All Nursing articles – Page 34

  • clinical_leader_woman_manager_hospital

    Trusts with dangerous staffing levels face NHS Improvement intervention


    NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey says NHSI will demand evidence on workforce changes Regulator will develop a “safeguard” to prevent nursing associates substituting for qualified nurses Ruth May confirms nursing associates will also be counted separately to nurses in care hours metric Health economies and NHS providers’ ...

  • Nurse

    Health secretary says STPs unlikely to reduce nurse numbers


    Jeremy Hunt says he would be surprised if STP areas are able to reduce nurse numbers Health secretary says lesson of Mid Staffordshire scandal was wards need to be properly staffed New roles should assist qualified nurses and not serve as substitutes, he says Jeremy Hunt has told ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt: Introducing NHS general management may have been a 'mistake'


    Jeremy Hunt launches bid to increase NHS managers with clinical backgrounds Mr Hunt rejects idea that non-clinical managers were needed to take control of hospitals Government will look to reverse changes to medical training made after introduction of the European working time directive Introducing a general “manager class” ...

  • Nurses

    Hunt: Regulation 'necessary' for new nursing role


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council has been asked by the government to regulate the new nursing associate role.

  • healthcare workers

    Hundreds of 'core' posts could be cut under STP proposal


    Nottinghamshire STP indicative workforce changes include 12 per cent cut in band five and similar roles Workforce appendix suggests 24 per cent increase in community and primary care workforce Plan aims to cut 200 hospital beds over the next two years Hundreds of band five nursing, social worker ...

  • Mop and bucket
    HSJ Local

    Trust seeks to terminate £200m contract


    Nottingham trust says it is seeking “managed end” to the contract with Carillion Decision follows complaints that nurses were cleaning after Carillion staff to maintain standards Five year contract meant 1,500 staff transferred to Carillion in 2014 Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will look to terminate a five year, ...

  • Workforce

    National officials 'ensuring' STPs plan 'right skilled' staffing


    NHS England “ensuring” an STP “will put in place the right skilled workforce” Draft STP plan proposed savings through “reduction of nursing grade input” NHS England has told HSJ it is working with a sustainability and transformation plan on ”ensuring they will put in place the right skilled ...

  • Commons_chamber

    Law change needed to reform NHS investigations, says minister


    Minister says primary legislation will be needed to deliver “safe space” reforms Philip Dunne says NHS culture needs to be “turned around” to extend reforms locally New chief investigator had told MPs safe space should be for HSIB only Health minister Philip Dunne has told MPs primary legislation ...

  • Agency nurse3

    Agency spending higher than planned despite caps


    NHS Improvement quarter two report says agency spend 16 per cent higher than planned Provider sector predicting £900m savings compared to last year as a result of agency caps NHSI names best and worst performers on agency spending Trusts’ spending on agency staff is 16 per cent higher ...

  • Syringe

    HEE rows back on nursing associates giving patients drugs unsupervised


    Nursing associates will be trained to administer drugs “within the confines of local employer policies”, it has been confirmed as the final version of the curriculum for those in the new role was published yesterday – a change from a leaked version of the document that was heavily criticised.

  • Nurse5

    Region plans shake-up of nursing skill mix to save millions


    Changes in workforce skill mix with more support workers and reduced registered nursing input to deliver £34.2m savings National regulators will sit on Buckingham, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West STP board to ensure finance and quality targets are met Potential future restrictions on treatments as STP aims to save £60.2m ...

  • Jane Cummings

    National nurse leaders defend plans for new support role


    Senior nurses in England sign letter defending plans for nursing associate role Letter confirms nursing associates will take on tasks currently performed by nurses New research says substituting nurses for non-nurses increases mortality risk The most senior nurses in England have defended plans for the new nursing associate ...

  • Ruth May

    Exclusive: Chief nurse 'will intervene to back nursing directors on staffing levels'


    NHS Improvement says safe staffing guidance will be evidence based Ruth May says she will intervene to support directors of nursing in decisions Work follows the suspension of safe nurse staffing work by NICE in 2015 NHS Improvement’s chief nurse will intervene to back nursing directors where they ...

  • Workforce

    NHS Improvement still considering how to count nursing associates


    NHS Improvement yet to decide whether nurse associates will be counted as registered nurses in Carter care hours metric New drive on pressure ulcers will see top performances paired with worst NHS Improvement has not yet decided how to count nursing associates as part of a proposed high-profile ...

  • Peter Carter
    HSJ Local

    Former RCN chief appointed chair of troubled trust


    The former chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing, Peter Carter, has been appointed interim chair at Medway Foundation Trust.

  • Janet Davies

    RCN chief: New role risks devaluing nursing


    RCN chief executive Janet Davies criticises “lack of transparency” over development of nurse associate role She says proposals to allow nurse associates to administer controlled drugs is “ridiculous” Viewing nursing as a task based role would put patient safety at risk, she says Viewing nursing as a task ...

  • Workforce
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Trusts to create regional shared staff bank


    Three trusts in the Midlands are working on plans to create a shared staff bank, HSJ can reveal.

  • Ian Cumming

    Not HEE's role to fill junior doctor rota gaps, says chief executive


    Ian Cumming says Health Education England is responsible for supplying future consultant workforce The drive to provide 24/7 care has created gaps in rotas that should be filled by non-training staff NHS trusts and universities will need to fund expansion of nurse training posts in 2018 Providing enough ...

  • Homerton University Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust's patient death investigations highlight communication failings


    An east London trust has discovered cases of inadequate handovers and ineffective communication between wards during its investigations into two patient deaths.

  • Injection

    Leak reveals nurse associates will be allowed to give patients drugs unsupervised


    Leaked document reveals plan for nursing associates to calculate and administer controlled drugs Internal HEE curriculum framework leaked ahead of Department of Health decision on regulation Expansion of role to include administering drugs is a “recipe for confusion”, says professor of nursing policy EXCLUSIVE: Nursing associates will be ...