All Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) articles – Page 4
Exploring doctors' role in society
It seems to me that for as long as I have been qualified as a doctor (some 21 years) the profession has been struggling with the various facets of its role in the NHS, and its place in society.
NICE rebuffs PCTs’ call to help identify more areas for savings
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has rejected calls to identify more drugs and treatments that should be used less - or not at all - ahead of NHS investment cuts.
HSJ Knowledge
Past, present and future productivity in the NHS
Higher performance bought with heavy investment in the NHS is in jeopardy from arbitrary cost cutting in the name of efficiency. Andrew Street reports
Patient reported outcome measures raise questions of how need for operations is decided
HSJ’s revelation this week that tens of millions of pounds are being spent on treatments that arguably do not improve patients’ lives serves to focus minds.
Unneeded surgery may be costing the NHS millions
Tens of millions of pounds are being spent on NHS procedures that offer little apparent benefit, the first comprehensive survey of patient reported outcomes is expected to reveal.
Trusts must collect patient reported data or face fines
Hospital trusts must prepare to ask thousands of patients to fill in questionnaires about their health before surgery - and face fines if not enough do so.
NHS PROMs results ready by November
Hospitals will be publicly rated by patients' reports of their care before the end of the year.
National quality board named as NHS prepares for international comparison
The NHS will be compared with its international peers in annual reports by the soon to be created national quality board.
The NHS rhetoric is the reality
Can you get to see your GP within 48 hours? Seems like the apparatchiks at the DOH and the piety at the HCC beg to differ about question itself, let alone the answer.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS next stage review: the whole package
World class commissioning will be a major driver in improving healthcare quality, by embedding it in the DNA of services
Patients' voices in danger of drowning in paperwork
Patients could be put off taking part in NHS outcome measurement by overwhelmingly long questionnaires, market researchers fear.
HSJ Knowledge
Informed commissioning
Ministers want to transform NHS commissioning from a sleepy pussycat into a sleek, sharp-toothed tiger. And good-quality information will be the key to success. Andy Cowper reports.
Bruce Keogh outlines quality comparisons plan
Plans to expose bad care and poor patient safety are to be taken forward with a consultation on the first NHS quality framework.
HSJ Knowledge
The Honest Broker
In an era of patient choice and world class commissioning, The NHS Information Centre believes its role is to be the 'honest broker' of the data needed to drive improvements in healthcare. Andy Cowper reports
Alan Maynard on managing the NHS market
The Darzi reforms, like dozens of ‘definitive’ reports and structural ‘redisorganisations’ over the 60 years of the health service, are experiments that may imperil or improve the lot of patients and taxpayers.
HSJ Knowledge
Improving quality: a perfect 10 from patients
The next stage of NHS reform will be about improving quality - and an ambitious outcomes measurement regime will be crucial, say Jon Sussex and Adrian Towse
Tim Benson and Justin Whatling on measuring outcomes
The only way to find out if your healthcare strategies are working is through reliable measurement.
Managers put faith in Darzi's clinical vision
Managers believe Lord Darzi's vision for the NHS, where quality is financially rewarded and commissioning is the lynchpin of the service, is achievable within the next 10 years.
Darzi quality incentive puts £1bn at stake
Up to £1bn - or 3 per cent - of annual hospital trust income will be contingent on meeting service quality requirements by 2010-11.
Door slams shut on targets and opens on a world of outcomes
In the corridors of health policy there is now an unseemly rush to be the first through the door marked 'outcomes'.