All Patient safety articles – Page 240

  • News

    Mental health trust may scan for weapons and drugs


    Airport style scanners for weapons and drugs could be installed in mental health wards, a leaked email seen by HSJ has revealed.

  • Comment

    Fight healthcare acquired infections with conviction


    Techniques for minimising healthcare acquired infection are well understood. Success is now just a matter of ensuring they are prioritised by all staff, says Janice Stevens

  • News

    NHS managers risk court over clinical errors


    NHS managers should be legally responsible for some clinical negligence cases, a patient safety expert has argued.Brian Toft, a professor of patient safety at Coventry University and incident investigator, believes that where healthcare professionals have told managers about a problem with their care environment, the manager should be liable for ...

  • News

    Conservatives call for action on blood recommendations


    The Conservatives have called for the government to respond to recommendations of an independent inquiry into how thousands of people were infected with HIV and hepatitis C from contaminated blood.

  • News

    Inquiry demands urgent action on contaminated blood


    Haemophiliacs infected with conditions including HIV and hepatitis and their carers should receive urgent government-funded financial aid, an independent inquiry has urged.

  • Comment

    Stephen Ramsden on seeing patient safety through


    The national Patient Safety First campaign has asked that any trust signing up commits to making the safety of patients its highest priority.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS single rooms: preferences and privacy


    While getting a one bed room on the NHS is a dream come true for many patients, for staff moving to single room acute care delivery it is an opportunity to break away from old working methods. Alison Moore reports

  • News

    Half of patients may not get lifesaving care


    Differences in medical opinion mean some critically ill patients have just a 50 per cent chance of lifesaving emergency treatment, despite being likely to survive if they receive it.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Added values: improving learning disabilities services


    People with learning disabilities are entitled to the same high quality healthcare as other patients, but serious cases of abuse and neglect suggest the NHS is far from meeting its obligations. Kaye McIntosh reports on the work now under way to turn this around

  • News

    Welsh healthcare regulator raps management at Gwent trust


    The Welsh healthcare regulator has published two reports critical of management of a provider's maternity, community and mental health services.

  • News

    Trusts must collect patient reported data or face fines


    Hospital trusts must prepare to ask thousands of patients to fill in questionnaires about their health before surgery - and face fines if not enough do so.

  • News

    DH promises to pay Maidstone legal bill


    The Department of Health has agreed to underwrite the massive legal bill Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust could face if Rose Gibb wins her controversial court case.

  • News

    SHAs push on A&E targets


    NHS chief executives across the country have been under increasing pressure to meet the four hour accident and emergency waiting time target this winter.

  • News

    Rose Gibb and the £250k question


    When Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust directors decided to arrange a pay-off for Rose Gibb they did not realise they were walking into a legal minefield. What lessons does the case hold? Alison Moore reports

  • News

    Malnutrition costs UK £13bn a year, report claims


    Three million people are living at risk of malnutrition in the UK and the condition is costing around £13bn a year, a report has claimed.

  • News

    Maternity closures increasing, say Conservatives


    Nearly 50 per cent of hospital trusts had to close to maternity admissions at least once in 2008.The Conservatives, who collated the figures from freedom of information requests, said they demonstrated Labour's 'terrible record on maternity'.

  • News

    Rose Gibb's 'irrational' pay-off went unchecked


    NHS South East Coast and the Department of Health were aware a pay-off was under discussion with Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust chief executive Rose Gibb - but they failed to intervene to stop it from being signed, a court heard last week.

  • News

    Rose Gibb: 'I was hounded, victimised, demonised'


    Rose Gibb accused health secretary Alan Johnson of 'hounding' her after the Healthcare Commission published its critical report.

  • News

    Row brews as DH rejects blood clots measure


    Healthcare Commission chair Sir Ian Kennedy has written to health secretary Alan Johnson to protest after the Department of Health rejected proposals aimed at reducing deadly blood clots.

  • News

    Rose Gibb faces agonising wait for court's judgement


    Rose Gibb faces an agonising wait to hear if she has won her legal battle with former employer Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust.At the end of four days of complex proceedings, Mr Justice Treacy said he wanted to reserve judgement on the breach of contract case.