All Nuffield Trust articles – Page 5
Expert Briefing
Vulnerable patients are forced to choose between their lives and income
On Monday HSJ revealed the government is planning to end the shielding programme for over two million ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’ people next month. The decision has highlighted many of the problems the programme has been faced with from the start.
Expert Briefing
The Integrator: No clear answers in care home blame game
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by integration senior correspondent Sharon Brennan.
Cowper’s Cut: Schrodinger’s Virus
Andy Cowper on how real problems persist with the availability of PPE supply
Cowper’s Cut: The two NHS cultures
The scientist and novelist C P Snow’s famous 1959 lecture and book describes The Two Cultures of the sciences and the humanities as having become polarised.
Coronavirus response could create 'very serious unintended consequences'
National NHS leaders are to take action over growing fears that the “unintended consequences” of focusing so heavily on tackling covid-19 could do more harm than the virus, HSJ has learned.
Revealed: The remote and rural hospitals at threat from coronavirus
Covid-19 has surged first in London — but hospitals away from the capital are concerned they could be left in the cold, and those in rural or remote areas may be the most vulnerable.
NHS in talks with private sector for coronavirus help
Talks are under way between NHS England and independent sector providers about how to best use their capacity if coronavirus causes a surge in demand.
Expert Briefing
Passing the buck on spec com
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by integration senior correspondent, Sharon Brennan
Immigration changes will ‘increase pressure on social care’
Post-Brexit immigration laws proposed by the government will “increase pressure on social care”, while resulting in only “slightly improved public finances [and] slightly reduced pressures on the NHS, schools and on social housing”, its independent advisory body has said.
Record collapse in emergency care performance
The NHS saw a record decline in emergency care performance during the last three months, official data published today reveals.
Stevens leads NHS new year’s honours
NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens has been knighted in the 2020 new year’s honours list.
Exclusive: Trial A&E target ‘driving completely the wrong behaviours’
A new accident and emergency target which could be introduced early next year is “driving completely the wrong behaviours”, senior clinicians have told HSJ.
All major trusts miss four-hour target as performance plunges across NHS
Not one of the NHS’ major hospital trusts hit the four-hour 95 per cent standard in November as performance across core metrics plummeted to new lows in the face of record demand.
Expert Briefing
The Ward Round: Filling the leaky bucket
Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night — and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, by HSJ workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins, will make sure you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and policies shaping ...
Health and care workforce being hollowed out
For the foreseeable future the NHS and social care system will be very reliant on international workers to prevent staffing shortages from impacting on patient care and acting as a brake on ambitions to improve quality, writes Anita Charlesworth
Trusts in line for new hospitals will face extra charges
Six providers set to receive major public investment in new hospital buildings may struggle to afford annual charges on their new assets, according to experts.
Flagship waiting time target ‘expected’ to be relaxed
Bosses at a trust trialling new access targets “expect” the existing 18-week referral to treatment requirement to be replaced by an 8.5 week average wait — a move experts say would represent a relaxation of standards.
Expert Briefing
‘About that bus…?’: Ministers’ tactics to see off threat of a Brexit drugs sell-off revealed
Welcome to the ‘About that bus…?’ weekly newsletter – giving you the inside track on how the fallout from Brexit is affecting the NHS at national and local level, edited by James Illman. Contact me in confidence.
Spending round leaves questions about health and social care’s future unresolved
The chancellor’s announcement signalled the worst of austerity may be over, but that doesn’t mean we now have a clear plan for future public spending and reform. By Anita Charlesworth
Government’s new training funding ‘not enough’
The chancellor today confirmed a real terms increase in the NHS education and training budget next year – but was warned this is “not enough to tackle the workforce crisis”.