All Patient safety articles – Page 102

  • News

    First trust prosecuted by CQC pleads guilty to safety failures


    Southern Health pleaded guilty to failing to provide safe care and treatment Patient broke their neck after climbing onto roof The trust had done “nothing sufficient to prevent” incident despite warning signs Southern Health Foundation Trust has pleaded guilty to a causing a patient life-altering injuries through safety ...

  • HSJ Local

    Trust cut thousands of patients from waiting lists in 'unsafe' practice


    Kettering trust excluded at least 26,000 potential patients from waiting list using “unsafe” data filtering “solely intended” to omit long waits Damning report found RTT performance data has been “fundamentally flawed” since 2006 Trust denies fraud but admits senior managers “failed to act appropriately” A Midlands trust has ...

  • grenfell tower inside

    Updated: Cladding tested for fire risk at 36 trusts


    Fire safety tests are being carried out on external cladding used by 36 trusts to find out whether it is similar to material used on Grenfell Tower.

  • fire

    Thousands of private hospitals and care homes ordered to check fire safety


    The Care Quality Commission has told more than 31,000 people working for care homes, independent hospitals and hospices to carry out urgent fire safety reviews following the Grenfell Tower fire.

  • Woman looking at smartphone

    CQC criticises 'unsafe' digital GP service


    The Care Quality Commission has uncovered unsafe prescribing practises at another digital health provider, including a doctor prescribing sleeping disorder drug to keep a person awake for work.

  • Firefighter

    Exclusive: NHS struggling to maintain fire safety


    NHS trusts face significant fire safety risks, research by HSJ has shown.

  • Surgical tools

    CQC to 'strengthen' oversight of private hospitals after breast surgeon scandal


    Regulator to “strengthen” its review of practising privileges in independent hospitals in wake of Ian Paterson scandal CQC will use data from insurers to spot “outlier” surgery activity Considering freedom to speak up guardians for the independent sector The Care Quality Commission is to “strengthen” its oversight of ...

  • grenfell tower inside

    Exclusive: Fire services 'not consulted' over NHS safety checks


    Fire chiefs say they were not asked about ‘practicalities’ before urgent safety checks were ordered Trust leaders describe ‘chaos’ as fire services struggle to respond to NHS requests Fire services tell NHS bosses they will be unable to carry out inspections over the weekend Trust chief: ‘Joined up government ...

  • jeremy hunt confed 2

    Hunt gives trusts one day to check fire safety of wards


    NHS leaders have been asked to arrange urgent fire safety inspections of all inpatient accommodation this weekend as the service steps up its response to the Grenfell Tower disaster. 

  • grenfell tower inside

    Trusts told to check cladding following Grenfell Tower fire


    NHS organisations asked to carry out immediate checks of buildings following Grenfell Tower fire Trusts given a day to complete work and send details to regulator Local estates chiefs told to provide detail on fire improvement schemes Trusts asked to account for PFI and LIFT properties NHS trusts ...

  • Houses_of_Parliament

    Queen's speech: Doubt over promised health reforms


    Queen’s speech includes only a “draft bill” to give powers on to new safety investigator This is likely to mean significant delay for the changes Plans to consult on mental health and older people’s social care, but no legislation proposed The government has no firm plan for any ...

  • Ian Cumming

    Health Education England chief targets NHS workforce surplus


    HEE chief executive said retention was the key factor to improving NHS workforce supply Professor Ian Cumming revealed ambition for UK to be self-sufficient across healthcare professions Flexible working, fall in the pound and EU referendum all factors in losing staff Health Education England’s chief executive has said ...

  • ultrasound

    Hundreds of babies suffer avoidable harm in NHS, study warns


    RCOG study found more than 550 babies born in 2015 may have had a different outcome Only a third of local investigations involved families or patients Quarter of local investigations were not good enough to assess quality of care Hundreds of babies who died during or shortly after ...

  • Celia Ingham Clark

    Revealed: New national patient safety director


    Senior NHS England clinician Celia Ingham Clark has been appointed as interim national patient safety director for England in a joint appointment across NHS England and NHS Improvement, HSJ has learned.

  • North Tyneside general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Top FT challenges CCG over 'unsafe' urgent care procurement


    Northumbria Healthcare FT launches legal challenge over urgent care centre procurement process Trust says the cost savings required by North Tyneside CCG during the procurement as “unsafe and unsustainable” for the service CCG says the challenge meant a new contract with the preferred provider could not be signed Commissioners ...

  • Birmingham

    Mental health beds shortfall puts patients at 'intolerable' risk


    Forward Thinking Birmingham service under pressure little over a year after controversial shake-up of mental health in the city Birmingham and Solihull CCGs plan extra funding for adult mental health following critical independent report Demand for adult mental health beds outstrips contracted supply by 50 per cent Lead provider ...

  • critical_woman_nurse_care_respiratory_accident_emergency_bedside_manner.jpg
    HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ Emerging Leaders summit to address workforce crisis


    The HSJ Emerging Leaders summits support board level leaders to build and embed future leadership capacity and encourages aspirant leaders to progress their careers in the NHS.

  • Newham hospital
    HSJ Local

    Staffing gaps a factor in patient's death


    Consultant told coroner short staffing in ICU affected patient’s care Inquest heard Errol Mann died of a pulmonary embolism that was not properly investigated Barts Health Trust says it has increased consultant numbers to maintain patient safety Staffing gaps in an intensive care unit run by the largest ...

  • Weston General Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust shuts 'inadequate' A&E overnight after CQC safety warning


    Weston Area Health Trust “temporarily” shuts A&E overnight, citing difficulty maintaining safe staffing levels CQC issues formal warning over inadequate A&E services Comes amid wider plans to reconfigure unsustainable clinical services Trust remains committed to 24/7 urgent care but says service will be unlikely to be “full emergency department” ...

  • uhnm fire 3
    HSJ Local

    Man charged with starting fire at NHS hospital


    Police have charged a 39 year old man with arson and intent to endanger life after a fire was deliberately started at a major Midlands hospital.