All Patient safety articles – Page 129

  • Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

    Southern Health leadership condemned in report on patient deaths


    Southern Health investigates “too few” deaths in learning disability and older people’s mental health services, report says Board did not take action on the poor quality of investigations, despite repeated warnings from coroners Deaths had “little prominence” at board level Low level of investigations into deaths compared to similar ...

  • emergency__doctors__surgeons.JPG

    The use of temporary clinical staff in the NHS – HSJ workforce investigation main report


    The HSJ/HCL Workforce Investigation studied the underlying causes of the NHS’s escalating clinical temporary staff bill Chief executives, human resources directors, medical and nurse directors and finance directors were surveyed, with more than 70 responses. Recommendations include enhanced pay for shortage specialties and offering more flexible working Download a ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    HSJ investigation calls for improved pay to cut agency spending


    NHS providers should enhance pay and rewards and offer flexible working hours to staff to tackle their rising spend on agency staff, HSJ’s Workforce Investigation has recommended.

  • Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

    NHS has problem hearing families' voices, says Stevens


    Reforming care for people with learning disabilities is “unfinished business”, says Stevens NHS at a “cultural turning point” in the way it deals with families when “things go wrong” NHS England chief defends commissioning function over Southern Health The NHS is at a “cultural turning point” at which ...

  • Stafford Hospital

    Stafford Hospital death review criticises 'closed NHS culture'


    Independent review finds family’s fears over cause of death were correct Report criticises “closed culture” in the NHS that prevents complaints being heard CCG says it will act for family to secure a second inquest An independent investigation into the death of a three-year-old boy at Stafford Hospital ...

  • Mental health
    HSJ Local

    Private mental health hospital put in special measures


    Harriet Tubman House is first private mental health hospital to go into special measures CQC found patients who were not detained under the Mental Health Act were not allowed to leave the facility when they wanted Staff had not received training on restraint PERFORMANCE: A private mental health ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt condemns Southern Health over unexpected deaths


    Jeremy Hunt says MPs will be “profoundly shocked” at allegations over failures to investigate deaths Health secretary pledges to accept majority of recommendations of independent report Culture change is “unfinished business” from Mid Staffs, he says Mr Hunt does not rule out public inquiry Jeremy Hunt this morning ...

  • Nurse treating patient

    Modest improvement in patient experience, nine year analysis finds


    Nine years of data from NHS inpatient survey analysed by King’s Fund Data shows slight improvement in patient experience overall Think tank urges trusts to use data to plan longer term improvements There has been an improvement in patient experience within the NHS during the last nine years ...

  • Report

    Contested report raises serious concerns over Southern Health deaths


    Leaked report criticises leadership of Southern Health over deaths investigations A report by an academic, for the FT, says there are serious statistical faults with Mazars report Follows death of 18-year-old when a patient of Southern Health Critical findings in an NHS England-commissioned report into deaths among patients ...

  • Doctor

    Rise in junior doctors turning their back on NHS training


    Survey of more than 7,000 trainee doctors reveals almost half will not continue training in UK next year More doctors are taking career breaks but the number leaving the profession is static More than 10 per cent of trainees said they were pursuing a medical role outside the UK ...

  • Board room

    CQC criticised for errors leading to trust's £200k 'fit and proper person' bill


    Derby Teaching Hospitals chair calls for CQC to rethink its handling of fit and proper person complaints CQC failed to pass on vital information and is blamed for doubling cost of investigation Derby chief executive Sue James exonerated and called “exemplary” by report Serious concerns have been raised ...

  • emergency__doctors__surgeons.JPG

    BMA cancels strike as government suspends imposition threat


    Government agreed to drop imposition threat in exchange for “time limited” negotiations Agreement to negotiate follows Acas talks and months of acrimony after BMA walkout in October 2014 Hunt tells MPs strike action could have led to 20,000 operations being cancelled The British Medical Association has suspended strike ...

  • Syringe

    Exclusive: NHS England faces judicial review over narcolepsy drug refusal


    NHS England has until tomorrow to decide whether to fund narcolepsy treatment for teenager 194 patients have already received NHS funding for Xyrem Lawyers claim the refusal to fund the drug is discriminatory and unlawful NHS England has until tomorrow to decide whether to fund for a teenager ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Morecambe Bay transcripts to remain secret until autumn 2016


    Transcripts of 118 interviews could take until autumn 2016 to be published Morecambe Bay inquiry chair Bill Kirkup says timescale is a “surprise” Witnesses to the inquiry included senior NHS figures PATIENT SAFETY: Transcripts of interviews carried out for the Morecambe Bay inquiry will not be made public ...

  • Ara Darzi

    Why 'Hudson moments' are great for improving patient safety


    The immense training undergone by the Hero of the Hudson pilot offers valuable lessons for the NHS

  • Foreign passport

    Non-EU nurse visa applications up 209 per cent in 12 months


    Migration Advisory Committee report reveals scale of demand for nursing immigration MAC says majority of applications refused since June 2015 were for nurses RCN warns key supply line of overseas nurses being “strangled” by immigration policy Visa applications for nurses from outside the EU to work in the ...

  • Agency nurse

    Monitor reveals hourly rate caps for agency staff


    Monitor and TDA reveal hourly rates for all agency staff Regulators agree to exclude bank staff from new caps on pay Trusts express fears over safety in consultation response Monitor and the NHS Trust Development Authority have published details this afternoon of the hourly rates that NHS trusts ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Jeremy Hunt rejects BMA offer of Acas mediation


    Jeremy Hunt says the BMA carried out a “campaign of misinformation” Health secretary says doctors’ union should negotiate with the DH Government will not consider using Acas without “meaningful talks” first The health secretary has rejected an offer of third party mediation with the British Medical Association over ...

  • Bruce Keogh

    Keogh raises terrorism fears over junior doctors strike


    Sir Bruce Keogh says BMA must have clear guidance around major incidents in light of Paris attacks NHS England medical director says patient safety of “paramount importance” Letter calls on BMA to advise doctors to return to work if wards are short staffed Sir Bruce Keogh has called ...

  • News

    Junior doctors vote for strike action but call in Acas


    98 per cent of junior doctors vote in favour of strike action Chief medical officer says severity of strike action is a “step too far” BMA offers talks with government via conciliation body Acas Junior doctors have voted overwhelmingly for strike action over government plans to impose a ...