All Patient safety articles – Page 217
Centrally held patient records 'could save lives'
Centrally-held electronic records of core patient information could save lives and should be available in emergency situations, a Department of Health review has found.
Caesarean rates 'vary widely' in UK
A new study has suggested that the differences in opinion between doctors across England is the cause of varying rates of Caesarean sections carried out in the country.
King's Fund warns about 'scale and pace' of reforms
The government must reconsider the “speed and scale” of its white paper reforms, the King’s Fund has warned.
Thousands of hospital ward transfers are unnecessary
Hundreds of thousands of patients are moved between hospital wards with no clinical justification, risking the spread of infection.
Your idea could redefine the health service
What is the big idea that will guide and inform the development of the NHS throughout the next decade?
Lansley gives PCTs more cash but defends their abolition
Primary care trusts will be given £70m to spend on care to keep discharged patients out of hospital, health secretary Andrew Lansley announced at the Tory Party conference on Tuesday.
HSJ Knowledge
Stock control
Poor stock control can have a significant impact on patient safety and cancelled procedures. The push to deliver cost savings across the NHS should not be to the detriment of patient safety. Here we look at how trusts can realise significant cost savings through better stock control.
Ed Miliband signals tax rises to protect services
New Labour leader Ed Miliband has given his strongest signal yet that he would put up taxes in order to protect public services from spending cuts.
Monitor warns FTs against ‘salami slice’ cost shaving
Many foundation trusts are falling behind on ambitious savings plans and could end up making damaging “salami slice” cuts by the end of the year, their regulator has warned.
'Patient safety demands adequate resources, effectively applied'
In the face of ever more squeezed budgets and the pressures of reorganisation, chief executives and finance directors ignore patient safety at their peril.
Trust apologises after delivery errors leave baby brain damaged
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals Trust has apologised to a family after a baby was left blind in one eye and brain-damaged when hospital medical staff made a catalogue of errors during a routine birth.
CQC lifts condition on mental health trust
A health trust has had one of three conditions previously placed on it by the CQC lifted after it demonstrated that it has improved its system of ensuring patients’ detention papers are properly renewed under the Mental Health Act.
MS doctor 'should be struck off' - GMC
A doctor who gave multiple sclerosis patients “pointless” injections of a substance containing stem cells should be struck off, a fitness to practise hearing has been told.
BMA warning over access to patients' records
Doctors’ leaders have said tighter controls were needed to limit “inappropriate access” to patients’ electronic records.
Midwife workloads too high to be safe
Midwives in some regions of England have workloads more than a third higher than hospital safety standards recommend, official figures have suggested.
Nursing regulator to explore extension of powers
The Nursing and Midwifery Council plans to explore how to monitor “systemic failure” in NHS trusts.
CQC warns mental health trust of legal action
The Care Quality Commission has issued its toughest warning yet to a trust for failing to make sufficient improvements after receiving an initial warning.
Trust breached data laws over lost USB
A trust breached data protection law when a doctor lost a memory stick containing sensitive patient details on his train home, the information watchdog has said.
Scots twice as likely to die from alcohol
Scottish people are more than twice as likely to die as a result of alcohol than those born in England and Wales who live north in Scotland, new research suggests.
Former BMA chairman to face disciplinary panel
The former chairman of the British Medical Association will face a disciplinary panel accused of professional misconduct, it has emerged.