All Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) articles
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HSJ Knowledge
Lessons learned on the long road to recovery
Ian Callaghan Ian Callaghan Ian Callaghan recounts his experiences of secure mental healthcare and explains why he is optimistic
We must keep our eyes on the outcomes prize
The bravest leaders are ensuring outcomes are prized above activity – but this is not a mission for the faint hearted
Paperless NHS supplement: Service redesign – Visible results
Paperless NHS supplement: Service redesign – Visible results
Paperless NHS supplement: Service improvement – bringing patients into focus
Paperless NHS supplement: Service improvement - bringing patients into focus
Supplement: What organisations must do to achieve a paperless NHS
Paperless NHS supplement
PROMs show no evidence of inappropriate surgery
Patient reported outcome measures have not driven expected improvements in treatment during their first three years and do not support claims the NHS is treating too many patients, researchers have found.
UPDATED: Wide variation in response rates for friends and family test
Significant variation between trusts in the response rates to the friends and family survey has sparked fresh concern about the test’s validity following publication of the first national results on Tuesday.
HSJ Knowledge
Trusts lose ground in online marketing race
Providers are missing opportunities to promote themselves
Trusts to be rewarded for friends and family test success
For all the talk of easing top-down control of trusts, the mandate mentions some levers that could hit providers.
Latest surgery outcome figures show 'marked' variation
There is “marked” variation in the level of health benefit patients feel from common surgical procedures, national performance figures show.
HSJ Knowledge
Make time for talking
The introduction of a web-based tool that lets patients maximise limited time
HSJ Knowledge
How enhanced recovery can improve elective surgery experiences and outcomes
An enhanced recovery pathway at a London trust has led to benefits including earlier discharge for patients. Lisa Hollins and colleagues explain how they did it.
HSJ Knowledge
Putting patients in the centre: the whole person approach to integrated care
Seraphim Rose Patel explains, with a colleague, how a whole person, whole system approach can reduce NHS and social care costs.
New approach to back pain management could save NHS £120m
Outcomes among back patients could be improved if a stratified management approach to providing primary care physiotherapy is adopted, research suggests.
HSJ Knowledge
Guidance on producing an any qualified provider implementation pack
The chance to produce an AQP implementation pack offered potent insights into how the service area should develop. Sheena Hennell explains how one PCT cluster went about their project.
HSJ Local
NHS Midlands and East launches 'real time' monitoring of patient experience
PERFORMANCE: A system for ranking NHS trusts by patient satisfaction will be introduced across a quarter of England’s hospitals in 2012-13, with part of their funding dependant on league table performance.
'There is inherent value in high quality outcomes data'
Patient outcomes can provide value no matter what the NHS looks like.
Fixed NHS prices could become 'increasingly problematic' commission warns
The use of fixed prices to prevent competition driving down care quality could become “increasingly problematic”, a “seminal report” warned this week.