All Nursing articles – Page 90

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Social movements in the health service


    A hospital division has achieved unified working by agreeing a charter for staged change, write Jon Baber and Mary Sexton

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    Watchdog gives maternity services a 'wake-up call'


    NHS trusts have accepted that last week's Healthcare Commission report into maternity services should serve as a 'wake-up call' but have complained that the review's methodology may have treated them unfairly.

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    Ann Keen pledges to support Productive Ward


    Health minister Ann Keen has pledged her support to the Productive Ward programme, which is designed to help ward nurses release more timefor direct patient care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    At the heart of change - reducing coronary heart disease


    ISIP is helping to pull together existing work on prevention and treatment to tackle Hull's high mortality rates, reports Alison Moore

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    Central pay deals compromise patient care, study claims


    Lives are being lost because of the way nurses' pay is negotiated centrally, claims a study for the Centre for Economic Performance and Centre for Market and Public Organisation.

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    Campaign aims to keep nurses healthy


    The Queen's Nursing Institute has launched a campaign that aims to support community nurses in tending to their own health and well-being.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Nursing: reality check for diversity


    The Diversity Champions programme aims to turn good intentions into good practice, as Wendy Irwin explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Shaping the future of nursing


    NHS Employers is seeking the views of organisations to inform our response to two consultations on the future of nurses' pre and post registration. This is our opportunity to shape the future of nursing in the NHS. We aim to put together a representative response and are keen to feed ...

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    Battle of the sexes: the mixed ward row that won't lie down


    Early Labour promises to abolish mixed-sex wards have turned into vague aspirations, while the definition of single-sex accommodation appears to have changed. Is the government cheating or is it right to leave the decision to trusts, asks Charlotte Santry

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    Trusts urged to recruit anti-infection staff


    Hospitals have been pressed to employ up to five extra specialist staff as part of a government strategy to improve infection control.The government has set aside up to £45m to be invested in the scheme, out of a £270m fund identified in the comprehensive spending review for reducing healthcare-acquired infections.

  • News

    government's infection control strategy


    Hospitals have been told to recruit up to five extra specialist staff as part of a government strategy to improve infection control. The government wants up to£45million to be invested on the scheme, out of a£270million fund identified in the comprehensive spending review for reducing healthcare-acquired infections. But trusts are ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Productive ward: making time to improve patient care


    Frontline staff will be able to devise their own strategies for spending more time with patients under productive ward. Alexis Nolan reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Nurses consultations launched


    NHS Employers has welcomed the launch of consultations into pre- and post-registration nursing training as an opportunity to explore key issues regarding nurse education and how nurses work in the NHS.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A personalised input into role redesign


    Community support nurses have been adding their input to a role redesign exercise at South Birmingham primary care trust.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on Darzi's call to shape a world class NHS


    No-one who has had the privilege of working with health minister Lord Darzi will be surprised his report Our NHS, Our Future is clear and highly relevant to the challenges ahead

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    Social care green paper: meeting the long-term care challenge


    The government has still not answered crucial questions over its plans for long-term care of the elderly. With an ageing population, how will it fund a system set to cost a lot more? And will people still have to sell their homes to fund care? Mark Gould reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    CSIP launches toolkit to foster respect


    Nurses on acute wards for older people with dementia, delirium or depression will be interested in the new Care Services Improvement Partnership toolkit on respect

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PAs allow senior nurses to focus on patient care


    Heart of England foundation trust recently piloted the role of senior nurse personal assistant. Since the introduction of four PAs a year ago, there have been demonstrable benefits. Karen Bowley explains

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    Modernising nursing careers consultation launched


    Nurses and health practitioners have been invited by health secretary Alan Johnson to share their views on their career development.Speaking at the annual Chief Nursing Officer's Conference yesterday, Mr Johnson launched a formal consultation to look at a new structure for nurses' careers.

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    New best practice tool for nurses


    A new set of benchmarks that aims to help nurses and other health and social care staff improve the care environment has been launched by chief nursing officer Christine Beasley.