All Nursing articles – Page 92

  • News

    Human rights let down by existing law


    Human rights should be enshrined in health service delivery, according to a report calling for new duties to protect the rights of older people in hospitals and care homes.A joint committee on human rights report this week said existing legislation does not sufficiently protect and promote the rights of older ...

  • News



    The Royal College of Nursing has launched a consultation to gauge NHS members' views on the government's improved pay offer. The results of its indicative ballot have also been released, showing more than 95% of nurses wanted a ballot on strike action against the original staged pay award. The new ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Money management


    Reform and reorganisation in health services is not new. But arguably the most recent changes have had the most fundamental impact on the working lives of staff and there is increasing concern about the personal financial implications of these developments

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Star quality


    A rich variety of activities can help ease boredom for inpatients and lower aggression. Emma Dent reports on how the Star Wards scheme uses pastimes as therapy

  • News

    Nurses to decide on pay offer


    The Royal College of Nursing will this weekend make a decision on the government's pay offer for this year.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prison mental healthcare: developing cultural competence


    Link workers are enhancing mental healthcare for black and ethic minority prisoners.One such person, community development worker Irfan Mohammed, acts as a link worker for prisoners in Dorset.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Redesigning the workforce


    A unit based at Southampton University is re-examining healthcare roles as changes take place in the world of work. Debra Humphris explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Telehealth takes off


    Telehealth's time may finally have come, with three demonstrator sites spending £12m on the technology to help patients manage their conditions, writes Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Nursing core values


    A motivational session on leadership has launched a series of masterclasses for the nursing community

  • News

    Visa rules could slow recruitment


    Plans to restrict the number of foreign midwives on 'fast track' visas will thwart the government's pledge to drastically improve maternity care, campaigners are claiming.

  • News

    Terminal care provision has 'major flaws'


    Terminally ill people are suffering needlessly uncomfortable and distressing deaths, a report by Help the Hospices has claimed.

  • News

    Survey raises concerns over elder abuse


    A Help the Aged survey has found that 68 per cent of nurses and professionals caring for vulnerable older people lack training to deal with abuse of the elderly.

  • News

    Nursing council publishes fitness to practise report


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council has published its annual fitness to practise report for 2005-06.

  • News

    Royal College of Nursing appoints HR director


    The Royal College of Nursing has appointed a new human resources director.

  • News

    New appointment for nursing council


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council has appointed Natalie Salmon as its head of diversity and equality.

  • News

    Human rights let down by existing law


    Human rights should be enshrined in health service delivery, according to a report calling for new duties to protect the rights of older people in hospitals and care homes.

  • News

    Consultation on nurses' pay


    The Royal College of Nursing has launched a consultation with NHS members in England on the government's pay offer for nurses.

  • News

    Victory for NICE as High Court rejects drugs firm complaints


    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has had its integrity upheld after fending off its first High Court legal challenge.

  • Comment

    Peter Crutchfield on the end-of-life experience


    'If there is any such thing as a good death, I believe John had one. It was a very special experience for him to be able to stay at home with us until the end'

  • News

    'Blame culture' is driving staff errors underground


    Managers must eliminate the blame culture in the NHS to prevent under-reporting of safety breaches, the chief executive of the National Patient Safety Agency has warned.