All Nursing articles – Page 103

  • News

    Male managers 'thwarting workplace nurseries boon'


    The NHS could save up to £51m a year by introducing family-friendly policies such as workplace nurseries, which would also encourage more women staff to stay in their jobs or return after having babies, says a survey.

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    Nurse, the screens


    The latest films could soon be showing at a hospital near you under a scheme to bring the silver screen into the health service. Barbara Millar asks what managers would recommend

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    Short cuts RCN calls for moves to stop older nurses quitting


    The Royal College of Nursing has issued a 10-point plan to help employers keep older nurses in the profession. It was issued last week with a report by Jim Buchan, reader in the department of management at Queen Mary College, Edinburgh, saying one in five nurses on the register is ...

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    Short cuts RCN secures £350,000 for nurse injured at work


    The Royal College of Nursing has secured an out of court settlement of £350,000 for former nurse biological science tutor Carole Webster, who was left disabled by an accident at St Bartholomew's and Princess Alexandra and Newham College of Nursing in 1993. A stiff door suddenly stopped, forcing her to ...

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    Short cuts Nursing home set up to replace long-stay hospital


    Edinburgh Healthcare trust is investing £1m in setting up a 16-bed nursing home in the grounds of Corstorphine Hospital. It will be run and staffed by the NHS and will provide accommodation for people with learning disabilities who are moving out of Gogarburn Hospital, which is due to close in ...

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    Short cuts Community nurses can reach socially excluded


    Community nurses can reach socially excluded people who can't be reached by other health services, according to King's Fund chief executive Rabbi Julia Neuberger. 'They can provide quality healthcare to homeless people, travelling families and refugees - many of whom have little contact with mainstream health services until they become ...

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    Short cuts Community nurses


    Community nurses can reach socially excluded people which other health services can't, according to Rabbi Julia Neuberger. 'They can provide quality health care to homeless people, travelling families and refugees - many of whom have little contact with mainstream health services until they become dangerously unwell,' she told a joint ...

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    NHS Direct 'will need 15,000 more nurses'


    The new deadline of December 2000 for extending NHS Direct, the government's nurse-led telephone helpline throughout England is 'challenging but feasible' according to one of the scheme's advisers.

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    Genetic revolution which could force rethink on nurse training will catch managers on the hop


    David Hunter ('Live from Leeds', 3 September) is absolutely right to highlight the almost total failure so far to pay proper attention to the impending genetic revolution in healthcare.

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    New TUC president is former COHSE leader and ex-nurse


    Hector MacKenzie, a qualified nurse and former leader of COHSE, has become president of the Trades Union Congress.

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    Nurses' unions split over new discretionary points system


    Senior nurses will be eligible for up to 1,200 extra on their salaries from next month under the terms of a discretionary awards system out for consultation.

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    Nurses in court for back wages


    A union has launched High Court action on behalf of nurses to recoup more than 1m in back pay. Unison claims that 63 nurses were denied a right of appeal on their regrading when they were employed 10 years ago by the former North Derbyshire district health authority.

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    Nurse recruitment hits an all-time low


    Managers' leaders have expressed alarm about two sets of figures showing that the NHS is facing a nursing recruitment crisis.

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    Nurses make claims to autonomy, so why didn't they blow the whistle?


    I welcome health secretary Frank Dobson's announcement of a public inquiry into the tragic deaths of the children 'cared' for at Bristol Royal Infirmary. I have a number of reservations, which I hope will be part of the inquiry, although I have no great faith that they will be.

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    Tough powers set to curb nurse agencies


    Tough new powers to curb nursing employment agencies which fail to carry out health and registration checks on agency nursing and auxiliary staff could become law within six months.

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    What residential and nursing home staff earn


    The PSPRU surveyed 1,271 nursing and residential homes, covering 39,116 staff, of whom 15,146 were care assistants. It found:

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    While recognising that Royal College of Nursing general secretary Christine Hancock is by necessity an advocate of the role of nurses (Observations, 14 May), it is nevertheless frustrating once again to read that doctors and nurses run the health service between them, and that nurses are the only professionals in ...

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    Nurses accept 3.8 per cent staged pay deal


    The nurses' 3.8 per cent pay award was accepted reluctantly by the staff side last week, despite continuing opposition from Unison and the GMB, which voted against settling.

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    Magnetic attraction to nurses


    One great story about Florence Nightingale is rarely told. It describes how the forthright Florence refused to work unless she was given control over the whole environment in which patients were nursed. She was confident they would get better more quickly if nurses were put in charge of their care. ...

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    Nursing goes out to tender


    A health authority is to put a town's community nursing service out to tender despite claims by the current provider that it will cost managers £2.2m to shift the £6m contract.