All Patient safety articles – Page 103

  • Keith conradi 3x2

    Exclusive: HSIB chief will challenge regulators on patient safety


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch chief investigator says he will challenge regulators Keith Conradi says NHS has been “defensive” and incident investigations seen as a “bolt on” HSIB “will go where the evidence leads” The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will focus its efforts on challenging system regulators and policymakers ...

  • ambulance

    Revealed: First investigation by new body launched after patient death


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch starts its first investigation after patient death Investigation will focus on the transfer of deteriorating patients between different hospitals Concerns raised about the transfer of patients between services earlier this year The new Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch has launched its first investigation into the ...

  • Regulation jpg

    GP super partnerships could be assessed in same way as trusts


    CQC to develop new “provider level” assessment for large scale GP providers and new care models GP practices required to submit data on care quality annually Regulator to remove limit on amendments to providers’ ratings Large scale GP organisations and those providing new care models could be subject ...

  • mental health

    Analysis: Mental health services with the biggest leadership and safety risks


    HSJ analysis of CQC ratings shows a high correlation between poor leadership and safety concerns across mental health services Services with the poorest performance are those where recruitment and service demand pressures are high, leaders warn Struggling providers can “learn lessons” from outstanding trusts, says chief executive There ...

  • kate and rhiannon davies colour
    HSJ Local

    Inquiry chair revealed amid families' criticism of regulator


    Senior midwife Donna Ockenden appointed to lead review into deaths of 15 babies and three mothers Parents criticise NHS Improvement for setting “narrow” terms of reference and excluding families Jeremy Hunt set up review after concerns over deaths and lack of investigations A senior midwife has been appointed ...

  • Bruce Keogh
    HSJ Local

    Keogh unveils safety steps after patient dies from drinking alcohol gel


    NHS England’s medical director is considering new safety measures for acute trusts after a patient died from drinking alcohol rub.

  • Surgery
    HSJ Local

    'Never events' probe launched at trust after CCG concerns


    A review has been launched into the quality and safety of acute services at a major acute provider after a cluster of “never events” at the trust alarmed commissioners. 

  • Barcode
    HSJ Knowledge

    How codes are raising the bar


    When a foundation trust began using barcodes to improve stock control and procurement, it soon realised that the technology was capable of helping to achieve more ambitious goals relating to safety and savings

  • Julia riley

    Avoiding unplanned admissions during end of life care


    A programme offering one, standard, digital, urgent care plan is making sure that the patient’s wishes are taken into account by all who are going to be responsible for care

  • Police
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust may face police probe


    Kettering General Hospital may face a police investigation over whistleblower allegations it deliberately manipulated RTT data Trust “absolutely refutes” allegations but admits 138 patients experienced harm due to overly long waits for operations Northamptonshire Police says it is “working in partnership” with the CQC and NHS Protect to review ...

  • A woman with tape over her mouth

    Trusts asked to help shape whistleblower support scheme


    NHS Improvement appeals for trusts to help design pilot scheme Project follows recommendation by Sir Robert Francis QC Freedom to Speak Up Report highlighted how whistleblowers lost careers A new initiative to help whistleblowers return to work in the NHS is being developed and piloted by NHS Improvement.

  • University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Critical incident declared by major acute trust


    Trust declares critical incident after increasing attendances and admissions One patient waited 16 hours in the department, a source claims Chief operating officer says no patient waited longer than eight hours following a decision to admit An acute trust with one of the busiest A&Es in the country ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: A reckoning is due


    Contact me in confidence here. Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

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    HSJ Local

    Patient death linked to lack of beds at major teaching trust


    Patient dies following lack of beds at a major London teaching trust Coroner’s sends warning over the lack of oversight from clinicians of hospital bed status University College London Hospitals FT, warned future deaths could occur if clinicians not informed of bed status across all of its sites ...

  • push button technology switch innovation choice

    New CQC inspection model depends on £9m IT upgrade


    CQC said that if the IT project fails ”we won’t be able to deliver our programme on a reduced budget” “Relatively high” risk levels surround the project due to “fundamental gaps” in current skills and technology and potential to delay roll out of inspection dashboards Work to first begin ...

  • nurse doctor mask flu

    U-turn over agency staff tax rules


    NHS Improvement says trusts must not take a blanket approach to new IR35 rules Regulator had previously advised all agency staff would be covered by the tax changes New guidance published today advises trusts to review each case and consider representations NHS Improvement has made a significant U-turn ...

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    NHS told to prepare urgently for second possible terrorist attack


    Message to trauma centres to prepare for possible further terrorist attack Simon Stevens told NHS England board trusts are being urged to check staffing levels and mutual assistance plans Terrorist threat level was raised to critical – the highest level – following attack in Manchester on Monday night ...

  • Gavin boyle

    Enacting change at pace and scale in the NHS


    What started as a procurement project using GS1 barcodes at Derby Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust will eventually give us data for the whole patient pathway

  • hospital_bed_ward_patient.jpg

    Unprecedented winter bed pressure revealed in new stats


    Bed occupancy hits record high, as overall bed numbers across NHS continue to decline Royal College of Surgeons says data is “exceptionally worrying” Acute bed numbers have however risen slightly overall on last year Acute bed occupancy hit a record high in the final quarter of 2016-17, while ...

  • Surgical scissors
    HSJ Local

    'Severe harm' to patients at teaching trust after records failure


    A patient suffered a stroke that might have been prevented and another received late treatment for cancer after record keeping failures at a teaching hospital.