All North West articles – Page 49

  • Hearing test
    HSJ Local

    £110m integrated care contracts attract just one bidder


    COMMISSIONING: A tender process for four elective care contracts attracted just one bidder following a formal procurement process in Greater Manchester.

  • Gillian Fairfield
    HSJ Local

    North West chief executive joins Brighton trust for 12 months


    APPOINTMENT: The chief executive of Pennine Acute Trust is to move to the south coast on a secondment expected to last for up to a year.

  • Manchester
    HSJ Local

    Manchester GPs could start ‘shadow’ voluntary contracts from April


    GPs could begin adopting shadow MCP type contracts in April Discussions around shadow contracts at advanced stage, HSJ understands GP federation chair says their work is influencing national contract discussions STUCTURE: Primary care providers across Greater Manchester could start operating population based contracts in shadow form from as ...

  • GP
    HSJ Local

    CCG links extra GP funding to new standards


    CCG to link £2.4m of extra funding to new quality standards Individual practices are unlikely to meet the standards without some form of collaboration with others Borough’s LMC is broadly supportive of the project Commissioners in Salford will invest an extra £2.4m in primary medical care next year, ...

  • Compassion older person holding hands

    Exclusive: Rocketing death rate provokes calls for national investigation


    There were 5.4 per cent more deaths in England in Wales in 2015 than in 2014 – the biggest year on year increase in several decades Many of the deaths were during winter in early 2015 Potential causes include public spending cuts and constraint, problems with flu vaccine, and ...

  • Jackie bene
    HSJ Local

    Third trust considers joining Dalton’s ‘hospital chain’


    Bolton was previously reluctant to join Salford Royal and Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh in their foundation group Trusts expected to retain separate boards under the new model, but could be run by a joint executive team The three FTs have begun discussions over reconfiguration of breast surgery and women’s ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital
    HSJ Knowledge

    Unwarranted variation? NHS Right Care Programme helps


    Matthew Cripps and John Newton explain how the NHS Right Care model is designed to help drive service improvement and avoid unwarranted variation

  • Manchester central new website

    NHS England ‘tightly in control of the purse strings’ for devo Manc


    Details of the devolution arrangements for 2016-17 show key changes affecting specialised services Main changes involve budgets being delegated to a Greater Manchester chief officer, an employee of NHS England. Local leaders say arrangements are “consistent with what we set out to do by this point” King’s Fund experts ...

  • Town hall sign
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: CCG and councils planning to form ‘one organisation’


    Councils and clinical commissioning groups in Greater Manchester are being encouraged to integrate their commissioning functions, as part of the region’s devolution project.

  • Research
    HSJ Local

    Top hospital trust orders ban on consultant study leave


    Letter to consultants at Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust also says leave already booked will have to be cancelled Cost-saving move described as “unprecedented” by a British Medical Association representative, who said it could raise concerns over patient safety Trust may breach its £19m deficit plan for 2015-16 ...

  • Len Fenwick
    HSJ Local

    Newcastle FT to take over some North Cumbria services


    Newcastle FT will run some children’s services in north Cumbria Partnership set to be extended with cancer services considered a likely focus North Cumbria grappling with unsafe and unsustainable services, and senior leadership turnover North Cumbria University Hospitals in special measures and part of success regime Newcastle upon ...

  • mental health depressed elderly woman wheelchair
    HSJ Local

    Learning disability patients in limbo after funding dispute


    Lancashire County Council has refused to meet the costs of patients being resettled in the community Council says NHS dowries “not enough” to fund care Some discharges already delayed by the dispute Care costs can be as much as £300,000 a year PATIENT EXPERIENCE: A funding dispute threatens ...

  • Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Vast improvements recognised at Calderstones


    PERFORMANCE: A learning disability hospital which will be forced to close in the next three years is expected to receive a “good” rating from the Care Quality Commission next week.

  • morecambe bay lancashire
    HSJ Local

    Morecambe Bay vanguard sets out ‘accountable care’ ambition


    Better Care Together project is part of the national vanguard programme Work seen as crucial to future of University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay FT Current system “trapped in annual contracting cycles” and payment models with the wrong incentives STRUCTURE: Health leaders in Morecambe Bay will look to establish ...

  • Gillian fairfield
    HSJ Local

    Manchester trust warns council over transformation plans


    STRUCTURE: A major hospital trust has told Manchester City Council that any transformation of acute services in the city must sit within the context of its existing plans.

  • Ambulance2
    HSJ Local

    Greater Manchester CCGs call for region-wide ambulance contract


    Commissioners are exploring whether they can form a new contract for emergency ambulance services across Greater Manchester.

  • Virus
    HSJ Local

    Costs of hospital bug outbreak rocket to £5m at major FT


    FT had predicted the financial impact of CPE bug to be £700,000 Rapid increase in spending since 2010, but preventing spread is “vital” Bacteria usually harmless but can cause serious infections for elderly patients with underlying conditions PATIENT SAFETY: Efforts to contain the spread of highly resistant bacteria ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: Success regime not working fast enough


    Jim Mackey criticises pace of success regime programmes NHS Improvement board notes “short window” for statutory consultations around service change Chief executive stresses these are “once and for all” changes The chief executive of NHS Improvement has criticised the speed with which the success regime programme has made ...

  • Royal Preston Hospital
    HSJ Local

    CCGs braced for service reform in Lancashire


    Commissioners in Lancashire are readying themselves for a public consultation around hospital services in Chorley and Preston.

  • push button technology switch innovation choice
    HSJ Local

    Trust halts patient record system to tackle financial deficit


    TECHNOLOGY: A hospital trust has put plans to develop an electronic patient record system on hold because of its “unforeseen” financial challenge, HSJ has learnt.