All North East articles – Page 20

  • Stephen Childs
    HSJ Local

    CSU director named as CCG chief officer


    The managing director of the North of England Commissioning Support Unit has been appointed as chief executive for Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group, and will do both jobs.

  • Tyne river

    First mental health trusts rated outstanding by CQC


    Care Quality Commission announces first two mental health trusts in the country to be rated outstanding Northumberland Tyne and Wear FT and East London FT have both been given the highest rating by inspectors CQC deputy chief inspector of hospitals hopes both organisations will be an “exemplar” to other ...

  • Salford Royal Foundation Trust

    Four trusts given power to lead hospital chains


    NHS Improvement grants four high performing trusts the power to lead groups or chains of hospitals The foundation group leaders will be able to head up buddying, partnerships and federations of hospitals or begin mergers and acquisitions The accreditation aims to give the four trusts the power to bring ...

  • Board table
    HSJ Local

    North East trusts to create single leadership team


    STRUCTURE: Leaders at two acute foundation trusts have unveiled plans to create a joint management structure.

  • Surgery

    Wide variation found in emergency specialist surgery mortality rates


    Thirty day mortality rates for emergency bowel surgery vary between 20.7pc and 3.2pc at best and worst performing hospitals Quarter of hospitals do not admit high risk patients to critical care post-surgery in recommended timeframe Six per cent annual drop in most urgent patients reaching theatre within two hours ...

  • Croydon skyline

    NHS England moves CCGs to 'single commissioning structures’


    “Single commissioning leadership structures” will be introduced in two parts of the country by NHS England as part of a new “financial special measures regime” for clinical commissioning groups.

  • Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    Mapped: The trusts and CCGs in new special measures regime


    NHS Improvement and NHS England have launched a new financial special measures regime for trusts and clinical commissioning groups which are not meeting their performance commitments.

  • London

    Six areas take on new mental health commissioning powers


    Six areas chosen to take on new commissioning powers for tertiary mental health services Providers were invited to submit bids to NHS England by the middle of June A key aim of the pilot is to reduce the number of patients going to out of area beds Six ...

  • Roll of receipts

    Audit teams merge to form regional consortium


    The merger of three NHS audit teams in the north east into a new specialist provider could become a model for other areas to follow, according to a trust finance director.

  • Cardiac surgery

    Three trusts set to lose specialist heart surgery


    NHS England announces winners and losers in which trusts provide congenital heart defect services Central Manchester, Royal Brompton and Leicester set to have work transferred to other sites Swathe of trust to cease “occasional” procedures after NHS England sets out new standards Work follows 15 years of conflict between ...

  • Candace imison6th june 2016 hsj roundtable reducing variation079
    HSJ Knowledge

    Roundtable: How to tackle unwarranted variation


    How to reduce unwarranted variation in the NHS was the focus of HSJ’s latest roundtable

  • Managing long term conditions
    HSJ Knowledge

    Patient Safety Awards 2016: Managing Long Term Conditions


    Managing long term conditionsPatient Safety Awards 2016, Managing Long Term Conditions winner: South Tees Hospitals Foundation Trust Winner: South Tees Hospitals Foundation Trust The winner in this category has established what they believe to be a UK first: a rapid access, community-based, self referral service for ...

  • Tyne River
    HSJ Local

    New North East mental health inpatient unit approved


    New three ward mental health unit to open at St Nicholas Hospital Older people’s services to be consolidated at the same site Services at Gateshead’s Tramwell Unit and Newcastle’s Hardian Clinic to close Plans expected to save £3m a year STRUCTURE: NHS leaders in the North East have ...

  • Basildon Hospital

    Revealed: Funding for each success regime area


    Funding for success regimes largely spent on consultants, legal advice and establishing small core programme teams Sources tell HSJ funding is welcome but “modest” compared to challenges the areas face NHS England has allocated just over £20m to the three areas in the national success regime programme to ...

  • Deal
    HSJ Local

    Concerns new GP alliance will 'adversely affect' services


    Sunderland GP resigns over procurement of new contract Sunderland GP Alliance awarded controversial contract bringing together three practices and a violent patients programme Doctor fears contract will “adversely affect” services PRIMARY CARE: A GP has resigned following the procurement of a primary care contract that merges three Sunderland ...

  • Mike Bell
    HSJ Knowledge

    Dispatches from the frontline


    HSJ was joined by some leading experts to explore their progress towards creating new models of care

  • Hinchingbrooke Health and Care Trust

    Analysis: The 10 trusts with most improved patient experience


    HSJ analysis shows the trusts where patient experience improved in the most areas of the national inpatient experience survey year on year Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust came top of in list of most improved trusts Top two most improved trusts both in special measures HSJ analysis has identified ...

  • Len Fenwick

    Fenwick fears running a chain would take his 'eye off the ball'


    Sir Leonard Fenwick worried that hospital chain would mean taking his “eye of the ball” of Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals Foundation Trust Longest serving NHS chief executive attributes outstanding rating to “good relationship with staff” Newcastle being “brought back into the fold” to help with “salvage” of North Cumbria ...

  • Darlington Memorial Hospital
    HSJ Local

    'Bullying and blame culture' poses risk to patients at maternity unit


    “Significant concerns” raised about behaviour of consultants and senior midwives at County Durham and Darlington FT Report says “finger pointing” culture meant staff were reluctant to raise concerns Trust working with NHS England on improvement plan PATIENT SAFETY: Care of mothers and babies is being put at risk ...

  • The new northumbria hospital at cramlington

    Analysis: How Northumbria is redesigning urgent care


    Mike Waites examines how Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital is transforming emergency care provision in the North East, but not without significant teething problems