WINNER: Apadmi & NHS Blood and Transplant: TransplantPath

NHSBT identified a critical issue in the organ donation process: pace was hindered by legacy systems. With the growing need for organs, a streamlined solution was imperative. NHSBT teamed up with digital product experts Apadmi to create TransplantPath, a web app that makes sharing transplant information simple, keeping it secure and readily available to those who need it, when they need it. TransplantPath is a one-stop shop, cutting down on phone calls, reducing risk, increasing productivity and streamlining workflows.


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Definition Health and South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre: Patient-Centric Hip and Knee Replacement Recovery Through Remote Monitoring: Prioritising Patient Safety, Individualised Care, and Digital Innovation

Diligram & Mid and South Essex Trust: MyStaff App: Revolutionising NHS Information Management Through Digital Innovation

DNV Imatis and Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust: Silent Hospital Pilot Project

ITGL, Calabrio, & Mersey Care FT: Mersey Care - Striving For Perfect Care, And Supporting People In Crisis

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Winners of HSJ Partnership and inaugural Independent Healthcare Providers Awards revealed