WINNER: The Redmoor-ELC Partnership and NHS England and Improvement General Practice Nurse Ten Point Plan Team: Spreading Video Group Clinics in Primary Care
Consultations are the DNA of primary care. By changing from one to one to group consultations, both clinicians and patients grow and learn. In 2020 NHSEI’s General Practice Nurse Ten Point Plan team and The Redmoor-ELC Partnership supported over 700 GP practices to test and spread video group clinics (VGCs).
Much more than an education programme, this change and transformation package assured flexible, interactive action learning and indemnity cover alongside robust confidentiality and consent processes designed nationally and delivered locally. After six months, 74 per cent say they will continue with VGCs. Over 2500 people are being trained in 2021/22.
Highly commended:
- WingFactors and Whittington Health Trust: Pilotsims
- BMJ & Health Education England: Evidence on Demand: Best Practice Bring Evidence to the Bedside
- Chesterfield Sheffield & Derby FRCS Clinical Examination Course, Chesterfield Royal Hospital FT, Sheffield Children’s FT and University Hospitals of Derby and Burton FT: Virtual Orthopaedic Clinicals
- Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare: Care Certificate e-Learning Programme for the Health and Care Workforce
- Ipsen: A Life in a Day of a Kidney Cancer (RCC) patient
- Oliver & Company (UK) and Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG: One Clinical Community Programme
- Trend Diabetes and Orange Juice Communications: Insulin Safety - Getting It Right
- Vygon UK: Upskilling Goes Online with the Intravascular Therapies Hub
HSJ Partnership Awards 2021 winners revealed
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HSJ Partnership Awards 2021: Best Educational Programme for the NHS
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