All Nursing articles – Page 41

  • Nurses

    Carter to back new measure of nurse productivity


    Carter to call for new “principal” measure of nursing deployment to be introduced from April “Care hours per patient day” derived from nursing and healthcare assistant hours per inpatient Review expected to call for “national people strategy” to tackle absenteeism, bullying and turnover Will also back clampdown on use ...

  • Busy hospital

    NICE leak reaction: Trusts should use guidance says college president


    Royal College of Emergency Medicine president says scale of A&E understaffing could be 50 per cent Dr Cliff Mann says trusts should use leaked NICE guideline to conduct gap analysis on nurse staffing levels CQC expects providers to use “any tool they deem appropriate” to ensure safe care ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Exclusive: NICE experts called for minimum staff ratios in leaked guidance


    Guidelines for A&E safe staffing, leaked to HSJ, recommended minimum nurse/patient ratios Documents suggest lower nursing numbers linked to poor patient outcomes Ratio recommendations were made despite government resistance Read the guidance Suppressed NICE safe staffing guidance for hospital emergency departments called for the NHS to implement minimum ...

  • A&E

    NICE leak: A&Es could be understaffed 'half of the time'


    Leaked NICE document suggests current NHS practices for estimating demand are inadequate Guidance says trusts should overstaff departments against historical trends Overcrowding in UK emergency departments is “common” and linked to poor outcomes Read the guideline NHS accident and emergency departments in England may be understaffed as much ...

  • Agency nurse3
    HSJ Knowledge

    Safe staffing for nursing in A&E departments: the full NICE safe staffing guideline


    HSJ has reproduced the safe staffing guideline for accident and emergency departments from NICE from a leaked document

  • Shaun_Lintern

    Expert view: Leaked safe staffing guideline demands action from the NHS


    HSJ’s patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern argues that NICE’s leaked accident and emergency recommendations mean providers must take action.

  • Reports
    HSJ Knowledge

    Safe staffing for nursing in A&E departments - appendix 1: Evidence to recommendations


    HSJ has reproduced the safe staffing guideline and appendix for accident and emergency departments from NICE from a leaked document. To protect the identity of our source, HSJ has not made the original documents available. The document obtained by HSJ was labelled as the final guideline and was completed following ...

  • Agency nurse3

    NICE releases safe staffing evidence reviews to HSJ


    NICE non-executive directors conclude publishing evidence reviews is in the public interest Sir Andrew Dillon had argued publishing the reviews could disrupt the management of the NHS Guidelines for A&E nurse staffing have not been published The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has today released to ...

  • EU flags

    New EU system aims to catch rogue clinicians


    New system will require regulators to alert each other about concerns to protect patients EU directive allows regulators to check the language skills of professionals Rules come into effect as NHS continues to recruit thousands of employees from EU A new European-wide warning system designed to prevent rogue ...

  • Student

    Applications to study medicine down 11 per cent


    The number of applications to study medicine at university has fallen by 11 per cent between 2014 and 2015.

  • 3002153 busy hospital

    'Francis effect' continues to push up nurse recruitment


    Workforce data shows year on year increase in qualified nursing staff in September 2015 Total number of employed nursing staff was larger than any previous September since 2009 Data also shows significant falls in district nursing, mental health and numbers of nurse consultants The NHS is continuing to ...

  • Workforce

    Directors to review NICE chief's decision not to release staffing guidance


    Non-executive directors to review NICE chief’s decision not to release safe staffing work Sir Andrew Dillon claimed publishing evidence reviews of safe nurse staffing could disrupt management of the health service Decision not to publish followed freedom of information request by HSJ Two non-executive directors at the National ...

  • Workforce
    HSJ Local

    Hospital trust admits rotas denied nurses sufficient rest


    Nursing rotas at East Cheshire Trust not compliant with European Working Time Directive Problem with e-rostering system affected all acute wards at Macclesfield Hospital Trust unable to say how long rotas have not been compliant with the law on minimum rest hours Nurses at East Cheshire Trust have ...

  • Nurses

    Health Education England reveals plan to deliver 80k additional NHS staff


    Health Education England’s third national workforce plan reveals 80,000 additional staff by 2020 Adult nurse training places increase for third consecutive year - a growth of 15 per cent since 2013 Numbers of hospital consultants and GPs to grow by 11,000 by 2020 More than 80,000 additional healthcare ...

  • Nurse and patient

    Government confirms new 'nursing associate' role


    Up to 1,000 trainees will begin in a new “nursing associate” role in 2016 to bridge the gap between healthcare support workers and registered nurses, under government plans announced today.

  • emergency__doctors__surgeons.JPG

    The use of temporary clinical staff in the NHS – HSJ workforce investigation main report


    The HSJ/HCL Workforce Investigation studied the underlying causes of the NHS’s escalating clinical temporary staff bill Chief executives, human resources directors, medical and nurse directors and finance directors were surveyed, with more than 70 responses. Recommendations include enhanced pay for shortage specialties and offering more flexible working Download a ...

  • Clare Panniker

    NHS employment must be made as attractive as possible


    In her foreword to HSJ’s workforce investigation, Clare Panniker describes the pressures that forced her trust to spend £18m on agency staff last year, and the system-wide solutions

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    HSJ investigation calls for improved pay to cut agency spending


    NHS providers should enhance pay and rewards and offer flexible working hours to staff to tackle their rising spend on agency staff, HSJ’s Workforce Investigation has recommended.

  • Stafford Hospital

    Stafford Hospital death review criticises 'closed NHS culture'


    Independent review finds family’s fears over cause of death were correct Report criticises “closed culture” in the NHS that prevents complaints being heard CCG says it will act for family to secure a second inquest An independent investigation into the death of a three-year-old boy at Stafford Hospital ...

  • Edmund Stubbs

    Give out student loans to make nursing an attractive career


    Number of nurses to be increased