All Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) articles – Page 3
'The challenge is to get better average outcomes and reduce variation'
Post-Blair Labour health “reforms” overemphasised a centrist, target driven culture that tended to distort how care might best be delivered. It marginalised clinical staff, leaving them often to adopt a stance of disgruntled passivity.
Pioneering 'NHS Atlas' reveals huge contrasts in care
The Department of Health has for the first time laid bare the huge regional variations in healthcare across England.
Patients Association rubbishes local invovement networks
The Patients Association has criticised the current patient involvement system and expressed doubt about white paper plans to reform it.
HSJ Knowledge
Pinning down patient opinion on mental healthcare
An audit tool has been successfully piloted to measure older mental health service users’ views. Seraphim Rose Patel and colleagues explain.
‘Shared decisions’ mean fewer operations
Better informed patients would want fewer operations, saving the NHS £150m, according to work by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.
Surgery fails thousands of patients
The NHS is spending tens of millions of pounds each year on operations of questionable benefit to patients’ health, according to groundbreaking figures.
'Time to consider the benefits and flaws of the single minded pursuit of targets'
Medicine, it has been suggested, is as much an art as a science.
HSJ Knowledge
Commissioning for outcomes
The report from The Nuffield Trust and The King’s Fund Where next for commissioning in the English NHS? describes the Health Service as reaching a “fork in the road”.
The new healthcare revolution
Does the white paper outline a great leap forward or a just a step backwards?
New outcomes measures may be de facto targets
A draft NHS outcomes framework is being welcomed despite fears it could amount to a set of “proxy targets”.
Health outcomes consultation launched
The government has launched a public consultation aimed at defining how the NHS should be judged over healthcare outcomes for patients.
GPs and QIPP: is there a doctor on board?
The quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) programme, a colleague once said, is like redesigning a plane while attempting to fly it.
Neil Churchill: NHS savings on long term conditions
Encouraging patients to be more self sufficient could go quite a way towards realising the required savings of £2.7bn a year by 2014 from the NHS’s long term conditions budget
National GP referral guidelines are needed to reduce inequalities
HSJ’s analysis of the first national collection of patient reported quality measures confirms what has long been suspected: better off patients undergo surgical procedures sooner after they develop health problems than poorer patients.
NHS patients in richer areas get operations earlier
The NHS is operating on patients from richer areas when they are significantly less sick than those from deprived communities, according to analysis carried out by HSJ of the inaugural national collection of patient reported quality measures.
First patient reported outcomes due in April
The first results from the NHS’s landmark collection of patient reported outcome measures are expected to be published next month despite earlier concerns about whether enough patients had responded.
Alan Maynard: could the Tories give PCTs bite?
The ‘toothless bulldogs’ of the NHS might hope for more control over purchasing under the Conservatives
Janice Stevens on same sex hospital accommodation
Same sex facilities call for changed attitudes more than new buildings
Tory pledge on NHS targets might not hit the spot
As the Conservatives promise voters a shift from targets to a service shaped by outcome measures and what patients say about their healthcare experience, Alison Moore looks at why many managers are sceptical about the idea
Patient reported outcome measures may be public next year
Information comparing how much patients’ health improves with the care received at different hospitals will appear early next year, the Department of Health is hoping.