All Health Service Journal articles in November 2006 – Page 8

  • HSJ Knowledge

    When 3x9=24 and fewer tired doctors


    A fresh approach to rota design in the wake of the European working-time directive could help ensure that doctors and patients are better looked after. Professor Roy Pounder explains

  • News

    Scottish smoking ban 'could wipe out lung cancer'


    In his first annual report Dr Harry Burns, chief medical officer for Scotland, says that the ban on smoking which was introduced in March has already reduced passive smoking levels and is encouraging more people to quit. He said that the ban, coupled with a decline in rates of smoking-related ...

  • News

    Cancer audit in sight


    The Information Centre is preparing to audit hospitals' care of patients with gastro-intestinal cancer

  • News

    MPs ask how users can shape public services


    The House of Commons public administration select committee has launched a new inquiry into the role that 'customers' or 'users' should have in helping shape public services. Key questions include the possibility of setting minimum standards for services and how consultations manage to capture the views of the right people.Find ...

  • News

    Ambulance trusts 'must improve performance data'


    Ambulance trust boards need 'accurate and timely' performance information to drive improvements in information so the ambulance service can play a key role in ensuring patients receive appropriate care in the right environment, according to a new report by health information company Dr Foster Intelligence.The report will appear ...

  • News

    Nicholson to give evidence to spending enquiry


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson, acting permanent secretary Hugh Taylor and finance director Richard Douglas are to give evidence to the Commons health committee on 23 November as part of its inquiry into NHS expenditure. Health secretary Patricia Hewitt will face the committee on 29 November.

  • News

    Granger tops NHS earners list


    The average salary of the 12 highest earners in the NHS is £183,000, according to an analysis of senior executives' pay in the public sector for 2004-05.The figures from the Taxpayers' Alliance show the top two NHS earners are Connecting for Health chief executive Richard Granger, with a £285,000 salary, ...

  • News

    DoH publishes details of long-term conditions pilots


    The Department of Health has published details of major pilot schemes to demonstrate how care can be shifted from hospitals to the community. The demonstrator programme for long-term conditions will examine how a whole systems approach - including use of electronic assistive technologies - can ...

  • News

    Select committee to investigate patient involvement


    The Commons health select committee is to carry out an inquiry into public and patient involvement early next year. Although the terms of reference will not be announced until after the Queen's Speech on 15 November, the committee said it intends to consider issues such as the powers and make-up ...

  • News

    Report targets partnership working between health and schools


    The Department for Education and Skills and the Department of Health have published a report on how extended schools can help health professionals achieve targets on issues such as teenage pregnancy, immunisation and childhood obesity. The Extended Schools and ...

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    LINks to get scrutiny role


    Local Involvement Networks will be given a legal right to inspect NHS, social care, voluntary and independent sector organisations, health minister Rosie Winterton said this week.

  • News

    Push to publish clinical data


    The Department of Health is to look at ways of providing clinical outcome information for independent treatment centres. The government's response to the Commons health select committee's report on ITCs conceded that without robust information on clinical quality, patients cannot make an informed choice.

  • News

    PCTs told to implement radical changes to LAAs


    Primary care trusts will be expected to develop more flexible agreements with councils under proposals outlined in a white paper for local government reform.

  • News

    Scotland motors into the future as England gears up for change


    Scotland is already getting stuck into the tough decisions involved in redesigning its health services, but in many parts of England managers are still perceived to lack the mandate they need to make their own plans. Jennifer Trueland examines the big divide

  • News

    Government urges quicker action on infection rates


    The government has said it will urge the Healthcare Commission to move more quickly to take action against trusts with high levels of healthcare-acquired infection.

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    Troubleshooter drops in to save PCT with £43m debt


    A primary care trust with a cumulative debt of £43m has drafted in a troubleshooter to examine 'new management options', including bringing in expertise from the private sector or other NHS bodies.

  • News

    Healthcare Commission criticises care of young offenders


    Too many young offenders have insufficient access to healthcare, in particular mental health services, according to a joint report published today by the Healthcare Commission and Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation.The report found that one in six youth offending teams (YOTs) tasked with looking after the health and welfare of ...