All Older people’s services articles – Page 43

  • Bladder and bowel continence problems affect one in five people and causes poor health, depression and social isolation, while costing the NHS millions of pounds.

    Continence care criticised


    People with continence problems face a “life sentence” of suffering due to poorly organised NHS care, a report said claimed.

  • Most voters 'back tax rises and spending cuts'

    Most voters 'back tax rises and spending cuts'


    A majority of voters (60%) believe that the government is right to raise taxes and cut spending to bring down Britain’s state deficit, according to a survey.

  • Elderly people are being left to go hungry on NHS wards, a report has claimed.

    Elderly 'being left to go hungry on wards'


    Elderly people are being left to go hungry on NHS wards, a report has claimed.

  • End of life care
    HSJ Knowledge

    End of life care


    Yvonne Cartwright explains how a Sue Ryder Care rapid response service supported people in northBedfordshire to die at home

  • Figures showed more than 1,100 hospital beds have been cut in the past three years.

    Labour accuses SNP of hypocrisy over bed cuts


    Labour has accused the Scottish government of “staggering hypocrisy” after figures showed more than 1,100 hospital beds have been cut in the past three years.

  • Health staff who drive patients to and from hospitals are to be balloted for strikes in a row over plans to privatise their work.

    Hospital drivers to vote on strike action


    Health staff who drive patients to and from hospitals are to be balloted for strikes in a row over plans to privatise their work.

  • Postcode lottery in end of life care care

    'Postcode lottery in end of life care provision'


    A postcode lottery exists in whether patients approaching the end of their life are able to die in hospital or at home, a major piece of research shows.

  • The Department of Health is considering transferring around £400m of NHS funding to councils next financial year to partially plug the gap in their social care budgets.

    £400m NHS funds may go to social care


    The Department of Health is considering transferring around £400m of NHS funding to councils next financial year to partially plug the gap in their social care budgets.

  • Introducing a CQUIN framework to stroke units
    HSJ Knowledge

    CQUIN in stroke units


    In the UK, an estimated 150,000 people have a stroke annually (1). Mortality and morbidity are high. 67,000 deaths occur annually (2) and many of those who survive are left with moderate or severe disabilities (3).

  • NHS boards in Scotland are being asked to meet an increased target in the reduction of over-65s catching Clostridium difficile in their hospitals - placing the figure now at 50%.

    C diff target increased to 50% in Scotland


    NHS boards in Scotland are being asked to meet an increased target in the reduction of over-65s catching Clostridium difficile in their hospitals - placing the figure now at 50%.

  • Almost 1,000 deaths from advanced breast cancer would be prevented each year if England's survival rates matched those in Norway and Sweden, research has shown.

    Early breast cancer diagnosis could save 1,000 lives


    A total of 957 deaths from advanced breast cancer could be avoided each year in England if its early diagnosis rates matched those in Norway and Sweden, research has shown.

  • Stephen Dorrell

    Dorrell chairs health committee


    Former health secretary Stephen Dorrell has been elected chair of the Commons health committee.

  • Nurse

    CQC review uncovers nursing failures and poor staff supervision


    Nursing failures and poor staff supervision were discovered at a mental health unit after an investigation into the deaths of six elderly patients, the Care Quality Commission has said.

  • Theresa May to scale back vetting plans

    NHS staff vetting plans to be scaled back


    Home secretary, Theresa May, has promised to scale back “draconian” plans for vetting people working with children and vulnerable adults to bring in more “common sense”.

  • Residential care commissioning leaves room for improvement
    HSJ Knowledge

    Residential care commissioning leaves room for improvement


    Despite their complex needs it has been revealed that many care home residents lack access to specialist services, reports Stuart Shepherd

  • When is the glass half full and when is it half empty? It's all a matter of temperament, in my experience. The 400-point Lib-Con coalition agreement seems to have been a relatively painless negotiation as far as the 30 health (plus four on public health)

    Michael White on coalition compromises


    When is the glass half full and when is it half empty? It’s all a matter of temperament, in my experience. The 400-point Lib-Con coalition agreement seems to have been a relatively painless negotiation as far as the 30 health (plus four on public health) points are concerned. Should we ...

  • Patient safety: falls prevention
    HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety: falls prevention


    Assessing patient at risk of falling should not be left to nurses and geriatricians alone but must involve professionals from across disciplines, says Helen Mooney

  • How to improve end of life care
    HSJ Knowledge

    How to improve end of life care


    The 2008 end of life care strategy allocated £286m to primary care trusts. Lynne Greenwood looks at some of the innovations and improvements being made with the cash

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Out of hours care


    This report summarises the methodology and the outcome of a pilot project designed to reduce the number of elderly patients admitted to hospital from nursing homes. It suggests that enhanced out of hours care by GPs can improve the experience of patients (and their relatives) and reduce costs by limiting ...

  • Leaders clash over healthcare at general election debate

    Leaders clash over healthcare at general election debate


    The leaders of the three main parties made history last night as they crossed swords in the first ever televised prime ministerial general election debate.