All Patient safety articles – Page 105

  • paperwork
    HSJ Local

    Trust destroyed records after baby suffered brain damage


    Trust destroyed medical records after legal claim was lodged against midwifery unit Midwife told registrar to stay outside delivery room while baby’s life was in danger Calderdale and Huddersfield FT’s documents had “puzzling differences” and midwife’s account had “unexplained discrepancies”, says judge A trust destroyed medical records after ...

  • Humber bridge
    HSJ Local

    NHSI: Trust was not using national ligature tool when woman died


    Woman hanged herself from a bath tap in mental health inpatient unit run by Humber FT Inquest returned a verdict of accidental death but coroner flagged up concerns with trust’s ligature policy to NHS Improvement NHSI says the trust was not using a prescribed national tool and had not ...

  • prison
    HSJ Local

    Mental health trust launches review of deaths in custody


    Mental health trust launches review after 10 prisoners die in one year Two patients committed suicide within nine days of each other in February Suicides in prison have doubled since 2012 A mental health trust which runs prisons services is launching a review of the way it handles ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt rows back plans for extending investigation 'safe space'


    HSIB will operate safe space principles ahead of new legislation to protect material Local NHS organisations will not be granted safe space powers Jeremy Hunt says extending safe space locally would be “premature” The Department of Health will not extend plans for a legal safe space during safety ...

  • Workforce

    NHS warned not to ignore needs of 'generation Y' workforce


    Pay review body warns policymakers not to ignore demands of “generation Y” doctors Call follows last year’s damaging junior doctors contract dispute People born between 1980 and 2000 will make up half the global workforce by 2020 A failure by NHS policymakers to respond to demands of a ...

  • court report
    HSJ Local

    Patient death reveals 'no coordination' between mental health services


    A coroner has raised concerns about the lack of coordination in mental health services for young people in Birmingham, after a patient under NHS care was found hanged.

  • 02 e24008

    New safety checks for trust workforce plans in development


    Nursing directors to develop new tools and safeguards around workforce reforms NHS Improvement wants to ensure trusts follow proper governance processes Two nursing directors have been asked by NHS Improvement to lead work developing new safeguards to protect care quality when trusts make significant changes to their workforce.

  • trust board
    HSJ Local

    Southern Health seeks to fill five board level jobs


    The largest mental health and community services trust in the country is advertising five board level jobs following a string of resignations.

  • healthcare workers

    NHS research finds 'direct link' between staffing levels and death risk


    First UK study to link individual patient outcomes to nursing care and staffing levels Patients were at increased risk of death when there was low staffing and high temporary staffing High levels of admissions per nurse were associated with increased risk New research at an NHS hospital has ...

  • Whistle

    Revealed: CQC inspects 40 providers after whistleblower concerns


    Whisteblowing complaints to the CQC resulted in 15 NHS and 25 independent providers having an inspection instigated or bought forward Twenty per cent of private providers and 9 per cent of NHS providers subject to a complaint had an inspection unexpectedly scheduled Between 1 April 2016 and 17 February ...

  • Rob Behrens

    New regulator chief pledges to improve handling of NHS complaints


    New health ombudsman pledges to listen to concerns about service Rob Behrens replaces former ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor Dame Julie resigned after revelations by HSJ in 2016 The new head of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has pledged to listen to concerns about the way the watchdog ...

  • News

    GMC warns against 'unreasonable withdrawal' over IR35


    The General Medical Council has warned that any locum doctors engaging in “unreasonable withdrawal” from work could exacerbate pressure on health services and potentially risk patient safety.

  • EU flag

    Exclusive: Leak reveals worst case scenario for nursing after Brexit


    Modelling by civil servants shows NHS nursing supply could fail to meet demand by 2025-26 Worst case scenario shows a shortage of between 26,000 and 42,000 nurses Health minister convenes new committee to drive policy response After Brexit the NHS could be hit by a shortage of more ...

  • Blurred hospital corridor with three figures in it

    Trust A&E 'hours from closing' as locum pay row deepens


    Lincoln County Hospital A&E was “hours from closure” after locums declined work NHS Improvement says it is unacceptable for locums to hold NHS to ransom Eleven doctors did not show up for work at UHNM’s A&E A hospital emergency department was “just hours from closure” last week after ...

  • News

    NHS in 'Mexican standoff' with locums due to new tax rules


    New tax regulations for off-payroll staff come into force on Thursday Some locums and temporary staff are refusing to work at NHS trusts Trusts face “Hobson’s choice” over locums’ pay demands, says finance director Medical director says NHS “must hold the line” on pay cap The NHS is ...

  • child in hospital
    HSJ Local

    Children's lives put at risk at Stafford hospital, royal college warns


    Royal college review backs closure of children’s emergency centre Earlier review highlighted “potentially life threatening” management of cases Concerns follow a review in 2006 highlighting similar fears for safety Children’s lives were put at risk because of unsafe emergency services at Stafford Hospital, a review by the Royal ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: New agency staff rules put on hold


    NHS Improvement pauses new rules on employing agency staff RCN says plans were “ill conceived” and delay is welcome Jim Mackey says other planned changes announced in February will go ahead NHS Improvement has delayed “until further notice” bringing in new rules to prevent trusts from using agency ...

  • calendar

    Exclusive: Treasury funding fears derail medical examiner launch


    Funding fears over medical examiner fees have delayed launch A national medical examiner service was first recommended by the Shipman inquiry Department of Health says it is committed to launching medical examiners Plans for a national rollout of independent medical examiners next year has been abandoned by ministers ...

  • Jan Gilbertson

    Minor home repairs bring major benefits to health


    Healthcare must recognise how domestic improvements can play their part in reducing acute admissions, says Jan Gilbertson

  • Nythan Smith
    HSJ Knowledge

    Invest in compliance with health and safety law


    The impact of the health and safety offences sentencing guidelines on the health and social care sector