All Nursing articles – Page 94

  • News

    RCN will back closures - as long as patients benefit


    The Royal College of Nursing will give its support to hospital closures but only if they are in the best interests of patient care, its new general secretary has said.

  • News

    RCN launches campaign for better patient nutrition


    Nearly half of nurses say they do not have enough time to ensure patients get good nutrition, a survey from the Royal College of Nursing has revealed.The findings coincide with the RCN campaign to improve patient nutrition in hospitals and the community, launched at its annual congress in Harrogate.Read the ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Take the strain from DVT care


    With DVT-related admissions costing Luton PCT around £1m a year, action was needed. Alison Meynell and colleagues report

  • News

    Financial squeeze cost 22,300 posts, says RCN


    More than 22,300 NHS posts have been lost in the last 18 months because of the financial crisis hitting the health service, according to a new report from the Royal College of Nursing.Our NHS: today and tomorrow claims the government's insistence that trusts balance their books last year has led ...

  • News

    RCN head 'would back strike on pay'


    The new general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing will tell its annual congress next week that he will support strike action if it is demanded by the membership.

  • News

    Nurses want more time on patient care, says survey


    Three-quarters of staff nurses in acute trusts say they do not spend enough time on direct patient care, according to research by HSJ and Nursing Times. And nine in 10 of those believe this has an adverse impact on patients.

  • Comment

    Why the talking cure can help ease the reconfiguration blues


    A list is circulating - despite Department of Health denials - of 18 trusts that have been deemed unviable in their present form and on which strategic health authorities will be acting. There will probably be few surprises in the names and no surprise that major restructuring of acute services ...

  • News

    Best practice: how to predict length of stay


    Asking patients to answer a unique set of questions about themselves helps assign them to the right beds from the beginning. Heather Waterman and Cherry Mason detail how a new allocation system has been working

  • News

    Patients fear effects of nursing shortages


    A YouGov poll commissioned by the Royal College of Nursing has found the public are concerned that nurse under-staffing will have a detrimental effect on patient safety.Over 70 per cent thought that if more nurses were employed standards of healthcare would improve. Ninety-three per cent felt the NHS has a ...

  • News

    Nurses encouraged to complain over pay


    Nurses have been encouraged to write to their MPs to complain about this year's pay settlement.The Royal College of Nursing is urging its members to point out to their MP that this year's pay deal will mean an effective pay cut for nurses, when the rate of inflation is taken ...

  • News

    Hewitt defends nurses' pay offer


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has said the 2007-08 pay deal for NHS staff and GPs is 'sensible' and 'fair'. Nurses and other healthcare professionals will receive a 1.5 per cent rise in April and 1 per cent more in November; hospital doctors a flat £1,000; junior doctors 3 per cent; ...

  • News

    New nursing officer for diversity


    The Department of Health today welcomes Dawn Atkinson into her new role as England's nursing officer for diversity.The assistant director of nursing for quality and standards at Newham University Hospital trust will be seconded to the DoH for two days a week for a year.Read more here

  • News

    Nurse strike threat


    Almost two-thirds of nurses have said they are willing to take industrial action if they receive an 'unsatisfactory' pay deal this year, according to the Royal College of Nursing.

  • News

    New chair for Nursing and Midwifery Council


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), the regulatory body for UK nurses and midwives, has selected the chair of its new appointments board.NMC council member Brenda Maitland will head the board, which will be responsible for recruitment, appraisal and training.Read the press release here

  • News

    News anlaysis: germinators look to Europe for next ideas in superbug war


    The Dutch experience shows it is possible to get on top of MRSA and other superbugs - but it will be costly. Meanwhile, some UK hospitals are pioneering simple but effective strategies that could help turn the tide of deadly infections, writes Alison Moore

  • News

    RCN: nurses 'ready to talk'


    Nurses are being held back in the boardroom by insufficient skills and the attitudes of senior managers, the Royal College of Nursing has claimed.

  • News

    Winterton announces end-of-life strategy board


    Health minister Rosie Winterton has announced a 27-strong advisory board to support the development of the end-of-life care strategy.The board is chaired by national cancer director professor Mike Richards and includes chief executives of leading charities, senior clinicians and NHS and social care managers.Working groups will include: measuring the quality ...

  • News

    Nursing code gets overhaul


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council is reviewing its rulebook for UK nurses and midwives. The Code of Conduct is to be made clearer and updated to reflect today's healthcare needs.The draft code was agreed in December and the NMC will be holding a series of focus groups and seminars around ...

  • News

    Winners of the Health Foundation Leadership Fellows award scheme


    Sixteen healthcare professionals have been selected to join the Health Foundation's prestigious Leadership Fellows award scheme.

  • News

    Draft workforce strategy reveals glut of consultants and shortage of nurses


    HSJ reveals the draft NHS pay and workforce strategy for 2007 spending review.