All North East articles – Page 54

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    HSJ Knowledge

    How does the UK compare at commissioning?


    World class commissioning will require an international perspective on health and well-being. It is not enough for PCTs and SHAs to compare similar organisations in England or even the UK.

  • News

    Darzi review: North East sets targets for 'region of paradox'


    Eight-month targets designed to eliminate health service 'paradoxes' are the cornerstone of NHS North East's Darzi vision.

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    Darzi review: North East vows to improve public health


    NHS North East has pledged to renew its focus on public health and long-term conditions in its regional Darzi review.

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    Inquiry shows gap in paediatric training


    Children and young people with life-threatening illness are not being treated appropriately because professionals caring for them are not trained in paediatrics, the world's first confidential inquiry into child deaths has found.

  • News

    Staff sacked after offensive image probe


    A foundation trust has sacked 13 staff and disciplined 28 others after an eight-month investigation into offensive images that were sent by email around its hospitals.Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals foundation trust is still investigating 10 staff members.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Who cares for the carers?


    People caring for a relative are a vital part of the health and social care system - but many feel isolated. A national strategy aims to help by making GPs and community services more carer friendly. Stuart Shepherd reports

  • Comment

    Clean record


    Media Watch reported that according to the Mail on Sunday, NHS North East spent £150,000 on cardboard nurses.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS team wins Investors in Children accreditation


    Staff at Hart Lodge, part of the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys trust, have become the first NHS child learning disability team to gain Investors in Children accreditation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS team wins Investors in Children accreditation


    Staff at Hart Lodge, part of the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys trust, have become the first NHS child learning disability team to gain Investors in Children accreditation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managers who went from Richmond House to the NHS


    Life at the top of the health service is enough to make even the toughest go-getter think of quitting, which is what our interviewees did - only to jump back in at a more grass-roots level. HSJ finds out about now and then

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Creating the perfect acute hospital


    Judges for the HSJ Award for acute healthcare organisation of the year said if you pulled together all the best practice around the country, you would have the perfect trust. So what would it look like, asks Daloni Carlisle

  • News

    New practices for under-doctored areas


    Thirty-eight primary care trusts identified as having the poorest provision of GPs have been selected as the first to benefit from 100 new GP practices over three years.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managed learning network


    A year of regional networking events held by the Care Services Improvement Partnership in the north of England has facilitated managed learning

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    Health profile: experts say child obesity targets may miss the point


    New targets to spur on efforts to tackle the nation's worst public health problems may not work, experts have warned.

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    Renewed efforts to set up national tariff


    Mental health trusts are signing up to new payment by results pilots, although fears remain that a national system will not be implemented.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A game for two players


    The Healthy Schools initiative continues to be a thriving joint programme, reports Varya Shaw

  • News

    men's health


    North Tyneside PCT is running a project to encourage elusive male patients to get health check ups.Men who visited the Asda supermarket in Benton yesterday were able to get a health check at the check out with their weekly shopping.North Tyneside PCT’s Community Health Development Team and the Pitstop project ...

  • News

    North East still suffering from poor public service outcomes


    Pockets of poor public service outcomes in the North East are to blame for the region's poor outcomes overall, according to the Institute for Public Policy Research North.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Strategies for managing the market


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership has rolled out a pilot information-gathering project in East Lancashire to help commissioners and providers work together for patients. Tony Ryan and colleagues explain

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A game for two players


    The Healthy Schools initiative continues to be a thriving joint programme, reports Varya Shaw