All Nursing articles – Page 96

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Best practice: stopping patients falling in hospital


    When a patient falls in hospital it betrays the principle that a doctor - and by extension the healthcare system - should do no harm.

  • News

    Health unions back findings


    Chief executives' views mirror closely what Royal College of Nursing and Unison members are saying about the NHS reforms, say the unions' leaders.

  • Comment

    Maternity services are everyone's baby


    Labour's most recent election manifesto promised that by 2009 all women would have choice on where and how they have their baby.

  • News

    Nurses ready to strike over pay award


    Nurses have said they are prepared to strike over this year's pay award.

  • News

    MPs' response to angry nurses leaked


    The Labour Party has given MPs a model letter to help them deal with nurses furious at last week's below-inflation pay award.

  • News

    Nursing chief is good and bad cop all in one


    The Royal College of Nursing's general secretary, Peter Carter,.has altered its stance on reconfiguration, plurality and the wisdom of heckling Hewitt. But he promises fierce opposition to poor management and short-term cuts

  • News

    Alarm as diabetes jobs are slashed


    More than a quarter of specialist diabetes nurses say trusts have cut posts and some nurses been made redundant, according to a survey.

  • News

    RCN to discuss strike action


    Nurses could be balloted over industrial action following a meeting held this week.

  • News

    Matrons national network


    This newly established network is aimed at matrons within acute settings, allowing them to share practice, ideas and innovation and set standards within patient experience and patient environment. The matrons national network aims to:

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving the use of temporary nursing staff in acute and foundation trusts


    Improving the use of temporary nursing staff in NHS acute and foundation trusts

  • News

    National cot locator launched


    The Department of Health has launched a national cot locator to allow clinicians to see what cots are available in around 40 neonatal intensive care units across England.Health minister Ivan Lewis said a call to the locator would provide immediate, up-to-date information about the options available outside local networks and ...

  • News

    New palliative care guide launched


    The National Council for Palliative Care has launched a guide for nurses, general practitioners and care home workers on managing the last days of life. It covers a range of good practice, legal and emotional issuesTo download a copy of the report go to ...

  • News

    Trusts need more time to balance books, says RCN


    Trusts need more time to regain financial stability rather than having to cut services and posts in order to balance their books, the Royal College of Nursing has said.The union said long-term recovery plans were needed and trusts should be given three years to create a sustainable buffer fund and ...

  • Comment

    Back to the wards


    A selection of reader responses about our story on senior nurses going 'back to the wards' to save trusts money

  • News

    Scottish Executive unveils plans to reform nursing


    New measures to reform nursing in Scotland have been unveiled by the Scottish Executive.Health minister Andy Kerr launched the Delivering Care, Enabling Healthstrategy, which will give nurses, midwives and allied health professionals a bigger role in patient care.The strategy was published alongside a review ...

  • News

    Back to the ward: back-to-front thinking


    Even when financial pressure is being felt so heavily up and down the country, it still seems odd that some trusts are asking senior nurses (in at least one case, at director level) to go back to the wards to help out on a regular basis. Read more >>

  • News

    RCN attacks back-to-wards plan


    The Royal College of Nursing has expressed concerns that trusts across the country are asking senior nurses with specialist skills to go back to the wards as nursing auxiliaries to ease recruitment and financial problems.

  • News

    'Emotional blackmail' of nursing staff


    I do not have a problem with teamwork and continuing part-time care. However, this excuse is trotted out every time money has to be saved. It's a form of emotional blackmail of already hard-pressed nursing staff.

  • News

    NHS pay rises 'eaten up by inflation'


    Big rises in the basics of daily living eat up 'cost of living' increases for NHS staff covered by the nurses and other health professions pay review body, according to research by Unison.In its evidence to the review body, the union says that last year's 2.5 per cent pay rise ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Identifying 'ghost' patients in residential and nursing homes


    There are plenty of methodologies for systematically validating list of patients registered with primary care trusts to identify 'ghost' patients - those who no longer live at their recorded address or do not exist.