All Patient safety articles – Page 111

  • ultrasound

    Exclusive: Resident consultants key to safe care, says royal college


    Resident consultant working will improve patient care, says RCOG Royal college says rota gaps on obstetrics and gynaecology wards will “persist” Report says culture change required among senior staff Medical consultants should work more resident shifts on obstetrics and gynaecology wards to ensure safe care and help tackle ...

  • Shaun Lintern

    HSJ correspondent named specialist journalist of the year


    HSJ senior correspondent Shaun Lintern has been named specialist journalist of the year at the prestigious British Journalism Awards.

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Regulator's handling of Morecambe Bay scandal to be reviewed


    NMC announces review of how it dealt with the Morecambe Bay care scandal Decision follows concerns over its handling of investigations and pressure from DH NMC chief executive says she is determined to “learn lessons” An independent review into the handling of the Morecambe Bay care scandal by ...

  • clinical_leader_woman_manager_hospital

    Trusts with dangerous staffing levels face NHS Improvement intervention


    NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey says NHSI will demand evidence on workforce changes Regulator will develop a “safeguard” to prevent nursing associates substituting for qualified nurses Ruth May confirms nursing associates will also be counted separately to nurses in care hours metric Health economies and NHS providers’ ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: I'll cut locum doctors pay 'if I have to'


    NHS Improvement chief executive says regulator will take tougher approach to medical locum spend It may further reduce the pay cap in future if necessary Regulator will use locum cost data to identify unsustainable services NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey has told HSJ the regulator will now ...

  • Peter walsh

    “Safe space” proposals could worsen relationships between patients and the NHS


    Whilst protecting staff from inappropriate actions from bad employers is good, preventing patients from knowing the full truth would have serious consequences

  • handshake

    Patient body appoints new national director


    Healthwatch England, the national health and care “consumer champion”, has appointed Imelda Redmond as its new national director.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt: Introducing NHS general management may have been a 'mistake'


    Jeremy Hunt launches bid to increase NHS managers with clinical backgrounds Mr Hunt rejects idea that non-clinical managers were needed to take control of hospitals Government will look to reverse changes to medical training made after introduction of the European working time directive Introducing a general “manager class” ...

  • ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Ambulance trust speeds pregnancy calls following baby's death


    Ambulance trust upgrades its response for some pregnant women Assistant coroner says the failure of paramedics to care for the unborn baby is a “a clear training issue” Trust says long handover delays need to be addressed An ambulance trust has upgraded how it responds to some emergency ...

  • Supermarket

    NHS staff 'quitting to stack shelves', warns provider chief


    NHS Providers chief says health service wages are “uncompetitive” Chris Hopson warns trusts are “seriously worried” about retaining vital staff if pay restraint continues Survey shows concerns about retention of staff at all levels Trusts deserve great credit for driving down deficits, Mr Hopson says Staff in lower ...

  • Mop and bucket
    HSJ Local

    Trust seeks to terminate £200m contract


    Nottingham trust says it is seeking “managed end” to the contract with Carillion Decision follows complaints that nurses were cleaning after Carillion staff to maintain standards Five year contract meant 1,500 staff transferred to Carillion in 2014 Nottingham University Hospitals Trust will look to terminate a five year, ...

  • Ara Darzi

    This is how we get the measure of patient safety


    We must continue seeking the most effective set of indicators if we are to obtain a more accurate picture of patient safety, writes Lord Ara Darzi

  • Paul Smith

    Tracking the care journey holds the key to a better life


    By linking disabled facilities grants activity and social care data, home adaptations can delay entry into residential care

  • Workforce

    National officials 'ensuring' STPs plan 'right skilled' staffing


    NHS England “ensuring” an STP “will put in place the right skilled workforce” Draft STP plan proposed savings through “reduction of nursing grade input” NHS England has told HSJ it is working with a sustainability and transformation plan on ”ensuring they will put in place the right skilled ...

  • Bristol Children's Hospital

    Children's services review accelerated


    First findings of national review of paediatric intensive care services due in next few weeks Review follows investigation into Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital Services under pressure as children with more complex needs need PICU and lengths of stay increasing An NHS England review of paediatric intensive care services ...

  • Commons_chamber

    Law change needed to reform NHS investigations, says minister


    Minister says primary legislation will be needed to deliver “safe space” reforms Philip Dunne says NHS culture needs to be “turned around” to extend reforms locally New chief investigator had told MPs safe space should be for HSIB only Health minister Philip Dunne has told MPs primary legislation ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Does the NHS have its eyes wide shut?


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Syringe

    HEE rows back on nursing associates giving patients drugs unsupervised


    Nursing associates will be trained to administer drugs “within the confines of local employer policies”, it has been confirmed as the final version of the curriculum for those in the new role was published yesterday – a change from a leaked version of the document that was heavily criticised.

  • fetal ultrasound pregnancy monitoring

    Exclusive: CCGs warn over 'insufficient' funding for fetal medicine


    London CCGs warn funding for fetal medicine services is “insufficient” Five groups say current arrangements could “impact on equitable provision” Comments follow HSJ investigation that revealed babies were “dying unnecessarily” due to flawed funding system Clinical commissioning groups in London have said funding for fetal medicine services is ...

  • Whistle

    GP whistleblower guardian deadline extended


    Primary care providers will have until September next year to name their “freedom to speak up” guardians, NHS England has said.