All Patient safety articles – Page 248

  • News

    Scottish health sector investigations


    The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman laid 23 investigation reports before Scottish Parliament today, including 17 about the health sector.

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    Healthcare Commission highlights mental health failings


    The Healthcare Commission has published the most comprehensive assessment of NHS acute inpatient mental health services ever undertaken.

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    Doctors to be revalidated every five years


    Final plans for conducting regular checks on doctors to improve patient safety were unveiled today by chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety


    Over the last few years, patient safety has gone from being a marginal issue that was often neglected to one of the highest priority issues in modern healthcare. There is now much greater awareness of patient safety issues among clinicians, managers and policy makers and the levels of incident reporting ...

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    Oxford trust fined for injury to patient


    Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals trust has been fined £8,000 and ordered to pay costs and compensation following an injury to a patient in its care.

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    Health select committee announces patient safety probe


    MPs on the health select committee are to conduct an inquiry into patient safety.Committee chairman Kevin Barron announced yesterday that the investigation would start in the autumn.

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    MRSA rates fall 30 per cent


    MRSA bloodstream infections fell by 30 per cent last year - the greatest annual reduction in the last five years - new figures published by the Department of Health show.

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    Massive variation in Ritalin prescribing


    There is a 23-fold difference in the rate at which children in different parts of England are prescribed Ritalin to control their behaviour, figures seen by HSJ reveal.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: GP ratings


    There's a new hot topic for the hospital water cooler - a website that allows patients to rate doctors just like a book they've ordered from Amazon.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Deaths data: under threat


    The national confidential inquiries into why patients die have saved lives, but funding problems now threaten their own survival. Rebecca Norris looks at their prospects

  • Comment

    Stephen Ramsden on cultural revolutions


    There is often talk about changing the culture of NHS organisations. But no matter how well leaders articulate their big plans, if we do not focus on the microsystems in our organisations we are unlikely to see real behaviour change.

  • News

    Maternity services report highlights failings


    The Healthcare Commission has published a report on the state of maternity services in England showing that inadequate staffing and poor teamwork are a systemic national problem.

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    Raise the SBAR


    Inadequate communication and weak teamwork often feature in reports of patient safety incidents to the National Patient Safety Agency ('Anyone here a doctor who speaks nurse?').

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    Mental health killings point to lack of support for teams


    Independent investigations into the care and treatment of two mental health patients who went on to kill have highlighted a lack of support for mental health team managers.

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    Healthcare Commission survey highlights maternity failings


    The Healthcare Commission is demanding improvements in maternity care after a huge review showed some women are put at risk by shortages of staff, beds and bathrooms.

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    Hygiene campaign extends reach


    Following a focus on acute trusts, this month the National Patient Safety Agency's clean your hands campaign is extending out to primary care, mental health, care and ambulance trusts across England and Wales.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Handling an inquest: a guide for NHS managers


    Healthcare organisations need to prepare themselves for the challenges of dealing with an inquest, particularly in light of the Human Rights Act and the forthcoming Coroners Bill. Simon Tait and Barbara Anthony explain

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    New guidance on hand hygiene


    A film that shows NHS workers how to clean their hands properly has been sent out to all trusts.

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    DH behind in Olympic planning race


    Senior managers have attacked the Department of Health for failing to face the health and safety challenges of the 2012 Olympic games.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: The reinvention of hospitals


    A ramshackle collection of impoverished hospitals dotted the NHS landscape in 1948. Anthony Harrison charts the transformation that has created the modern secondary care scene