All Nuffield Trust articles – Page 7
Cowper’s Cut: Failing better
Andy Cowper discusses the National Audit Office’s seventh report on the financial sustainability of the NHS
Long term plan features new model for A&Es
A new “same day” model for emergency departments and a further cash boost for primary and community services are to be set out in the NHS long-term plan, being launched today.
Cowper’s Cut: Primary care IT is not one of the big NHS problems. Why is ’Appless ’Ancock trying to solve it?
Andy Cowper explains why the DHSC’s latest push to overhaul IT in primary care does not make sense
Expert Briefing
Performance watch: NHS has 'addressed' its A&E data problems, concludes watchdog
Welcome to HSJ’s Performance Watch expert briefing. Our fortnightly newsletter on the most pressing performance matters troubling system leaders. Contact me in confidence here.
Cowper’s Cut: Brownian Motion and Johnsonian home economics
With the re-announcement of money for the NHS, the health service faces a very real risk of raised expectations and a budget increase too low to deliver on them. By Andy Cowper
Workforce shortages are a greater challenge to the NHS than funding
Lack of skilled staff is already impacting access and quality of care, and without a shift in workforce policy the situation will worsen over the next decade, warn Anita Charlesworth, Candace Imison and Richard Murray
Exclusive: Half of land proceeds go into revenue, despite reinvestment pledge
More than half of the money raised from NHS land sales last year was diverted into day to day spending budgets, despite a government commitment for the proceeds to be reinvested into new estates’ projects.
Chief exec of hospital that turned around A&E performance speaks at webinar on winter pressures
Nick Hulme spoke at HSJ webinar on winter pressures
Performance data questioned for 51 trusts
Auditors have raised formal concerns over the accuracy of performance data at one in four NHS trusts, according to HSJ analysis.
Cowper’s Cut: Planning permission
Andy Cowper says the NHS has seen a lot of making of plans over the years and requires the permission of the system being changed to properly implement them
New NHS efficiency challenge is half that of 5YFV
The government’s funding settlement will leave the NHS with an efficiency challenge of around £11bn – which is half the amount that was required in the Five Year Forward View period, according to a new analysis.
A&Es miss national objective with record low performance
The NHS missed its planning guidance target for 90 per cent of patients to be seen within four hours by September and recorded its worst second quarter performance against the standard since records began, official data reveals.
Exclusive: Examine ‘cost premium’ for smaller hospitals, says major study
A financial premium for remote hospitals, consultant contract changes and ending the practice of separating out services like ambulatory care are among the recommendations from a major study on the sustainability of smaller hospitals.
NHS trusts forecast £519m deficit, as regulator admits underlying problem
NHS trusts have forecast a combined deficit of more than £500m this year, despite an earlier commitment from regulators that they would break-even.
Cowper's Cut: The NHS has Bonnie Tyler Syndrome
Andy Cowper highlights the many very real problems that beset the NHS
Medical director who challenged consultants agrees secondment deal
The medical director of a troubled acute trust who tried to challenge “inappropriate behaviours” by consultants has left the organisation on secondment, HSJ has learned.
Expert Briefing
New study busts myths on A&E closure debate
Welcome to HSJ’s Performance Watch expert briefing. Our fortnightly newsletter on the most pressing performance matters troubling system leaders. Contact me in confidence here.
NHS will be in 'managed decline' without at least 4pc growth
NHS Confederation chief executive predicts “managed decline” without sufficient funding Any funding deal worth less than 4 per cent in real terms each year would see the service in ”managed decline”, NHS Confederation chief executive Niall Dickson has told HSJ.
Cowper’s Cut: Where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise
Andy Cowper on why if we collude with a fear narrative by lying about NHS finances, then we are lost