All Patient safety articles – Page 256

  • News

    'Dangerous' surgeons being put on specialist register


    Doctors deemed to be a danger to patients are being put on the specialist register and permitted to work as consultant surgeons, HSJ has learnt.

  • News

    New super-regulator begins to take shape


    Last week the bill that will see the merger of three regulators began its process through the Lords. But there are warnings that detail on the new legislation is sketchy, leaving trusts in the dark over how it will affect them. Charlotte Santry reports

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    'Overburdened' staff put mothers and babies at risk


    Too little focus on maternity services and safety by some trust boards is leading to problems, an independent inquiry is expected to warn tomorrow.

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    Trust reveals price of advice on chief's payout


    Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust has revealed it spent nearly £23,000 on legal advice over the severance payment to its former chief executive Rose Gibb.

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    Funding boost for specialist doctors


    The Department of Health will more than double the funds available to support the professional development of specialist doctors in 2008/09, health minister Ann Keen has announced.

  • News

    Ministers press for more child palliative care


    Ministers have made it clear they expect primary care trusts to spend more on children's palliative care.

  • Comment

    Why this delay?


    In my opinion, Sophia Christie has missed the point about Lucentis. There is no doubt that many ophthalmologists in the UK would agree that the price of Lucentis is too high, writes Jonathan Gibson

  • Comment

    Ronny Flynn on righting racial inequalities


    Frontline staff and managers' skills in engaging with and using evidence are essential to promoting race equality in health services. Britain prides itself on its open access to healthcare and the quality of its prevention and treatment of illness.

  • Comment

    Clean record


    Media Watch reported that according to the Mail on Sunday, NHS North East spent £150,000 on cardboard nurses.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tolerance of NHS mistakes needs major overhaul


    In other industries mistakes are considered unacceptable, yet in the NHS minor errors cause thousands of extra days in hospital

  • News

    Violence increases but training in restraint techniques is still on hold


    Urgent proposals for dealing with violent patients are still awaiting government funding 10 years after the death that sparked them.HSJ has discovered that a national training scheme for staff in acute mental health wards has been on hold for years, despite fresh evidence of increasing violent behaviour.

  • News

    Trust defends repainting to greet prince


    Birmingham Children's Hospital foundation trust has defended using government funding to repaint hospital wards and a conservatory used by patients and visitors ahead of a royal visit.

  • Comment

    Find the funds to keep violence in check


    Uniquely among the main care disciplines, mental health services routinely have to manage a triangle of potentially violent relationships: patients attacking staff, patients attacking each other and - when it comes to restraining aggression - staff using force on patients.

  • News

    Half of mental health nurses assaulted, audit reveals


    More than half of nurses on mental health wards have been physically assaulted at work, according to an audit of violence in mental health services published today.The audit - the second national assessment of its kind - covered more than 200 NHS and independent mental health units and was carried ...

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    Trading standards to check on weighing


    From April, council trading standards officers across the UK will work with their local NHS trusts to inspect all hospital weighing equipment and make sure it is accurate, legal and fit for purpose.

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    New health and social care complaints system


    Councils and the NHS are to trial a new health and social care complaints system, the DH announced today.

  • News

    'Pay for performance' could be next, says NHS medical director


    The NHS medical director has warned managers of the national clinical audit programme that they 'must deliver' or they could lose their contract.

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    Bromley Hospitals trust fails cleanliness spot check


    Bromley Hospitals trust has been rapped for breaching the hygiene code after a Healthcare Commission spot check.

  • News

    Bromley hospital breached hygiene rules, say inspectors


    Bromley Hospitals trust has been issued with an improvement notice for breaching the hygiene code after a spot check by the Healthcare Commission.Inspectors found dust in wards and dirty equipment during an unannounced visit to Princess Royal University Hospital last month.

  • News

    Learn from patient safety failures, trusts urged


    Poor leadership, ineffective management and inadequate teamwork are common to failings in patient safety, the Healthcare Commission has said.A report looking at lessons from 14 investigations said the boards of failing trusts often concentrated on work such as meeting targets or mergers at the expense of other activities.