All Nursing articles – Page 95

  • News

    Workforce plans predict 'bitter opposition' and 'volatility'


    The NHS is facing a huge oversupply of consultants and a shortage of thousands of nurses, junior doctors and GPs, a draft government strategy has revealed.

  • News

    SHAs told they must plug shortfall of 14,000 nurses


    A shortage of more than 14,000 nurses by 2011 could cripple NHS organisations as they struggle to meet patient demand for services.

  • News

    'Market rates for nurses' plan


    Nurses' pay could be dictated by local market rates under proposals being discussed by the board of the Department of Health.

  • News

    DoH plans mark rewriting of relationship with professions


    If one image of the dole queue helped finish off Labour in 1979, just imagine what might happen if the jobless wore white coats. The prospect of making large numbers of consultant posts redundant is one rarely articulated in public. That changes this week with HSJrevealing ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Two more dates confirmed for Good Management Live


    Two new dates have been confirmed for the next set of Good Management Live dates - dealing with the application of lean techniques and with length of stay.

  • Comment

    Michael White on politics


    'The McElephant in the corner, of course, is devolved Scotland, where personal care is free'

  • Comment

    Michael White on the pay round


    'The tough pay round is a blatant 'clawback' and I don't think doctors can expect much sympathy'

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    Media watch


    'Hats must come off for the clever combining of deficit and superbug'

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    Media Watch: nurses protest


    Avenging angels hit the headlines and the streets this weekend as they came out in force to protest at, among other things, a below-inflation pay rise.

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    Michael White on hospital infections


    HSJ's January scoop about the enduring problems with MRSA and Clostridium difficile yielded parliamentary fruit the other day in the shape of a Tory-initiated Commons debate in which this magazine received generous publicity. Excellent.

  • News

    Half of new nurses out of work


    Almost half of newly qualified nurses have not been able to find jobs this year, MPs heard last week.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: working for free


    One test of a story's likely impact on the public is the range of newspapers that run it. On that basis, the story at the weekend that nurses, doctors and other staff at a Kent acute trust have been asked to do a day's work for no pay pretty much ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Design for living


    The targets may have been narrowly missed, but meticulous planning of care pathways and a focus on sustainability are driving radical improvements to cancer treatment. And Daloni Carlisle says there's more to come

  • Comment

    Michael White on the 'demise' of nursing


    Sometimes the political weather seems to follow the climatic version. So it was no surprise during the snow to read a mild-mannered press release about training patterns under the lurid headline that we face 'the demise of nursing' in Britain.

  • News

    Scottish helpline implicated in two deaths


    The future of NHS 24, Scotland's troubled nurse-led helpline, again looked in doubt last week after a judge concluded it was implicated in the deaths of two patients.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The Fall Guys: staff safety is a major concern


    Violence against NHS staff is still at unacceptable levels, with incidents often unreported and perpetrators uncharged. Emma Dent reports

  • News

    How the push for local choice in childbirth is foundering


    Despite national pledges to provide women with a range of local options, choice in maternity services has largely failed to materialise. Alison Moore investigates how local organisations? decisions to close units are flying in the face of national policy

  • News

    Protect equity says RCN chief


    The patient choice programme must not be promoted at the expense of equity, Peter Carter, the Royal College of Nursing's new general secretary, has warned.

  • News

    MPs join nurses' campaign for a fair pay deal


    Pressure is mounting on the government to rethink its decision to stage this year's pay award for nurses, as hundreds of MPs join nurses in calling for the 2.5 per cent increase to be paid in full.

  • News

    Chronic disease management: Welsh framework will cut through boundaries


    With evidence mounting that chronic illness represents the principal burden on health and social care services, effective management of long-term conditions is a priority. Helen Howson and colleagues explain