and Wear FT will help create diagnostic frameworks for the different sectors of mental health during a six month test period NHSI looking to enlist more trusts to provide ...

  • Sir Leonard Fenwick
    HSJ Local

    MP demands trust explains Sir Leonard Fenwick extended leave


    A Newcastle MP has called on his local acute foundation trust to be more transparent and give a “reasonable explanation” as to why its chief executive, Sir Leonard Fenwick, is on extended leave.

  • Steven Mason
    HSJ Local

    Council chief confirmed as CCG boss


    Northumberland County Council chief executive confirmed to take over as Northumberland CCG accountable officer Steven Mason will replace Alistair Blair, who is expected to chair a new accountable care organisation board Appointment was delayed because Mr Mason and NHS England needed to reach agreement A council chief executive ...

  • News

    NHS England gives £75m back to CCGs after tariff row


    NHS England has agreed to soften the impact of changes to clinical commissioning group budgets next year by agreeing to add £75m back into their allocations, HSJ understands.

  • North Tyneside general hospital
    HSJ Local

    'Outstanding' FT to close urgent care centres overnight


    Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust to reduce opening hours at three urgent care centres Wansbeck, Hexham and North Tyneside hours to go from 24/7 to 8am to midnight Trust says this will allow it to redeploy nurses to the busier Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital One of the country’s ...

  • tyne_river
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners to take over leading CSU


    Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and North Durham STP sets out the proposal to convert commissioning support unit into a community interest company After the transition the North of England Commissioning Support Unit will be jointly owned by its CCG customers The CCG owners will be the 11 commissioning groups ...

  • angle_of_the_north

    Public sector prevention fund 'could be used across England'


    Public Health England chief executive Duncan Selbie says North East dedicated prevention pot could be introduced elsewhere Proposal includes pooling preventative spending and ringfencing savings for further investment Says work still underway on how to ensure business rate retention for local authorities does not exacerbate inequality A move ...

  • James Cook University hospital
    HSJ Local

    Latest STP published reveals hospital reconfiguration


    Council in the North East become fourth to publish STP Key plans include consolidating specialist services into two specialist hospitals Sets out £260m of efficiency savings Hartlepool Borough Council leader raises concerns about transparency of the process Consolidating specialist hospital services on to two sites and creating a ...

  • North Tyneside general hospital
    HSJ Local

    North East walk-in clinics to be replaced by urgent care centre


    North Tyneside CCG approves plans to replace three walk-in clinics and OOH service with single urgent care centre Governing body to begin procurement for site and provider of the new service Public consultation found preferred site was North Tyneside General Hospital, run by Northumbria Healthcare FT Trust refuses to ...

  • Hospital corridor
    HSJ Local

    Follow-ups for 20,000 patients delayed at 'serious incident' trust


    A serious incident has been declared at a struggling foundation trust for the second time in 12 months after more than 20,000 outpatients were overdue follow-up appointments.

  • Duncan Selbie
    HSJ Local

    PHE-led panel calls for target to increase preventative spend


    New report recommends north east NHS and local authorities “radically increase” funding in preventative care Report focuses on tacking health inequalities and and close the health and wealth gap in the region Recommends a dedicated investment pot and suggests increasing funding £160m a year by 2020-21 Public sector ...

  • Bootham park hospital
    HSJ Local

    Shortlist for new hospital site revealed


    CCG announces three possible sites for new mental health hospital in York Possible locations include Bootham Park, Clifton Park and Haxby Road Shortlist announced as trust opens temporary ward for adult mental health patients Three sites have been shortlisted to be the location for a new mental health ...