All North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust articles – Page 4

  • Computers
    HSJ Local

    Send patients to other trusts to avoid IT rollout 'turmoil', says tech chief


    Hospitals rolling out large IT projects could send some patients to other trusts during “go live”, chief clinical information officer suggests Cambridge FT director admits Epic implementation threw it into “turmoil” But he says system is now driving benefits and he wants others to learn from the trust ...

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital

    Monitor 'pushing hard for Hinchingbrooke merger by April 2017'


    Regulator “pushing hard” for Peterborough and Stamford to acquire Hinchingbrooke Concerns raised about speed at which Monitor wants a deal done for the two financially challenged trusts Monitor’s timetable could lead to “rushed and acrimonious” merger, says senior source Local MP has opposed idea of merger Monitor is ...

  • Pay slip

    Regulator lobbied government to increase trust chairs’ pay


    Letters reveal how TDA chair lobbied ministers to increase the salary cap for NHS trust chairs Sir Peter Carr referred to perceived “injustice” felt by some trust chairs, whose salaries were in “stark contrast” to those at FTs Department of Health has no plans to increase standard rates ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary

    Some trust chairs paid up to £45,000


    Standard salary for chair of non-foundation trusts is capped at £23,600, but exceptions can be agreed with the government TDA letters explain how chairs at two London trusts indicated they could not “agree to commit to a further term of office at their current rate” Annual reports show variation ...

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Hinchingbrooke fails to exit special measures


    Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust should remain in special measures, the Care Quality Commission has recommended.

  • Stephen Bridge
    HSJ Local

    Papworth chief retires after 23 years in charge


    Stephen Bridge has been chief executive of the leading specialist trust since 1993 He cites growth and securing approval for new hospital site as main acheivements He will remain in post until later this year, most likely around April Papworth Hospital Foundation Trust chief executive Stephen Bridge, one ...

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital

    Hinchingbrooke chair ‘agnostic’ over potential merger


    Hinchingbrooke chair “relatively agnostic” about merging with Peterborough trust as long as key services and patient interests are protected Joint working group to examine options for closer working between the trusts The group could develop a business case for Peterborough to acquire Hinchingbrooke Local MP has begun campaign to ...

  • Peterborough_City_Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Cambridgeshire trusts to review ‘potential organisational form’


    Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals FT and Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust to carry out major review of their organisations The trusts will investigate what financial and clinical benefits can be achieved through more collaborative working Local MP raises concerns that the review could threaten the future of Hinchingbrooke Two ...

  • Calculator

    Revealed: Trusts' estimated savings potential


    By using publicly available data, HSJ has been able to closely match the methodology used by Lord Carter to produce trusts’ headline “savings opportunity” figures. Here we list the least and most efficient trusts according to the headline measure, as well as data for all trusts.

  • Cambridge

    Demand for public probe into ‘calamitous’ £800m contract collapse


    Unison demands full public investigation into dramatic collapse of flagship contract The union is to press local commissioners for a meeting to discuss £800m older people’s services deal before Christmas Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG said it would carry out an internal review Unions have demanded a full public ...

  • Street light maintenance

    Trusts ‘make do and mend’ as capital investment squeeze hits estates repairs


    “High risk” maintenance problems up 30pc year on year, as capital investments falls Estates director warns “make do and mend” approach to maintenance will impact safety Imperial College Healthcare would have to spend £39m to deal with high risk backlog NHS providers face costs of more than £450m ...

  • hospital operation patient safety 3

    Analysed: The biggest NHS providers of specialised services


    University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust saw the largest increase in its specialised services income last year, new information obtained by HSJ reveals.

  • Keith McNeil
    HSJ Local

    Elite Shelford Group trust put into special measures


    Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust has been placed in special measures after being given an overall rating of ‘inadequate’ by inspectors.

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Hinchingbrooke chief executive to step down


    The chief executive of Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust has announced he is to step down.

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

    Survey: What commissioners want to happen to their unsustainable providers


    Most commissioners with unsustainable hospital providers would prefer to see those organisations reform by establishing joint ventures or by joining with GPs, an HSJ survey indicates.

  • Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust

    TDA 'broadens' support for challenged trusts


    The NHS Trust Development Authority has appointed improvement directors to two trusts struggling with performance and leadership issues.

  • Steve Melton

    Circle chief: ‘Ground shifted beneath our feet’ on Hinchingbrooke


    The chief executive of Circle has said that a lack of flexibility in its contract to run Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust was a major factor behind its early departure from the franchise deal.

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital

    CQC to fight 'risk of bias' against private providers


    The Care Quality Commission is trying to recruit more advisers from the independent sector to guard against the risk of ‘bias’ in the way it assesses private providers, an adviser to the regulator has said.

  • Commissioning support woman clipboard

    Analysis: Investigation identifies consent form concerns


    Investigations by HSJ have identified several cases that raise questions about the current system for securing patient consent for treatment.

  • Cambridge

    Exclusive: New NHS company reveals outcomes based targets


    A new NHS owned company overseeing an £800m integrated older people’s services contract will have to hit outcomes based targets to secure up to 15 per cent of its income, its chief has told HSJ.