All Nursing articles – Page 91

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    Michael White on nursing standards


    I didn't know whether to laugh or make plans to flee the country when I read weekend front-page headlines such as 'Nurses to have the power to end a life'

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    Abortion approval system needs review


    The requirement for two doctors to approve an abortion should be reviewed, the Commons science and technology committee has said.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The real workforce


    What kind of health workforce will England need in 2022? Sandra Dawson and colleagues looked to the future and saw a key role for informal carers

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Community matron intervention tools


    Gina Jones at Coventry primary care trust has kindly supplied NHS Networks with some community matron intervention tools developed by the PCT. These are now available to download from the community matrons network.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Creating a viable national maternity service


    Confidence in flexible community midwifery services should transform current reliance on acute settings, writes Marina Colville

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    Michael White on managers and motivation


    If middle managers don't manage and nurses are poorly motivated, no amount of money can solve the NHS's problems, says Michael White

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    500 more school nurses needed, says Unite


    The union Unite has called for 500 more school nurses to fight the obesity crisis.

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    Unison anger over infection 'slur'


    Unison today demanded an apology from the former chair of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust over claims nurses' actions had contributed to a fatal outbreak of the superbug Clostridium difficile.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Productive Ward programme extends its reach


    The drive to develop tools to help acute staff improve their ward processes and help nursing staff spend more time on patient care has moved forward with the creation of 10 'learning partner' trusts and two 'whole hospital' sites to road test the draft modules.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Community matrons: new guidelines on fitness to practise


    New guidelines have been published to support the development and implementation of community matrons and case managers. Lucy Dennis explains

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    Upcoming Productive Ward events


    HSJ and sister title Nursing Times have teamed up with the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement to hold events at each of the four Productive Ward test sites.

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    BMA dubious about screening every patient


    The British Medical Association has called for 'hard data' on the effectiveness of screening all hospital admissions for MRSA.

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    More midwives needed to ensure safety


    More midwives and obstetricians are needed to ensure safe care is provided for women in labour and their babies, says a report published today.Safer Childbirth: minimum standards for the organisation and delivery of care in labour also recommends the need for access to senior staff to provide advice and support ...

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    Healthcare Commission finds hygiene code is 'not hitting the headlines' in acute trusts


    Acute trust boards are not taking enough responsibility for controlling infection in their hospitals, the healthcare watchdog has warned.Spot checks on 43 hospitals by the Healthcare Commission have revealed concerns that boards are not regularly discussing opportunities for improvement or ensuring infection control data is analysed effectively.

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    Marian Carroll on the breastfeeding dilemma


    Women must be given full support, regardless of whether they choose to breastfeed their babies or not, writes Marian Carroll.Any discussion around infant feeding evokes strong reactions in people who seem to take a 'for or against' approach to breastfeeding.

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    New powers to protect vulnerable people in Wales


    New powers to protect the legal rights of vulnerable adults in Wales have been launched by health minister Edwina Hart.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Palliative care: 'a good death is part of life'


    The hospice movement has made major advances in end-of-life care but more change is needed. With a government advisory group due to report, Mark Gould looks at the issues

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Born under a bad sign


    Perinatal depression is gaining a higher profile, with a drive to increase awareness and provide wider access to specialist provision. Emma Dent reports

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    Picture probe as four sacked in Newcastle


    Two hospital trusts are investigating staff for viewing inappropriate images on work computers.

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    Michael White on politics


    The old saying that 'it never rains but it pours' seems unusually apt this soggy summer. But this week the saying also applied to Britain's elderly people when the High Court ruling on Aricept, the Alzheimer's drug, was accompanied by a torrent of reports highlighting deficient aspects of their treatment.One ...