WINNER: Archus, Mott MacDonald, Q5, Hoare Lea, BDP, Welsh Rugby Union and Cardiff & Vale University Health Board: Dragon’s Heart Hospital/Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig
Channelling the strength and spirit of the Welsh dragon, this multidisciplinary team of professionals, from all walks of life, came together to deliver a monumental feat of planning, ingenuity and wholehearted commitment to deliver a 1,500-bed surge hospital, the largest in Wales and one of the largest freestanding structures of its kind in Europe.
This was delivered successfully against a backdrop of significant technical and logistical challenges, but the key challenge was simply the tremendous speed at which the team had to work – to deliver in under four weeks.
Highly commended:
- 33N, Brunel University London, and Health Education England: COVID-19 Intensive Care Remote Learning Course (CIRLC): Rapid ICU Training for Non-ICU Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK
- BT and King’s College Health Partners: Life Lines
- CF, NHS England and NHS Improvement London Region Team and London ADASS: London Region Covid Out-of-Hospital Support
- Changing Lives, Turning Point and Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear FT: Northumberland and North Tyneside Recovery Partnerships
- Ernst & Young (EY), NHS Nightingale North West and Manchester University FT: 120 days to Build, Stand-Up, Run and Stand-by NHS Nightingale North West
- Kidney Wales, Paul Popham Renal Fund, Kidney Care UK, Wales Kidney Research Unit and NHS Partners, Welsh Renal Clinical Network [(WRCN) a sub-committee of Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC)]: Providing Calm, Accurate and Consistent Messaging about COVID-19 to Kidney Dialysis Patients in Wales
- Peppy: Supporting At-Risk New and Expectant Parents through the Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond
- Y Lab, Barts Health Trust and Liberating Structures Learning Partners: Happy Ltd, Needs Workshop, Emergency Care Improvement Support Team and NHS England and NHS Improvement: Transformative Mobilisation - Co-Producing with Barts Shielders through Liberating Structures
HSJ Partnership Awards 2021 winners revealed
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Currently reading
HSJ Partnership Awards 2021: Regional Covid-19 Response Partnership Award
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